I have been trying to learn how to play 1v1 matches by playing against the computer on the Booty Bay map.
What I am finding, though, is that even when I set the Computer's ability to Easy, and the game speed to Slow, that I still can't keep up with the computer's micro. Even when I watch replays and try to see what the computer is doing, I can't keep up with its build order and unit management.
Has anyone else run into this? Is there a better way to learn/practice 1v1 matches?
FWIW, I have v1.18 and I usually use the Humans (just because I am most familiar with their unit/tech structure). Thanks for any advice...|||What strategy are you using btw? Nobody can keep up with the computer's micro as it's always perfect.
For Human i trying this:
send all 5 peasants to gold
queue up 2 more
Snag a peasant off the line and build an altar
Snag another peasant off the line and build a farm
Snag a 3rd peasant off the line and build a Barracks
Queue 2 more peasants and rally to gather wood
When altar completes start an Archmage
When the Farm completes start another farm
When the Barracks completes start queueing Footmen (3-4)
(YOu didnt say if you have TFT or not if you do build a shop here)
Build a Blacksmith
Upgrade to Keep as soon as you have the resources
Creep abit using the AM with water elementals and footies (send elementals in first to take the damage)
Right about here your blacksmith should finish, start building Riflemen, 5-6 is good.
Once you're at tier 2 start an Arcane Sanctuary and get the Mountain King
Queue a couple priests and a couple sorceresses (then alternate after until you have 4-5 of each)
Tech for tier 3 asap as well, you're going to want Knights to tank for your rifle/sorc/priest combo.
This is a generic build order for a rather common human strategy, a light wall of melee units to protect rifles, sorcs, priests and mortars when you get them. Mortars can be picked up in tier 3 or you can hurry them and get them in teir 2 if you want to harrass bases.
You basically want to use riflemen and Water Elementals to focus fire everything to death one unit at a time while your melee holds them and your sorcs slow them. Initiate Sorcs are fine, i recommend Master Priests, start off with Inner Fire on autocast, once your army is lit up, switch to auto-cast heal.
With the Archmage you want to get Water Elementals out as fast as possible and add them in with your riflemen, with the Mountain King you want to use Stormbolt and clap. Clap the melee, stormbolt heroes or units trying to flee.
Still waking up atm so i'm fairly certain i'm missing things, hopefully somebody else will chime in with some help as well.|||lol that map is REALLY old. but I do remember playing on it too! kinda like echo ;p|||1mbz0r 3ch05??? b007y b4y 5uxx0r5|||imo on booty bay, u have to creep the middle as fast as possible and you will have an advantage in lvl - from then on, try to put the pressure on his base.
if i play that map as NE, i build a moonwell at the middle and constantly do hit-and-runs|||Try a different map, the CPU always rushes you really fast on Booty Bay, and if you don't creep the middle (read: the enemy does it) you're at a serious disadvantage.|||try ur startign map as a map where 4 players can play...put in a comp on ur team 2v2s r better to srat with make comp same race and copie his exact moves.
or go on battle net update it and play online and ask for training cos i will be glad to help
try ur startign map as a map where 4 players can play...put in a comp on ur team 2v2s r better to srat with make comp same race and copie his exact moves.
or go on battle net update it and play online and ask for training cos i will be glad to help
The CPU has a really crappy build order, don't follow this advice. Best thins is to look for replays from good players (check the forums here, or go to wcreplays.com) and copy the build order from there.|||He's not running a fully updated version guys, the replays here wont do anything for him.
Instead give him some build orders/tips to get the middle faster than the comp?|||If you really wanna be cheap, just build a mass of towers at the midpoint of the map and slowly advance. Comps have a hard time with mass towers.
But, if you really want to learn to play it...
2 Peasants build an Alter and Farm, rest go to gold.
Queue 2 more peasants, 1 for wood 1 for gold. Farm building peasant goes to gold, the altar one goes to wood. Train hero (Paladin as example)
Build a Barracks.
2 More peasants, both to wood.
When Barracks completes, build 2 footmen.
When Paladin and Footmen are both complete, start to creep closest one.
Build 4 more footmen, and then a Blacksmith.
Just keep advancing your tier units. Upgrade when you get the resources and try to creep areas as quick as possible. The Items and experience will help you alot.|||Yeah the comp. build orders work well for its ability to have impecable speed and micro not so well for humans, comp. easy usually don't rush and can't handle a rush so build a few footmen and a hero creep at the center really quickly like not even three min. and then rush draw their forces away from their base and costanly keep more troops coming that helps me but i don't play many 1v1
B2|||In the earlier patches of Frozen Throne and Reign of Chaos the computer doesn't ever attack you on the two islands in the middle. One way to guarantee victory against comp is to only tower your main base and get a Zeppelin and acquire one or two of the center island gold mines. That strategy can't fail because the comp struggles against mass towers.
However if you want to know what it takes to beat the comp you must be brave enough to rush him. You can't out creep him because he never creeps an empty camp and you cannot out build him because the comp can run a 70 food army like it was just a couple of footman. The center creep thing is trying to out creep him, and your build order really doesn't matter because you will prolly not make it to Tier 2 before the game is decided.
He sucks at controlling his hero. On easy mode he only get one hero and you will kill it for him, try to creep jack him if you can. First make whatever shop you have. Then hunt his hero the second the shop is ready. UD get the Rod of Necromancy, then rush. Orc get the Healing Salve, Then rush. Humans get the Scroll of Healing, then rush. Elves get nothing, skip the shop and build an ancient of war in his base while you are distracting with your hero. If things get a little hairy you can fall back goto a shop and get a couple healing pots and then try to creep jack him. Killing his hero a couple of times early will get you exp same as the creeps and keep him from creeping.
If you don't have TFT then its build a barracks, rally point the barracks to you hero (who better be in his base) and power rush his base. If you suck at rushing, this is your chance to improve, if you hate rushing, you gotta play another map, because you are not going to out creep him or out build him on this map. (The mass towers/island thing is the only exception.)
Here are some tips on Hero killing:
Here are some tips on creep jacking:
Good Luck!|||Quote:
Need help, vs. Computer, Booty Bay
Jesus Christ|||Quote:
Jesus Christ
Here's a real tip: Play the campaigns.
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