The most practical applications of this are the Rod of Necromancy and Crystal Ball.|||Quote:
The cooldown associated with an item is tied to the hero that used it. That means if you use the item with one hero and then pass it to a new hero, he can use it immediately.
The most practical applications of this are the Rod of Necromancy and Crystal Ball.
And what if you give the rod of necromancy and crystal ball back to the hero who first used it? Will it be useable again? or do you still have to wait?|||Quote:
And what if you give the rod of necromancy and crystal ball back to the hero who first used it? Will it be useable again? or do you still have to wait?
No, you have to wait. The game 'remembers' that that particular hero used the item a few seconds ago.
My tip: put a worker (preferably a wisp as NE) near a Goblin Lab so you can use 'Reveal' whenever you want. This is VERY useful if your opponent like to Windwalk-harass you or likes to 'Hide' his hunts or archers.
If you havent crept the Lab yet, you can sneak a peon or wisp past the units if they sleep at night and leave him at the back of the Lab (where the creeps won't notice him) for the rest of the game.|||expo during earlier T2, preferably after the 1st T2 battle in which you force him to back off. during the transition between T1 and T2, you should creep a mine (for the future expo), and it should be partially out of the way. the best onese are those that have either 1-2 routes of access, so that if they DO decide to attack, you can catch them in the bottleneck (if you don't choose to tp).
this is a good general rule for those who aren't sure when to expo, and aren't using a fast-expo tactic.|||If you want to leave a worker unit other than a Wisp in a certain location, but don't want to have the 'idle worker' button for him, you can put him on 'patrol'. This is useful for the leaving a worker by a neutral building idea.|||When playing on Gnoll Wood (especially from the 7 0'clock spot) and you are being held in your base by siege, remember there is a tavern just beyond the trees to the south. This can also serve as an escape route to get an expo if the chance presents itself. I had someone reviving their heroes at the tavern while under siege and never thought to check the tavern, which would have also given me a backdoor to take out the workers and end the game.
Also, because of the same situation, from now on if I am camped at someones base and just can't break the stalemate, I will employ a starvation tactic- no trees = no more production (and more space to attack instead of the bottle neck tower fire route.)
Lesson learned,
I did not check this with my own replays, I checked while watching some of the better players in the game. Three games, three Orc players, one each of the other three races in 1v1 matches. The Orc always went out first. However there was only a few hundred to about 1200 difference in amount left for the other player. Maybe this is because the Orc (and Elf) are the ones more prone to harass and kill off workers and the Undead and Elf seem to be more prone to loose workers at the start to this.
Don't really know the answer, just what time the mine is gonna play out.
DB|||If you've been queueing up units or spellcasters, have the rally point set on the hero, but haven't been able to add them to a control group due to a battle, you can very quickly do so without a lot of keypresses:
Select the control group you want to add to. Hold down both shift and control at the same time, click on the particular unit type you want to add to that group. All of that unit type will be selected and added to your selection group, but the units already selected will not be deselected. Then you just control-# to finalize the group. But there's a better method in a moment-
Second, you know that you can hold down shift and click to add particular units to a currently selected group, but if you select the unit(s) without pressing shift, and then press shift+#, and it actually add the unit(s) to the control group, ie, they will still be in the group the next time you press that number.
If you try combine these two tricks, you'll notice that ctrl is only used for selecting all units of one type, and specifying that only the selected units should be in the control group. What this means is you can leave out control entirely. If you want to add two new sorceress to a control group having 3 different types of spellcasters, you simply doubleclick ANY sorc, (or select the new ones) then press shift+2.
In fact, you never have to use control at all-unless you want to reorganize your control groups. Shift can be used for both adding to a group and forming it in the first place.|||On Trisfal Glades (solo map) you can cut your way through or demo your way through the center clump of trees so that you can either claim both mines with easy access or attack your opponent. Also on the lower left goblin merchant shop you can purchase from the cliff above and behind it if you cut down one or two trees (the middle between the exspos). At the top right shop you can purchase items from the bluff behind it also. (No tree cutting involved)
On the Glacial Thaw map you can attack the expos from the lower ground and thus largely avoid the defenses that may be present, well you can with Demos. You can also fit a new base there if you need to relocate. (yeah, I done it.) The passage along the right to the top player location is a perfect setup area for a well laid trap or point from which to mount a siege. Just don't get trapped yourself.
