So we were playin a Orc and a HU and orc went striaght tech to tauren wit BM harrass
and HU just went foots.. to mortars
so it was pretty much fighting all game and a little creepin
but after they hit us we won the fight and then we went to counter...
so we go attack the orc... and then the HU TPs with what like 12mortars.. and at that point I just said GG. wtf lol
You guys think this is a "good" strat?
As a strategy i'd say it's creative, but very high risk since for awhile the human will have next to no army.|||Massing mortars alone isn't that great. Massing one unit is never a good idea. What you have to do is get mortars and sorcs, to make the mortars invisible. But if you scout at all...then you can learn if the enemy is doing something like that and hopefully you can get a counter in time.|||Faerie Fire = Maphack
Cyclone = GG orc units|||well i got 2 things to say
1.u posted in wrong threaad but thats ok =P
2. i kno cyclone disables orc units.. but how do u plan on killiin them.. i mean i kno heros and DotT but.. they do so little dmg and it will take a longg time to kil them one by one.. also youll proly run outta mana pretty soon since its takin u a
long time to kill them because the cyclone will run out..and ull have to cast it agian.|||1. Wtf i posted in the other thread lol
2. Cyclone all -> FF the one left with mass DotTs -> Rinse + repeat
3. You have mass DotTs
Still it's a good idea to get some archers at the beginning for support and possibly for some creeping.
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