First of all: I really would appreciate if you didn't post before I finished this guide. Thank you.
The horrifying Undead army, called the Scourge, consists of thousands of walking corpses, disembodied spirits, damned mortal men and insidious extra-dimensional entities. The Scourge was created by the Burning Legion for the sole purpose of sowing terror across the world in anticipation of the Legion's inevitable invasion. The Undead are ruled by Ner'zhul, the Lich King, who lords over the icy realm of Northrend from his frozen throne. Ner'zhul commands the terrible plague of undeath, which he sends ever southward into the human lands. As the plague encroaches on the southlands, more and more humans fall prey to Ner'zhul's mental control and life-draining sickness every day. In this way, Ner'zhul has swelled the ranks of the already considerable Scourge. The Undead employ necromantic magics and the elemental powers of the cold north against their enemies.|||Hero's:
Gold Wood Food
Cost: (every hero) 425 100 5
Primary Attribute: Strength
Speed: Fast (320)
Build Time: 55
Production Hot Key: D
The DK is by most UD players picked as first hero. Probably because his Death Coil (heals your units) and his aura. Once lvl 3, the DK seems impossible to kill. Once lvl 5, he's impossible to kill. The DK is used most in combination with the Lich. Coil + frost nova = deadly.
Primary Attribute: Intelligence
Speed: Average (270)
Build Time: 55
Production Hot Key: L
Lich is mostly picked as 1st hero vs UD. For the rest of your matchups, you want him as a 2nd hero. His Frost Nova skill is really strong vs lower hp units such as archers and footmen. It can also be used to kill/slow enemy hero's. Deadly in combination with a Death Knight. Most players pick Dark Ritual as 2nd skill. It kills one of your units for mana. However, a underestimated skill is Frost Armor. Why? when your enemy masses melee units, cast Frost Armor on some of your meatshield units, and the enemy units are slowed.
Primary Attribute: Strength
Speed: Average (270)
Build Time: 55
Production Hot Key: E
The Dreadlord is a somewhat strange hero. His Sleep skill can sleep an enemy hero, surround it with ghouls, and kill him. But later in game, his Sleep skill becomes a bit useless. Ever tried to surround a enemy hero when 100 dryads (or so it seems) are finishing of your ghouls and gargs? No point in doing that. His Aura, Vampiric Aura, is a skill you want when you go ghouls/aboms/gargs. The regained health from attacking comes in handy when you use necromancers with Unholy Frenzy (increase attack speed at cost of hp/sec).
Crypt Lord:
Primary Attribute: Strength
Speed: Average (270)
Build Time: 55
Production Hot Key: C
The Crypt Lord is mostly used as 1st or 3rd hero. As 1st hero, you want him to take Carrion Beetles and Spiked Carapace. But as 3rd hero, most people take him for impale (good vs mass casters/archers). Take Spiked Carapace as 2nd skill. Always. The CL has too low mana for both skills.|||Strategies for UD including BO's:
Ghoul 'rush': (used vs most races, except vs Orc, some ppl want to go fiends vs Orc)
aco(lyte)s to gold. Ghoul to wood.
Queue 1 aco.
Summon Crypt + zigg(urat) with 1 aco.
queue another aco.
Summon altar with 5th aco (pops out exactly when you have the required gold).
Summon another zigg before crypt is ready. (with 6th aco for scout!?)
Queue ghoul.
Summon Tomb of Relic before Altar is done.
Keep making ghouls, and sending them to wood ofc.
5-20 seconds after your hero pops out, tech to Halls of the Dead.
Creep your hero to lvl 2, and take all ghouls, and go to the enemy his base.
Crypt Fiends: (Used in 2v2 and sometimes vs Orc)
Aco's to gold. Ghoul to wood.
queue 1 aco.
Summon Crypt + Graveyard. (graveyard close to mine and wood)
queue aco.
Summon zigg
Summon altar.
1 ghoul to wood.
Make fiend.
summon zigg + tomb of relics.
Make a total of 3/4 fiends. Then tech to Halls of the Dead.
Dont forget to make a 3rd ghoul, since you'll need much wood.|||Expo'ing with UD:
In most cases, you dont want to get an 2nd mine. UD can do without. Vs Orc 2nd mine is sometimes needed, but then only to counter his 2nd mine. However, if you really want a mine, keep this in mind:
UD buildings create blight. So, easier to detect for the enemy. You want some Spirit Towers near the mine, and later on a Necropolis.
It takes 100 seconds to create an Haunted Goldmine. 120 seconds for a Necropolis. Create aco's from your main base, and send them to the mine. use an Skull of Sacrifice to creat some ziggs along your mine. 50 seconds to create a ziggurat, +35 seconds to upgrade it.
