I was playing Warchasers after a long time without playing it (1-2 years, maybe), and after some insight I developed a new strategy to beat the Steam Tank (a.k.a. Roadkill) area. I was playing solo, and used no cheats.
Here's how I did it:
I love this scenario, and have already beat it solo with 5 of 8 heroes (I'm still trying to beat with BladeBerserker and BeastMaster - Mumm-Rah sucks a lot)
Share your opinions!|||Great strategy. I would never think of that... extremely clever. I was just stacked on this part of the game. Actually it is very easy to solo this game unless for the steam tank part. After this video I managed to do it, but with 2 infernals though (massive immolation damage). Shadowlord part was easy, you dont really need to do much. I've done it with Optimus Primo, loved that hero, nice AoE and his Avatar is godlike.|||Quote:
After this video I managed to do it, but with 2 infernals though (massive immolation damage).
Personally, I'm not fond of using 2 Infernals. It's hard to move (they are too bulky) and sacrifices equipment (for hard-hitting heroes like Optimus Primo or MegoTronX, this is not too much of a hassle). My strategy is based mostly on the Infernal (the Drake is only tower fodder).|||Actually, I didn't find any problem with money. Just bought a Mask of Death and thats it, got some invul pots also. Items you find on the floor. I really did not have any problem on it, 3000 HP, massive damage, godlike avatar, and invul pots just let him get all the HP back (wands of wind and summonables helped on the end too).
Oh, I remember, I bought a Command Aura item and a Claw of Attack, but ended the game with 9000 money. I dont know if it is because of the solo or of the hero, but it was pretty easy excluding the start (no items, no regen for anything, just had to wait hp and mana to come back after first murlocs).
You can also buy Scepter of Mastery and get the Blue Drake (frost attack + never fading away). I couldn't figure out a way to kill the dragons before Orb of Frost.|||Quote:
I really did not have any problem on it, 3000 HP, massive damage, godlike avatar, and invul pots just let him get all the HP back (wands of wind and summonables helped on the end too).
Well, you didn't have any problems because you used the almighty Optimus Primo. Things gey tricky when you get underrated heroes like Skeletorus and Assassin; for these heroes, every piece of gear is essential. (And it also includes Mask of Death and Necklace of Spell Immunity, the pinnacles for solo survival). For these heroes, ending game solo without the high-tier item summons (Demonic Figurine and Infernal Stone) is nearly impossible.
You can also buy Scepter of Mastery and get the Blue Drake (frost attack + never fading away). I couldn't figure out a way to kill the dragons before Orb of Frost.
Wonderful solution! I wasn't stuck at the Blue Drakes for pure chance: I went to Paradise, and got Orb of Fire. Where do I get Orb of Frost?|||Quote:
Well, you didn't have any problems because you used the almighty Optimus Primo. Things gey tricky when you get underrated heroes like Skeletorus and Assassin; for these heroes, every piece of gear is essential. (And it also includes Mask of Death and Necklace of Spell Immunity, the pinnacles for solo survival). For these heroes, ending game solo without the high-tier item summons (Demonic Figurine and Infernal Stone) is nearly impossible.
Wonderful solution! I wasn't stuck at the Blue Drakes for pure chance: I went to Paradise, and got Orb of Fire. Where do I get Orb of Frost?
Ill try Skeletrous or Assassin after...
I dunno where to get Orb of Frost, i think it was on some lizards. But it is not early in the game, though. Too bad I went to hell on that part of the game, so all I've found was monsters. On the Drakes I've just fled away... couldn't kill it.|||Quote:
I was playing Warchasers after a long time without playing it (1-2 years, maybe), and after some insight I developed a new strategy to beat the Steam Tank (a.k.a. Roadkill) area. I was playing solo, and used no cheats.
Here's how I did it:
I love this scenario, and have already beat it solo with 5 of 8 heroes (I'm still trying to beat with BladeBerserker and BeastMaster - Mumm-Rah sucks a lot)
Share your opinions!
I accept with information: It's hard to move and sacrifices equipment for hard-hitting heroes like Optimus Primo or MegoTronX, this is not too much of a hassle.
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