defuntion of thurrycraft!
Die please.|||Nice spelling. Moran.|||gogo ggnore list.|||Quote:
he defintion of theorycraft!
you mean the male definition of theory-craft? oh wait... -_-;;
your brain must be the size of an ostrich's. ><|||Good old times
:'(|||I think it's time to let the old times.... DIE|||It's the only thing that is alive in this forum.|||We're(humans) sad as heck. Go to faucker moron biatch!!!|||Quote:
We're(humans) sad as heck. Go to faucker moron biatch!!!
Stick to Maul and leave this forums please.|||Haha, that's an awesome sig! ^^|||Quote:
Haha, that's an awesome sig! ^^
Me? and if so thank you.
Back to the matter at hand, you can't find it on but try a wikipedia. I got this from a european (hehe) forum.
Theorycraft places everything you need to know about your spells right on their tooltips. Or, new in 1.04, on their buttons. Want to have a row of low rank heals with their heal values on the button? Too easy.
Not only that, TC can let you compare any gear set you wish. Curious as to how much that crimson felt hat actually increases your dps by? It'll tell you that. Or how much 1 extra crit is worth in spell damage. Or for melee users, how much attack power you'd need to equal another 10 agility, or 1% to crit. Or perhaps just how much damage you would do were you lucky enough to land a Hammer of Bestial Fury or Ashkandi.
Sorry about my little rampage.|||Quote:
Sorry about my little rampage.
Oh no problem at all!!! -_-|||Quote:
Me? and if so thank you.
Back to the matter at hand, you can't find it on but try a wikipedia. I got this from a european (hehe) forum.
Theorycraft places everything you need to know about your spells right on their tooltips. Or, new in 1.04, on their buttons. Want to have a row of low rank heals with their heal values on the button? Too easy.
Not only that, TC can let you compare any gear set you wish. Curious as to how much that crimson felt hat actually increases your dps by? It'll tell you that. Or how much 1 extra crit is worth in spell damage. Or for melee users, how much attack power you'd need to equal another 10 agility, or 1% to crit. Or perhaps just how much damage you would do were you lucky enough to land a Hammer of Bestial Fury or Ashkandi.
Sorry about my little rampage.
wtf are you talking about?|||^^ i think he is talking about WoW|||Here is what I do to research something.
1) Turn head ON (not o-f-f, but O-N, on, say that with me ON)
2) Go to a computer (But if you reading this, skip the last part, and don't hurt yourself)
3) Go to GOOGLE (say that with me, google)
4) Now, with your fingers, type theorycraft into the empty space in the computer screen (Don't get it mixed up with the spaces inside your head)
5) Go to what website you like, and don't ask dumb questions again.
Is that good for you?!?|||I think you would pwn at 'Halts Maul' -_-|||Quote:
^^ i think he is talking about WoW
I think he is talking about maul oO|||wtf's maul?
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