The best situation to expo is 1 min after you reach Tier2 (Halls of the Dead). You will have your 2nd hero ready, and then push to the enemy. This keeps him from harassing your expo.|||Countering Units/Races:
Ne: most ppl go dryad/bear. Counter it with gargs/abom/dessies. Take heros of your choice. I usually go DK/Lich.
Orc: ghouls or fiends, dessies and perhaps some aboms. Go fiends for sure if he goes wyverns + bats.
Hu: ghouls, dessies, abom. I am not really sure of this.
UD (mirror): Ghouls + gargs. I highly advice you to take Lich as 1st hero.
Since you are going to mass 2 units of 1 building, you want to consider summoning a 2nd crypt.
Note: most nelfs go warden + Panda vs UD. This is because their Area Of Effect spells own gargs and ghouls. You can counter this by adding banshee's adept training to your army. Anti magic shield counters those AoE spells. Using Scrolls of Healing will help greatly. Also, use your gargs vs Ne to kill his/her wisps. Run when his/her army comes (of course).
In any Matchup, take 1 or 2 statues with you. This will help you to replenish your life and mana.|||Quite a good guide for noogs, I think. Imo, some Mod should make a "guide thread" and put in all guides, like this one, Ferrous' unit statistics, Magic's old KotG & NE base build guides, etc and then sticky that thread. There are so many guides around by now, the stickys are getting kinda overwhelming.
Some comments from me. Please note that all this is just my opinion, I don't actually play UD solo:
Ne: most ppl go dryad/bear. Counter it with gargs/abom/dessies. Take heros of your choice. I usually go DK/Lich.
What I (a mainly NE player) actually have most problems against is DL + ghoul, fast expo, and then just mass gargs. But DK/Lich is standard I s'pose.
Orc: ghouls or fiends, dessies and perhaps some aboms. Go fiends for sure if he goes wyverns + bats.
Ghouls or rather difficult vs Orc, as they almost always go wyvs. And I'd skip the aboms, get more dessies instead.
Hu: ghouls, dessies, abom. I am not really sure of this.
Again, more dessies instead of aboms is probably better; If they don't go clap or something frenzied ghouls or amusing for melee.
UD (mirror): Ghouls + gargs. I highly advice you to take Lich as 1st hero.
Since you are going to mass 2 units of 1 building, you want to consider summoning a 2nd crypt.
2nd crypt is almost always needed I think. And get healscrolls from goblin shops first (and your own shop 2nd), so that your enemy can't get them from there anymore.
Using Scrolls of Healing will help greatly.
Not only vs NE, but vs any race, healing scrolls are what wins UD games (and nuke ofc).|||Quote:
Orc: mass dessies and *cough*click+attack*cough*
fixed ;D
ghoul starts are fine vs orc. Surrounds, especially with lvl 2 DK around, are deadly for orc early game. You really always have to be watching, b/c in seconds he could have one of your grunts surrounded and then joo = G_G.
Just switch to something else, HI DESSIES, once he gets counters, which he easily can and will do.
oh and you forgot to say for DL that in t1: DL > orc. xD|||Well, we will take IP and Snipers comments with us in our guide....
Tricks on Maps for solo:
Turtle Rock: Creep the camp above/beneath your base 1st. Creep the 2 ogre & 2 troll camp 2nd. Your hero will be lvl 2 now, and it's time to harass the enemy. If you prefer to creep on, creep the Goblin Merchant; The Watchers Ward is a good item. After this, your hero is lvl 3. Harass or creep on.
The Creep Camps where normally a base would be, are Red. These Camps drop good items, creep them as soon as possible. This is also a good place to make an expo, if you want.
Tip vs Human on this map: The 2nd Creep Camp drops the following items: Wand of Illusion, Replenishment Potion (
Tip vs Orc on this map: Turtle Rock has some narrow passages. Use this to your advantage. Orc melee has trouble with fighting on this map. The best place to fight is near a Goblin Merchant, or between 2 'isles' in. Isles are the places where the bases are.
Tip vs Ne on this map: Ne rox on this map. Sorry, no tips for here. Maybe some other people have suggestions.
Twisted Meadows: Again, best is to creep those two gnolls (gnoll brute and gnoll), then the Gnoll Overseer with 2 Gnoll Wardens. Your hero has reached lvl 2. Harass, or creep on. I advise you to creep the Goblin Merchants asap. They drop good items. Also, the Goblin Observatories drop good items too:
belt +6 str, robe +6 int, boots +6 agi, Bone Chimes lvl 1 Vamp Aura, Horn +1 armor, Sobi Mask 50% mana reg increase, Flute +10% ranged dmg, Runed Bracers +33% magic resist on hero. Also, a tome +2 (any) tome +1 all, tome +150 experience.
Twisted Meadows is a map with good item drop; make use of it.
Tip vs Hu on this map: Hu will probably go expo on this map; Assumed u have scouted where his base is, go to his natural mine, or to the Goblin Observatory. most Hu will creep these places with the aid of militia. Go DK, coil creep <100HP, his militia, WE or footies. If you manage to stop Hu from expo'ing, the change you will win this game is increased alot.