DB|||I have a tip ...
If you're playing with Orc on that map with the fountain of health in the middle that is snowed under [can't remember the name right now
Btw, on most goblin merchants, u can actually inch bit by bit to get close enough to buy without bothering the creeps.
samegoes for labs and founts|||you could, also sneak up during night, it works well with lab when you are in need of a zepplin, you can simply fly out of there before the sun can rise.
my tip is to set some of ure production buildings (barrax for example) as CTRL-0. this way, if ure in the middle of a battle, lets say, u have hunts, they have grunts for example, then they bring a load of wyverns, u can quickly press 0 and queue a bunch of archers, set the rally 2 ure hero without even having to take ure eyes off the battle :D|||I'd like to point out communication tips.
Read thru the terminology thread, and use them well. Also, if it would help, you dont ahve to press alt+g before clicking for a ping. You can just hold down alt and click to ping. It waay faster, and is way less troublesome when you need focus to micro with your keyboard.|||Speaking of communication, never use the chat menu (f12) to change who you are sending messages to. Dozens of times, I've seen noobs make some wiseass remark over Chat-All, then forget to switch back to Chat-Allies and later give away their strategy.
Instead, use SHIFT-ENTER each time you want to Chat-All.|||-Zepelins can transport Glaives Throwers swifty to an enemy base to destroy towers and then retreat.
-I think detonating a wisp on Trisfal Glade's non-ice archer skeletons damage them quicker. Good for creeping faster during the first night. It's a tradeoff.
-Ranged heroes can pass items between each other better than melee ones simply because they're on the backlines.
-Ranged creeps generally attack the first enemy within ranged. Which means if they come into range with your huntress, they're likely to attack it.
-Allies who pass and use moonstones consecutively can maintain moonwells in nearly maximum energy. Good to know between Night-loving elves.
-The POTM can have her owl follow an ally hero allowing an ally a "night-light".
-Against entangle or WEs, hiring an Gnoll Warden is a good idea for the first night.
-Poison baring creeps generally spread their poison rather focus on one unit. Killing them first reduces their spread.
-Creeps who chase your hero beyond their boundary retreat back--any hits done while they're retreating does trigger retaliation. Good for shadowmelders.
-Shadowmelding hunts and archers to block bridges offers you safe ranged sniping over on the safe side of an invisible wall.
-Maintaining a patron near a Goblin Lab allows you to pay for Reveal against invisible units whenever you need it. Cost 50 gold per use.
-Buffing second or third heroes with circlets insures their protection against high level killers like Cheesebolt and Cheddarcoil.
-Staff of Teleportation and Staff of Preservation can swifty transport your heroes back to base for items and back to your army.
-Creeps with Bloodlust will bloodlust one enemy at a time due to their cooldown. Wait for them to bloodlust that enemy then hex or entangle him, then kill of the bloodlust caster.
-Spreading damage out with bouncing glaives or diverted FF on creep camps with healers triggers them to heal rather than attack no matter who minor the damage is.
-Sacrifical Skulls heal 2 hp per second to UD units, dump one whenever you're against non-UD enemies so that you always take advantage of Unholy Aura and UD regeneration.
-Orbs allow melee heroes to gain a ranged anti-air attack capable of gaining from trueshot. However orbs are all different. Orb of Venom is better for ranged heroes to spread. Orb of Corruption begs for FF company. Orb of Fire is cheaper than other orbs, thus easier to stack for damage. Orb of Lightning is good for faster attack melee heroes going in for slow and kill. Orb of Darkness works like Black Arrows, even better since it doesn't cost mana, aim for dying units or the small ones like Archers. Orb of Frost maybe be purchased by the Marketplace (did they change it? No?), buying can be worth it, works better than Lightning.
