Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Ne vs Orc

hi all, i've got a question to ask. i play ft using ne on bnet solo. one of my fav match ups is against orc, because this matchup allows a more interesting gaem. at t1, i would harrass with kotg and hunts. t2 i would get dott and bears from lore. at t3, i would have master dott and a some units from lore, depending on what he is going.

using this, i find myself weakest at t2 if he throws in raiders and catapults. my hunts from t1 fall to them easy, and bears without master training cant help much. caTApults would pound my dott from a far. does this mean i shld tech to t3 when i hit t2, or delay the tech to strengthen my t2 force?

in your opinion, whihc race has the advantage in this match up? help is appreciated/.|||Quote:

hi all, i've got a question to ask. i play ft using ne on bnet solo. one of my fav match ups is against orc, because this matchup allows a more interesting gaem. at t1, i would harrass with kotg and hunts. t2 i would get dott and bears from lore. at t3, i would have master dott and a some units from lore, depending on what he is going.

using this, i find myself weakest at t2 if he throws in raiders and catapults. my hunts from t1 fall to them easy, and bears without master training cant help much. caTApults would pound my dott from a far. does this mean i shld tech to t3 when i hit t2, or delay the tech to strengthen my t2 force?

in your opinion, whihc race has the advantage in this match up? help is appreciated/.

to be honest, i also love this match up. personally orc is my fuv opponent because i win most of the games (compared to nelf mirrors, which i lose constantly).

what i do is making archers + DH as first hero and then i tech as fast as possible to tier3 for master talon training. during that training i alrdy start making talons from 2 aowinds

after a while you end up with an army of just master talons and maybe some archers. orcs hate master talons -> imo cyclone+fairyfire > orc.

i also add in some hyppos (same building) if he goes for wyvern - but its not really necessary|||haha. i do pretty well for mirror matches. my worst match up is ud.

for orc, i am aware very well that dh + archers and master talons is a common and popular start. i use it as well sometimes. however while it is highly successful, it leaves u vulnerable in t2, where u only have archers and adept talons. also, disenchant can counter ur cyclone well, tho it has only happended to me twice.

what is yr take on this?|||tbh in tier2 i never had a hard time - i have a hard time vs orc in tier1 if they push hard with FS + grunts

but after that - most of the time but not always - i have no probs in t2

i once had a silly orc who kept making grunt and wanted to go for an army of grunts + bloodlust shamans. that was easy to counter -> tier2 hypporider :p the guy had no anti-air except his 5-6 shamans.|||wad do u do in t2?|||after tier2 is done, i do a straight tech to tier3 and build my first ancient of the wind + first talon training.

meanwhile i get my second hero and keep making archers

before tier3 is rdy, i have my second ancient of wind and from than on, i mass talons|||NE vs Orc is by FAR my weakest matchup, so I can't really help much here. If you go DH first you can chase down katas with him pretty easily though.|||Quote:

NE vs Orc is by FAR my weakest matchup, so I can't really help much here. If you go DH first you can chase down katas with him pretty easily though.

IPeon, are you the nelf or the orc?|||Nelf. I know that mass DotT is effing imba vs Orx, but for some reason I don't get the hang of it. And there's not much else you can do vs Orc.. =(|||Quote:

Nelf. I know that mass DotT is effing imba vs Orx, but for some reason I don't get the hang of it. And there's not much else you can do vs Orc.. =(

true thing... controlling the talons is key to victory vs orc.

my hardest matchup is undead... seems like i'm doomed vs them :p for some reason i cant find a solid strat|||lol all you have to do is go kotg and mass hunts and just steamroll over orc. Orc t1 << Nelf t1. burrows scare you? Just get ballista.

Trust me i lose to kotg mass hunts all the time. Remember our game IP? you steamrolled over me in min. :/ Its only after t1 that orc starts to > nelf. Unless he fast techs to t3 and masses talons before you can get a sufficient number of walkers or raiders.|||Kek I remember my gosu SH surround.. ^_^

Honestly though, it's not as easy as you seem to think it is...|||at least i killed your kotg once ^_^|||Entangle is quite imba at early game vs grunts. Im an orc player who has suffered from this a lot.

late game, dryad/bears own all.|||Kodos > bears?|||kodo/kata ftnel|||my strat against orc:

Go Kotg with dual hunts early. Harass off the start, get as many peons as you can... even if you just keep his workers burrowed its a victory. heal up, grab whatever hunts you've made, return. Keep this up as long as you can. I usually tech after I have 4 hunts made.