Tip vs Orc on this map: None, really. This map is perfect for expo, so perhaps u want to do that.
Tip vs Ne on this map: Ne rox on this map too. Pro nelfs will take 2 or more expo's on this map, and just mass. You can always try to creepjack.|||Maps you should tumb down:
- Wetlands: Why? Simple. To hard to get a lvl 2 hero. And really, the map sucks.
- Broken Shard. This map sucks too. Unless you've played your whole life on this map, tumb it down.
Maps you might want to tumb down (personal):
- Turtle Rock: If you suck on this map vs Ne, tumb it down. Most Hu & Orc players have it tumbed down anyway. NOTE: In my whole bnet carreer, I've never met in solo any other race then Ne or UD here
- Moonglade: too big. But if u like this one, its your choice.
- Scorched Basin: Funny. You can find any race here, most likely Hu or Ne. Expo-Madness
- Phantom Grove. Personally, I like this map. Lots of items dropped. But for some people to big.
- Lost Temple: If your worst mu is Ud - Hu, tumb this map down (shame on you). Or, if you're not good in destroying expo's, tumb this map down.
Ok. Ne dominates bnet in these days, in my opinion. At least on Northrend. No, it isnt Noobrend or something. Northrend has the best players!|||Done, I think. Cant come up with something else. However, if you want to know something, or if you have suggestions, just post/pm.|||Oh sry, didn't realize you hadn't finished yet.
Tip vs Human on this map: The 2nd Creep Camp drops the following items: Wand of Illusion, Replenishment Potion ( ) , Sentry Ward and Lightning Shield. When you have Lightning Shield, take all your ghouls + hero to the human base, and kill his peasants. Cast Lightning Shield on a ghoul or a peasant, since the Human-player will probably go militia. This is in most of the cases GG.
Do NOT cast LS on a peasant, cast it on a ghoul; else the human can just move his peasant.
Tip vs Ne on this map: Ne rox on this map. Sorry, no tips for here. Maybe some other people have suggestions.
If you're right next to the NE, just dual crypt mass ghoul rish. Don't bother about teching. DL is best, but any hero works really. ^.^
Ne dominates bnet in these days, in my opinion. At least on Northrend.
I'd love to play more mirrors.. instead, all I get are lousy imbaorx.. =(|||Quote:
Strategies for UD including BO's:
Crypt Fiends: (Used in 2v2 and sometimes vs Orc)
Aco's to gold. Ghoul to wood.
queue 1 aco.
Summon Crypt + Graveyard. (graveyard close to mine and wood)
queue aco.
Summon zigg
Summon altar.
1 ghoul to wood.
Make fiend.
summon zigg + tomb of relics.
Make a total of 3/4 fiends. Then tech to Halls of the Dead.
Dont forget to make a 3rd ghoul, since you'll need much wood.
why can't fiends be used against HU?|||Quote:
why can't fiends be used against HU?
They can, and honestly (as a HU player) I find them alot more annoying than ghouls. Fiends are just way better at sieging bases and will generally give you a stronger early-game, but they'll delay your tech (destroyers asap?). Alot of humans expand at tier2 the moment they get MK. With fiends, you'll have a better chance stopping stopping it imo. But then again, if you don't, and the human manages to tower up and keep teching to tier 3 knights/copters, you'll face difficulties.|||What 'bout defend? Obviously, nova, etc, but shouldn't it prevent fiends from owning earlygame?|||Yes. And its by far better to go ghouls vs Hu. Fiends delay tech. The only situation I can think of, is when you go CL vs Hu. You want a graveyard then anyway. But, who goes CL vs Hu?
Btw, for the basics of UD visit Mojo Stormstout. I didnt see the point in copying that guide here.|||Quote:
Yes. And its by far better to go ghouls vs Hu. Fiends delay tech. The only situation I can think of, is when you go CL vs Hu. You want a graveyard then anyway. But, who goes CL vs Hu?
hmm. the problem with ghouls is that if the opponent decides to militia creep and expand asap, the ghouls will suck at taking down the structures and preventing the Hu from expanding. Fiends on the contrary are generally good at taking down human buildings. About the whole "fiends delay early tech" thing i disagree. when you choose to go with fiends you have 3 options of when to tech; at 23 food, (3 fiends), at 26 food(4 fiends) and at 29 food(5 fiends)
Attached is an interesting replay which clearly displays that ghouls suck at preventing an early Hu expo.|||The UD really played bad at start, no wonder he didnt not take it down. Also, aim for peasants stops the expo :). Believe me, sometimes I solo DK and take down the expo.|||Quote:
lousy imbaorx.. =(
filthy lyar! ^_^|||goos can take down hum fast expos... with fiends its extremly difficult..
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