Ouchies|||nice friend do u have btw :)
ok, about ur mistakes. Both of you are noobs. Lets face it. I have writed down 10 mistakes of u both, but there are more. I just got sick of watching this replay.
Red's Mistakes (Beetleflux)
- U scouted late, but at least u scouted good. On Turtle Rock, always scout the ''island'' near u, in 1v1 of course.
- U teched too late, u didnt stop massing ghouls on t1. Really, tech earlier. After 3 minutes u were still massing.
- U placed ur graveyard so wrong. Place it near trees, and closer to the mine.
- Pull wounded units back.
- Also, u placed more buildings wrong. Keep ur base more tight (if u know what I mean)
- Uhm, CREEP man. u were just standing in ur base, keeping your dk low-lvl.
- U lost ur DK twice, both unnecesarry.
- Also, after blue's attack on your base, u attacked his base without DK, and it was a stupid revenge. U lost all your gargs.
- DK had 2 cloaks of shadow. Sell the 2nd one. There's no point in keeping it, because u had 1 hero.
- Also, rally units to your DK. Not the ghouls for wood ofc, nor the acos. But fiends just standing in ur base...
Blue (forgot ya name)
- scout was bad.
- crypt was far too late.
- Nice DK in ur base, creep with it for ur own sake!@$!
- tech too late.
- 2nd ziggurat too late.
- mass nerub tower? u had 3 nerubtowers near your mine! what a pointless investation.
- lich skill? u choosed frost armor, choose nova. nova > ghouls. Dead ghouls are better then slowed ones, right?
Ok, enough mistakes heard from me. Advice: keep playing, watch ur faults etc. Nothing more from me, I gotta puke...|||I just want to say its really nice of you to watch my replay and help me, I really appreciate it.
I think i've gotten better this time, watch the replay, it was against a level 19 player and I won.
The reason I let alter die is because of the attack upgrade on my ghouls wasn't finished, I was going to attack his units, but the took off, was that a correct move of me or should I have attacked "un-upgraded" and saved my alter?
Why did he leave? He had like 10 peons and a hero vs 4 aboms, he still could have won.
And finally did I do any mistakes in this match? And btw. watch my building placement, I learned it from gostop.|||Quote:
10 peons and a hero vs 4 aboms, he still could have won
ROOOOOOOFL, quote of the year... you know? 1 abom can pwn alone 10 peons, and 3 aboms can pwn hero easily.|||depends on what hero...|||1 level 10 TC >> 12 abombs :P Especially if he has a buncha healing and mana potions. Or better yet, scourge bone chimes ^_^|||Quote:
ROOOOOOOFL, quote of the year... you know? 1 abom can pwn alone 10 peons, and 3 aboms can pwn hero easily.
Well, I assumed he had recources to buy multiple units. And I have been underestimating aboms.|||lvl 10 blademaster > all, noogs ^_^|||Quote:
lvl 10 blademaster > all, noogs ^_^
if the opponent has a hero with dispel wands to dispel the images = gg. But then again that only works in RoC|||Moved to "Gamer replayer's" :)|||Quote:
lvl 10 blademaster > all, noogs ^_^
I'd put money on a level 10 TC owning a level 10 Blademaster...but i'd rather see both level 10's mopping up Nelf =P|||blademaster is the best 1 on 1 hero, next to DH, MK, and warden. Although TC has reincarnate I dont think his amazing AOE spells are amazing hero killing spells too. Prolly MK would pwn everything in 1 on 1 (This is assuming ofc that all heroes here are lvl 10) because of avatar and bolt.|||Everything for a high level mk is good for 1v1 hero fighting. The bash, the bolt, the clap, and the ultimate all make him kick uber ass. But that doesn't mean that pit lord can't own you all.|||Peet Lard am sTiNx, silly nooglett! ^_^|||Depends conditions of the duel.. if its a "cage fight" then DH would probably own all... but if you have whole map to run around, then something like DK or BM would win. In RoC i did a test with a friend that lvl 10 DK > lvl 10 DH with whole LT to move around, because DK speed >> all. However, lock them up in a cage, DH win any day.|||Quote:
I just want to say its really nice of you to watch my replay and help me, I really appreciate it.
I think i've gotten better this time, watch the replay, it was against a level 19 player and I won.
The reason I let alter die is because of the attack upgrade on my ghouls wasn't finished, I was going to attack his units, but the took off, was that a correct move of me or should I have attacked "un-upgraded" and saved my alter?
Why did he leave? He had like 10 peons and a hero vs 4 aboms, he still could have won.
And finally did I do any mistakes in this match? And btw. watch my building placement, I learned it from gostop.
You certainly got better, but you should creep more. Also, u had again 2 cloak of shadows. Sell one of them. When your enemy tp'd to his base, his far seer had like 25 hp. one coil, and he was dead. but u didnt. Press alt at a start of a fight to see low hp units, finish them first.
Also, u should have attack instead of letting him destroy ur altar. Ghouls -> headhunters.
Finally, he left cause he thought it was over. It was over.|||I didn't know about the alt button, im using it now.
My friend builds about 10 archers, then he goes hunts all the way. How do counter that with UD ?|||Quote:
I didn't know about the alt button, im using it now.
My friend builds about 10 archers, then he goes hunts all the way. How do counter that with UD ?
mass fiends + obs+destros have worked really well for me.|||Make ghouls. Ghouls > Archers. After that, go Gargoyles. Really, if all Ne would use your friends strat, you will rise through the ranks quickly. Alas, they dont.|||Whats best then? mass fiends + obs+destros or ghouls ?
Whats does alas mean ?|||Alas: I just saw a movie from belgium, I think its a word from them. It means, in my sentence, something like: sorry, but it isnt.
Fiends if he just makes hunts. Gargs if he goes dryads too. Ghouls get owned by hunts. But Ghouls > archers.
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