can you be a little more specific?|||euhm where u do the meatwagon + necromancers to make skeletal warriors and mage, buffs and keeping it good and having a mass armie of skeletons :D|||So wheres the problem? Just turn on autocast and everything goes automatically... Obviously, you shouldnt put your necros & wagons right in the front line.. ~.~|||I think he wants BO's and such. -_-|||i use to always do wagonmancer and it worked 95% of the time *only when they dont know taht ur doing it**
i usally did the fiend build order with dk and creeped then some nerubs towers and upgrade to hall and get a slaughter and 2 temples and a lich
i usally got 6 necros and 2 wagons wtih 5 fiends|||Quote:
i usally got 6 necros and 2 wagons wtih 5 fiends
Make statues so necromancers would regerenate they'll mana faster!|||Quote:
i use to always do wagonmancer and it worked 95% of the time *only when they dont know taht ur doing it**
i usally did the fiend build order with dk and creeped then some nerubs towers and upgrade to hall and get a slaughter and 2 temples and a lich
i usally got 6 necros and 2 wagons wtih 5 fiends
..and if the opponent also doesn't have dispel wands....|||Wands of Negation can only be found in RoC. In TFT they dont drop nor can they be purchased.|||I remember the time that I tried this against human. First time I did it vs human it worked, so I thought, hey, why not do it again? Problem was, the second time the human actually knew how to beat UD. So he hit hard at tier2 and it was ROFL DISPEL GG.|||Quote:
Wands of Negation can only be found in RoC. In TFT they dont drop nor can they be purchased.
really? wow, i didn't know that. But then again i don't play TFT that much|||Wait,is there any item that dispels stuff in TFT?
There was some kind of staff in TFT,it drops from level 6 creeps but forgot the name!
You are lucky if it drops for you anyway!|||Staff of dispell, Works just as staff of silence.|||I've yet to see a staff of negation/dispel except in campaign and custom maps. It's an L6 item?|||one bad about this tactic.. Orb Of Light
Staff of dispell, Works just as staff of silence.
But staff of silence is used vs heroes so they couldnt cast spells!
Staff of dispell just dispells magic!|||hi captain obvious|||hOly sh|T mIkrOnDinzIlz, yEr sO sMaRt, i wOuLd'Ve nEvEr tHoUgHt oF tHaT mYsElF.|||Quote:
Staff of dispell, Works just as staff of silence.
Just campaign item.
About the staff of silence; I only see it drop on Twisted Meadows. You know, that Troll Warlord with 2 ogres mages and more. Any other maps have it too?|||Quote:
Just campaign item.
About the staff of silence; I only see it drop on Twisted Meadows. You know, that Troll Warlord with 2 ogres mages and more. Any other maps have it too?
but the orb of light isnt and drayads :x mad:|||Quote:
hOly sh|T mIkrOnDinzIlz, yEr sO sMaRt, i wOuLd'Ve nEvEr tHoUgHt oF tHaT mYsElF.
Im just saying its not the same thing!
i wOuLd'Ve nEvEr tHoUgHt oF tHaT mYsElF
I would not be suprised if so!
Thank you!|||> _ >|||O.K. basically everyone here is correct. Id like to add my own little trick. Like PitBoss said, DK works well, but I also reccomend getting DL for vampiric aura. Therefore, youl have 2 Unholy Aura, AND Vampiric Aura. Make sure you have something like aboms to tank for your skellies, and dont try this against humans cause priest will **** them. Hope it helps.
At least 6 Necros
At least 3 Meat Wagons.
Whatever else you want to add don't matter and will only help, this is the core build of the srat.
Try this. Build two graveyards at the entrance to your base. And have the Necros at it so they can summon skeletons in the event you get double-teamed by the other players. Necrowagon works just fine even if the enemy knows your going Necrowagon. Most people only consider it a good strategy if it's by surprise, prolly because it only worked for them when they surprised the enemy with it. Most likely for this reason� they think that just one simple thing (like all those listed above) is going to stop Necrowagon. They might be right in most cases, but someone who has run Necrowagon a but load of times in FFA, 2vs2 and in solo will be able to win with Necrowagon anyway. Necrowagon is like gambling somewhat, because if you mess it up, you lose.
If the enemy has two separate ways to beat Necrowagon, they will get the overhand most every time, but if it is a simple counter like priests, a counter to a counter will OWN them� even when they know u are going Necrowagon., such as Dark Ranger with silence.. However there is circumnavigation. That is the situtation that results when the skeletons are out maneuvered and the Necros get chopped up because the skellys went too far ahead of them. If the enemy has managed to get a few dispels off you need to immediatelycast raise skeleton again.. And again. When you first make the meat wagons raly them to the graveyard and right click pick up corpse. DO NOT go anywhere without a full wagons of corpses, you will automatically lose. The tip about using an obsidian staute for mana for the necros is a great idea also.
Necrowagon takes time to set up, however I have noticed this and this will help. If you have skeletal longevity researched the skellys can make it across the map to the enemys base. They can lead the Necrowagons across, so if you run into anything you can turn around or make more skellys. Just get ready, cast raise skeleton on the graveyards you have at the edge of your base and move on the enemy. Usually the best time if when they are busy or both enemy armys are in view, messing with your partner. Hitting the base the really the only way to go. Trying to fight in the battle field will almost always end in circumnavigation, and necro deaths.
If you just wander out into the battlefield not knowing where the enemy if, you can kiss Necrowagon goodbye. They have a 2/3 chance of hitting you the wrong way. If they bust the wagons or smack down your necros you might be too far away from your base to get back. It's best to start the mule train moving when you know u can get to a base without a mess. I have watched the replays of my Necrowagons and can always pinpoint the moment when I messed up, and got curcunavigated, resulting in failure. I am not the Gosu Playa everyone else is, but I've run a few hundred Necrowagons, and I can tell you it's a sound strategy even when the enemy knows your building it. THEY WILL UNDERESTIMATE IT, and you'll surprise them.
GL HF|||Counter for the 3 paragraphs strat: use dispell.
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