Bootlucky|||wow. I get no where near that far in that game. That's the one with the Glaive Towers as your beginning tower right? And you get get a hero or other builders to get elemental towers and stuff.
What towers to you generally use? The glaive towers are good early, but don't do nearly enough damage in the later rounds.
Sorry if I'm thinking of the wrong game.|||Get the purple (?) anchient tower and level up roar like mad, then surround him (Completely surround him) With water stream towers, and cast roar. It works, trust me...|||Quote:
I am playing Blizzard's Azure Tower defense and I can not come beat the thing. I have about 53% corruption starting the last wave and I can not kill the huge chymera or frost wyrm. I don't seem to do ANY damage to them or to the archimode thing at the end. The seem to regenerate health like crazy. Any tips??
You are talking about Azure Tower Defence, not Blizzard Tower Defence. For Azure, you got to have the ultimate tower for killing + poison tower for magic inmunes and dragonhawk for slow (no autocast, must micro fast). Use Death and Decay wisely.|||I have never beat Azure solo, but I did beat it playing with a friend. We each specialized in one kind of tower, and built towers on each other's bases. Then near the end, I gave him most of my income so he could research and build the super tower. Even then it was quite a battle!
I actually came looking for some myself (for "Blizzard's Tower Defense", not the "Azure Tower Defense"). I have only made it to level 37/38, when the fairie dragons and void walkers start teleporting short distances - I think when they get hit by a specific tower, although I'm not sure which one - and so the game is over reaaaly fast. I can't help but think this must be a bug of some sort. It doesn't seem fair...but I guess maybe I'm just missing something.
Good luck!
Get the purple (?) anchient tower and level up roar like mad, then surround him (Completely surround him) With water stream towers, and cast roar. It works, trust me...
Exactly right. Make sure you have roar leveled up well before the higher level monsters start coming out otherwise your dead. Literally.|||well, thanks for the help everyone. I was talking about the azure tower one. I'll try the poison and dragonhawk approach. I have beaten the Blizzard tower one by myself. The phase shift things I could not beat and I did a lot of saving and loading as well. I probably had about 20 assassination towers by the end of it though and I used the aura towers as well. Cold towers are a must for that one.|||At first, I thought this scenario was impossible. But contrary to initial appearance, it is winnable. I completed my last game with 93 lives left at the end. (Two Faerie Dragons and a Void Walker got through. That's with a lot of reloading.) Here's how:
- The goal is to maximize the number of assassination towers you have by round 37. These are the only things that can stop the faerie dragons and void walkers. They are also more effective against everything else than other towers (even taking account of their higher cost).
- Conserve money early in the game. You should be able to get by with no more than 5 boulder/glaive towers (including the starting tower).
- Buy a hero as early as possible (this can be done by wave 6). Do this before getting poison towers, etc. Get Thrall. His earthquake spell will enable you to remove mushrooms ("trees") so you can place towers in their place. And stasis trap is the best spell in the game.
- After that, the next priority is to get two hero towers. Get two of the green (area effect) ones, because their Death Aura and Fan of Knives (particularly the latter) are very powerful, and they require very little management (Aura is passive and Fan does not require you to select a target). Place them on the piece of land in the upper left part of the map that is surrounded on three sides by a path. This way, the creeps will be in range of the towers for a long time, while they're walking all the way around them.
- This should make the next several rounds easy. Use Fan of Knives as needed, and put a Stasis Trap near the hero towers in every round. For difficult mobs, 3 or 4 stasis traps can be placed, and each tower can use Fan multiple times.
- Try to save up two scrolls of the beast.
- After you have the hero towers, start placing poison, booster, and cold towers in appropriate positions to slow down the monsters while they walk around the two hero towers. Do not waste money on water towers, fire towers, or anything else.
- Finally, get an executioner and start building assassination towers. You can get the first one by round 22 (or even 21, if you skip on getting a jailer, which is actually a viable strategy). The assassination towers should be placed at about the middle of the map. This enables them to attack almost anywhere on the map, with their range of 1800. Upgrade each tower fully before building the next one (this is more efficient in terms of damage output per unit of gold spent). After building two, build a booster tower and upgrade it (+15% attack speed compounded with +25% damage gives you a 44% increase in damage done per second).
- Then place cold, poison, and booster towers at intervals along the rest of the path outside the gate.
