Dale.|||It actually worked. I tried it, because I remember trying this myself before. Dont exactly remember what map, but the creeps would wake up. If this would work on more maps, its imba. I hope blizz wont nerf this then...
They are to busy playing WoW anyway.|||Shamelessly double posting, but i cant edit anymore. I tried it on Wetlands an it worked. I tried it on Turtle Rock, but it didnt work. I also tried it on Echo Isles, but it didnt work. Its a bug or the creeps are too far from the mine?
About Wetlands, it only works on the 4 mines in the middle. NOT on the mines with the red creeps, those makura's. Would be imba if it would work there.|||Still, that's pretty insane...wonder if it can work with Nelf too if you maybe remove some tree's or something.|||You wanna know another abuse? Fnatic.Creoluphus made the creeps on Terenas Stand chase a wisp while his DH hired mercs on Terenas Stand. Those mercs got ensnare, slow and poison damage. Imagine that early game. GL HF|||LOL yeah i saw creo doing that. He's awesome ^_^|||ROFL. Really, I just tested it with Human, Undead and Night elf (not orc ^^).
You can build at the mine, the creeps wont wake up
By the end of the first night i had 2 towers, 2 burrows, a greathall and a 3rd tower 3/4 done at the expo and the burrows loaded with 2 peons each for the old school tower creeping.|||Dont really need to do all this tbh... just creep it. Not a hard camp, doable after 4 fiends, can probably do it with DH and 6 archers, or AM WE 4 foots 4 militia, or 3 grunts FS.|||Quote:
Dont really need to do all this tbh... just creep it. Not a hard camp, doable after 4 fiends, can probably do it with DH and 6 archers, or AM WE 4 foots 4 militia, or 3 grunts FS.
in 1v1 no ud goes fiends, hopefully (some situations are exceptions). And, you can harass your enemy why u build there, so he wont see it
no UD go fiends in 1v1???? .... Almost all UDs go fiends on Northrend as far as I know. Wetlands isnt a good map to harass with whole army because of one entrance, and usually a walled up entrance by Ne and Hu mainly. Thus harassing probably results in a TP = not worth while.
What lvl are u then? cause any UD i meet, goes ghouls. And it looks like u are playing vs noobs anyway, who stays in his base?! Maybe we got a misscomunication, i mean creepjacking etc.
btw, I thumbs down Wetland. It sux (hi2u infernal stone of gg, summon doom guard etc)
Good to know for anyone. However, I've it tumbed down myself too. That doesnt mean it aint worth it to post these kind of tricks. Some ppl have this map thumbed up...|||Quote:
What lvl are u then? cause any UD i meet, goes ghouls. And it looks like u are playing vs noobs anyway, who stays in his base?! Maybe we got a misscomunication, i mean creepjacking etc.
are you calling BenQGeilMiraldO(Phil) and Play.Abver noobs then? 80-90% of their games they go fiends and im sure they win with no sweat against you(APM of 220 vs APM of ~100?, your micro doesn't stand a chance).|||heh anything over the 150 range is just spamming actions, not accurate micro. That's from 4k.Grubby. Though to be honest i'm thinking it's actually less that's the accurate micro...but i'll take one of the top pro's word for it.|||lol... I play vs noobs.... right. Noone STAYS in his base, but Wetlands creep pattern is kinda obvious, either you walk pass him, or hes healing in base, or he walks back from creeping anyway because he sees you coming into his base at his entrance with wall/scout buildings.
IMO APM under 200 sorta mean something, spamming some actions is part of micro, for example I switch groups between 1 2 3 a lot to keep checking HP of units in group as well as moving them around in battlefield every few seconds. If you are getting under 100 it usually means you aren't doing enough. Pros getting 200+ is because they get bored at start and spam rallies and get like 250 apm in first 5 minutes, this can be picked out using w3chart by reading the graph. Usually to look at accurate APM values you just look at the battle apms... i.e. the sudden peak points on the graph. Most should go over 200 during battles.
Edit: level means nothing in this stupid AMM. You can be level 40 with 49% stats and you still play vs noobs.|||Grubby said that you need to have at least 150 APM to be pro. Spamming is fine, just look at the graph and you'll see that he has like 500 APM first 2 min. of game and then rest of game will show real average APM
-I'm actually wondering though, how pro's get such high APM b/c my peaks are usually 180-200 or so, average being 110 or something, and I'm already moving my hands as fast as I can. I really don't know how the pro's move their hands so fast and click/press commands so fast. =O|||Quote:
Good to know for anyone. However, I've it tumbed down myself too. That doesnt mean it aint worth it to post these kind of tricks. Some ppl have this map thumbed up...
Yeah I have it thumbed up just because I dont like other maps. I think imma start playing UD again. Theres a lot of cool expo tricks that u can do with them. I also think this would work on that 3v3 map...River of SOuls or sumthin like that. Its a snowy map, ill try it and get back to u guys.|||Quote:
What lvl are u then? cause any UD i meet, goes ghouls. And it looks like u are playing vs noobs anyway,
I rofl'd :>
Anyways, I second that the creep thing isn't really necesary. You can even creep that camp with a solo lvl 1 archmage w/ clarity if I remember correctly.. And yeah, I thunbs down taht map too anyways. :)|||creep the *cough* red *cough* creeps *cough* on *cough* turtle *cough*
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