-Certain spells and skills like Entangle, Faerie Fire, Ensnare, Lightning Shield, Warstoomp can disable invisibility and shadowmeld.
-Shadowmelding units allows you safeguard them during battle for your Staff of Preservation to cooloff and teleport them home. Keeping a few moonwells on autocast on the way allows you to heal them as they rush back.
-All fast flyers can be used as expansion scouts, especially cheaper ones like Hyppogryphs and Faerie Dragons.
-Agility heroes gain nothing from agility. 3 agility for 5% armour is not the equal to 3 strength for 75 bonus hp + bonus hp regeneration. Plus agility's affect on attack rate is neglible in actual melee games. When picking an agility hero, be aware of this imbalance bias. The only consolation is the fact that agility heroes can gain bonus attack damage from agility items whereas non-agility heroes don't. That's a 33% chance between Orge Gaunlet, Slippers and Mantle of non-agility heroes getting a crap item that only gives 5% bonus armour. Therefore, Gloves of Haste and Rings of Protection are better and more useful for strength and inteligence heroes. A similar 25% chance of getting a crap tome of agility holds (tomes of health counts).|||dispel works on skelly archers? i thought they only work on skelly warriors?|||You can collect idle peons with repeatedly pressing shift+f8. I use this when I lose a burrow and didn't put all peons on autorepair yet.|||One more tip:
-Use a potion of lesser invulnerability to dispel Shadowstrike's poison.|||Quote:
dispel works on skelly archers? i thought they only work on skelly warriors?
Dispel damages all summoned units of any kind.|||Quote:
-I think detonating a wisp on Trisfal Glade's non-ice archer skeletons damage them quicker. Good for creeping faster during the first night. It's a tradeoff
-Buffing second or third heroes with circlets insures their protection against high level killers like Cheesebolt and Cheddarcoil
don't wisps only do damage to summons? that doesn't include creep skeles of any sort except for ones brought about with the Raise Dead some monsters like the Satyr Hellcaller have
why circlets? only 50 hp, why not the P of Vitality? 150 HP, alot better choice to go against spell casters
anyway, good things to do are to get mercs generally throughout the game, and to constantly check the marketplace, lots of times they'll popup some awesome summonables or high end hero enhancing items that you'll want to grab, even if it costs an arm and a leg,I find them to be highly rewarding come battle time|||No, I tried it once on those standard skeleton archers. It kills them.
If not, Blizzard must have changed it secretly. Detonating a wisp for that map doesn't help too much.
Pendants work too but they're expensive. Plus circlets offer some additional inteligence for heroes who have spells to cast.
Mercenaries are good but they always cost more than what they're worth and have lower hp than racial equivalents. I only recommend merc units that offer special skills like Purge, Bloodlust (only for your hero's need) or Rejuvenation (only you're not NE because the Fulrog one sux).|||Well, you don't need to build a building for mercs (Like the Arcane Sanctum or Beastiary) and they are instant (no building time), so if they were as expensive as your 'own' units they would be highly abusive. :)
- Hold down shift and right-click on the enemy Blademaster 2 or 3 times to keep attacking the 'real' BM even after he uses Mirror Image.|||Ultimate orc strategy early-game: Rush with peons, about 20 of them.
Ultimate orc strategy late-game: 50 Blood-lusted peons own everything.
Dispel damages all summoned units of any kind.
I was referring to skelly archer creeps. not the ones from the book you summon with. those aren't summonables, right?|||-Get a zeppelin ASAP, then pick up a peon, drop it in the woods at your enemys base (there are lots of small "holes" in the forest).
-Que up attack orders for him, to attack some trees, this is to remove the trees.
-Que up some towers. (over your newly-cut trees)
-Load your zeppelin with demolishers
-Drop demolishers in slighlty larger "hole".
-Blast some more forest with your demo.
-Drop demos in "blast-point".
-Use zeppelin to scout, so your demos and towers start working.
-While panicks because of this unorthodox strategy, you can go expand and tech to BL in peace.
- Put Raiders in Zeppelin.
- Put Shaman in Zeppelin.
- Release both in back of enemies base.
- GG.
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