- When round 37 comes along, if not before, sell your boulder and glaive towers. I would even sell poison towers. Otherwise, they will just function to speed up the Faeries/Void Walkers' progress through the maze. Every time the Faeries/Void Walkers are hit they jump forward. Because of this, you want them only to be hit by something that does a lot of damage.
- In rounds 37 and 38, use a Scroll of the Beast on the assassination towers; save a Greater Scroll of the Beast for round 38. Have Thrall use Storm Bolt as often as possible. While they are stunned, make the towers and Thrall attack the stunned Faerie dragon/Void walker. Do not let Thrall attack non-stunned creatures, as this will just make them jump forward (keep him running around if necessary).
- The rest is straightforward--just build more assassination towers near the middle of the map, and some death towers near where you put the hero towers. In the wave with the phoenixes (45), put all the assassination towers into one control group and have them all target the egg when one of the phoenixes goes down. In the wave with the balrogs that go ethereal (49), note that you can still cast storm bolt on them to slow them down while they are ethereal. With difficult mobs, place multiple stasis traps, and use Fan of Knives multiple times.|||Or just play Tides of BLood...
- In the beginning, build a few Hammer towers near where the monsters come out (on the first vertical piece of land that the monsters approach before they split two ways). Send the builder back east, to put a few Guard (arrow) towers at the last vertical piece of land the monsters approach before they again split two ways.
- To avoid getting any corruption in the first two rounds, you need to use the money you make at the beginning of the round (from the hammer towers destroying things) to upgrade the guard towers at the other end of the map.
- Get the heros Thekeksis (the tiger lady) and D'vorjakque (the skeleton guy), fairly early in the game so they can level up. You want the spells: Earthquake, Entangling Roots, Death & Decay, and Sleep.
- There are two narrow passages the monsters pass through (one upper and one lower) after they come out each round: line these passages with fire towers. Also place several cold and acid towers to slow the creatures down as they pass through. Don't bother with lightning towers, since the fire towers are more effective given their area attack.
- After you have 6 cold towers, upgrade them all the way. The second upgrade approximately triples the effectiveness of your cold towers (relative to towers that were upgraded only once). Similarly, after you have about 8 fire towers, get the first upgrade. After you have about 15 fire towers, get the second upgrade.
- Continue on like this until about round 32 or 33, when you need to start saving money. Build some stuff near where the monsters exit, to pick off any stray creatures that get through your main, fire-tower-based defense. But from round 33 on, save up for Astral Zenith towers, and do not spend money on anything else.
- Rounds 35-39 are the hardest; your defenses are weakest relative to the monsters, due to the money-saving. I got through them by using Death & Decay and Earthquake in each of these rounds, right in the place where the monsters gather near my first hammer and fire towers. "How can you use Death & Decay every round?--the cooldown time is too long," you say. The answer is to keep one creature alive & asleep at the end of the round. Keep putting it to sleep until the cooldown for D&D is done; then kill it.
- When you get enough money, put Astral Zenith towers near the middle of the map (that is, the middle of the part of the map that you're using), so they can attack monsters during almost their entire journey toward the tree of life.
- During the "Boss Marathon" (round 40), don't forget to build more Astral Zenith towers after you get the money from killing each boss. When you have more than one boss, use Sleep liberally, so all the Astral towers can target a single enemy at once. For the tough bosses near the end, you need to use Death & Decay, and use Entangle to hold them in place. Once you kill one of the Mnesthes' at the end, you get 5000 gold, so it should then be easy to kill the others with the 5 additional Astral towers you're able to build.
- Tip: Often, when you put someone to sleep, they get woken up because they get damaged from an area attack that targeted another creature. Solution: entangle the target creature first, wait until his friends have moved away from him, then put him to sleep.|||Additional notes on this scenario: Through many hours of play, I've determined that it is possible to complete this with 100 lives left at the end.
- You should *not* get a jailer or build cold towers before round 37. Also, only build one or two booster towers. Save all that money for more assassination towers. This makes the other rounds up to round 37 harder, but it makes it possible to complete round 38 without any monsters getting through. (It helps if Thrall gets the sword that slows down creatures, particularly for the hydra.)
- I put 3 assassination towers in the initial area where the monsters come out (near the shop), although it might've been better if they were outside with the other towers.