In tier 2 I build an AoWind and tech immediately. With KotG at level 2 and 4 I go force of nature. When the Wind is done I start getting a couple dotts, and obviously when I hit tier 3 I tech them to master.

At tier 3 I go dual chims.

I used to have a problem using this strat at the start/middle of tier 2. Orc opponents would get a couple catas and my hunts would drop in seconds. To try to counter that I went FoN. Just make the treants, send them straight at the catas. It forces your opponent to either lose the catas, move the catas (stopping them from attacking), or to refocus his attack backwards.

NE is capable of doing massive damage to an orc player early with entangle, you should always take advantage of that.|||Quote:

Kodos > bears?

Are you telling me the counter of orc vs nelf/bear/dryad is kodo? If so, I greatly misjudged your|||It's true actually. Run in with speedscroll, swallow 3-4 bears, tp out. And even if you don't do that, swallowing ~2 bears in battle and ensnaring the rest will also help loads. Imo, bears are only really helpful if your opponent hasn't scouted them (vs Orx ofc).

Thx loads for the NE vs OC stuff magix.|||Quote:

It's true actually. Run in with speedscroll, swallow 3-4 bears, tp out. And even if you don't do that, swallowing ~2 bears in battle and ensnaring the rest will also help loads. Imo, bears are only really helpful if your opponent hasn't scouted them (vs Orx ofc).

Thx loads for the NE vs OC stuff magix.

I really disagree. first: Im not gonna spend a tp on some bears. second; how you gonna eat 4 bears, without any retaliation? You seem to forget the impact dryads have in a battle. focusfired, entangled kodo�s dont run fast.

Any tier3 is helpful if unscouted...|||Well, you wouldn't only have kodos, you would also most likely have raiders(to do some damage to the dryads) and demos to own the rest of the unarmored Ne units. Here's a replay of SK-Deadman(famous for his NE but this game he is Random and gets Orc)

pwning 4K.Zeus[19](NE-> Dryads/Bears) with Kodos/Raiders and some other stuff.|||agreed. kodos are damn slow and dyrad poison basically negates speed scroll. They're wayy to big also to effectively run around stuff and devour bears in a battle. Usually kodos will die so fast to dyrad FF with entangle and DH orb that its hardly a point in devouring them anyway...

You can do that TP out thing where you run in with speed scroll, devour some bears and TP out, but then again by the time you've devoured all the bears you can and are TPing out, he'll have killed at least one kodo. :(

but ofc, it is actually a good idea :P

EDIT: hmmm FBA, ill watch that :P|||1 Kodo vs a couple of bears? I like that trade-off =p|||yeah rexxar i agree with u that at t2 start and mid nelf's pretty weak. ive read your kotg guide on using FoN to settle orc casters but there are a feew things i dun understand still.

why do u go dual hunts at the start? wont it slow your tech?

at t2 u only have hunts, kotg, Dott and treants. a few raiders and a demolisher plus the orc's leftover grunts from t2 would be a tough army to beat with the one u have then. i understand that at t3 ne has a great advantage, but as my original post stated, im most worried abt the survivual of my army in t2.

hthanks|||what's the big deal w/ catties? i just morph some talons and fly to the back and morph back to take them out

heavy armor... low-ish HP... ya.

good base design is key vs orcs because of TEH DREADED GRUNT RUSH OF OMGDOOM. I've taken on twelve grunts with about four dotts and around four archers because of good base design (faerie fire kakaka)... my style isn't quite the same as rexxxar's: instead, i line up wells and ancients in such a way that my ranged units can hit the opponent's attacking melee army from behind a wall of moonwells, with only one or two entrances to the base, these being ofc right next to an ancient.

killed about half his OMGRUSH army before he left, was left with an enormous advantage because of it, and was able to complete my quick tech to tier 3 in time for his raiders. and ofc KOTG tangles at the entrances are yay.|||can u show me the replay doug?|||wow, these forums still alive? hi IP, and thedoug|||gtfo, troll|||Hi moke lol. Unbanned again? :O|||LOL moke is back. Wazup homie! :D

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