- By round 37, both of the hero towers should have level 5 Fan of Knives. The two towers should be in their own control group. When the creatures approach them, click the "Stop" command repeatedly, to prevent them from firing. But take a second to have both towers cast Fan of Knives when a lot of creatures are near. Go back to clicking "Stop". Do Fan of Knives again when it is ready. Click stop until the monsters are out of range.
- Then go back to controlling Thrall, who should be near the exit. Don't let him use his normal attack, but use Storm Bolt on creatures approaching the exit.
If you're very careful, this will enable you to stop all the void walkers. Then you can get to building cold towers, death towers, etc.|||This reminded me of the secret blood elf level....|||Oh my god, You guy are superb!!! I can't do it though I try what you did, I'm so luck of skill, can anybody give me a replay for this, I spend hours in this and still stay at 37... (Replay for wc 1.20 plzzz)|||I hate tower defense games...ALL of them! But I respect other peoples choices...I did play azure and blizzard tower defense (before i started to hate them) but the best i did (from both) was beating off the 7/8 wave...and then cr*p!!!|||I fail every time at A. Tower Defense. I guess there�s a problem with the way I spend my money...but I never have enough to research and build Astrals before round 30...therefore I can only sit and watch units go by trough my defenses without a single scratch. I�ve tried different approaches. For instance I stopped building fire towers (saves money...and I don�t see how they can be useful), I summon my hero (lich) for round 7, and in the meantime I build a lot of gas bomber towers (which are really least at the beginning of the game). Some Ice towers (upgraded), some Poison (upgraded) and electric towers to slow units down. The rest is pray and use of hero to save enough money...but it doesn�t get me trough.
Does anybody have a similar approach and won the game with it? Or else, what could I be doing wrong? (I�ve read your posts...but I guess you guys are just better than me at this game...that could be it).
Replays of single player T. defense would definitly be good to watch and learn.|||Quote:
Oh my god, You guy are superb!!! I can't do it though I try what you did, I'm so luck of skill, can anybody give me a replay for this, I spend hours in this and still stay at 37... (Replay for wc 1.20 plzzz)
found a nice replay, blizzard's tower defense replay that is !!1 but the bad part is it's for 1.18
like i said patch was harder to find .. i got it from here dunno if it will work for u tho.
but this guy has realy ****y micro.. and has a lame win .. so i would realy want a better replay.
hope u hear us owl232 after 1 and a 1/2 year :D|||you do not need the executioner jailer to beat the game
here is a strategy to get a hero by round 3:
-upgrade the glaive tower you start out with fully (you have just enough gold to do this).
-during the first wave, your tower will leave anywhere from 0-2 lesser felbeasts alive, depending on your luck. As soon as you reach 4 gold during the wave, build a glaive tower on the first corner to pick off any survivors
-with your money from wave 1, fully upgrade your new tower.
-your two towers will take care of round 2. save your gold, do not build any towers.
-in round 3, with the overlord and greater felbeasts, first click on your first glaive tower and watch it kill things. As soon as your first glaive tower can no longer attack (enemies have left its attack range), sell it for 8 gold. Now do the same with your second glaive tower: wait until it no longer attacks, then sell it. You should have 50-55 gold, enough for a hero. Quickly train your hero and use its regular attack to pick off any greater felbeasts that escaped
-your hero can easily take care of the next 5 rounds: overlords, hawks, greater hawks, eagles + gryphon rider, gryphon riders. Overlords are a 2-3 hit kill each, and after that you should have 43 gold. Buy a Killmaim at the supply depot.
-after the hawk wave, get an assassin's blade.
-now, either save up for the summoning tower/AoE tower or buy a helm of battlethirst.
-then, save up for an elemental jailer and buy the 1st upgrade for cold and lightning towers. build all the cold towers you need for 20 gold each, then all the lightning you need. After upgrading them fully each tower costs 30 gold so you should build them first.
-with 10-12 cold towers and 6-7 lightning towers, you'll be slowing and bashing everyone that comes through
-the executioner jailer costs a lot of gold and towers are expensive. If you do not get the jailer you will have 400+ gold by round 30 if you only build the towers I tell you to. Build more and more cold and lightning towers.
-If you have a whole line of cold/lightning towers surrounding the 180 degree turn walkway, the phase walkers are extremely easy. If you have trouble, stun them with Hoof Stomp to stop them from phasing out.
-if you use this strategy, the first real hard wave is after the 6 voidwalkers, the 2 Archimonde that split a lot. You need to use your feral spirits and infernals to beat these guys.
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