Wyverns die instantly to piercing attacks, but the reason they are so ****in ownage is because of their insane damage. Youre right that you have to draw fire away from them, but other things you can do is disable the other persons army whilst your wyverns pick them off (which goes fast with their dmge). eg: use warstomp and stun ranged units and then ff them with wyverns and watch them die :D always try to sneak up or draw fire away from them. They are almost always better in masses. You would have to have at least the same amount of wyverns as he has ground ranged units (or w/e your attacking) for you to win the fight, unless you have high level stomp and other massive aoe spells to take down rifles, fiends or w/e fast. hope it helps. ;o|||Wow dude! I cannot believe I didn�t think of the stunning thing. That idea is so freaking awesome I can�t believe it. Maybe like a stasis trap Wyvern combo or the TC is a kool idea too. TY for that!. I must try to think of more ways to keep the damage off the birds. =) Now what about air vs. air since a lot of air is piercing damage do you just always avoid it and go to something else to counter? FFA games don�t always contain a lot of air, but sometimes you must counter a heavy air opponent or you�re gold is gunna be cut off by him. (This is what I always tried with my wyverns b4 and struggled with, and wasted resourses.) Please advise.|||Sorry I had to post again, but I'm pumped! Stun breaks targeting so they can't easily focus down the birds... That is so brilliant! LOL. Purchasing Inferno Stones at the Marketplace is another idea. WOOT!! Thanks again!|||Quote:
Sorry I had to post again, but I'm pumped! Stun breaks targeting so they can't easily focus down the birds... That is so brilliant! LOL. Purchasing Inferno Stones at the Marketplace is another idea. WOOT!! Thanks again!
I don't think you can buy inferno stones from the marketplace.|||ya u could if someone else dropped it during the game|||You could also try adding in a Pit Lord. Run him directly into the ranged units and cast Howl of Terror. At the first point it reduces attack damage by 30%, at 2nd it's 40% and at 3rd it's 50%.
If you're going to use Witchdoctors get a bunch and abuse the sentry wards...light up the entire map if you're able to. Keep one in your base and expo(s) as well to keep shades and WWing BM's out.
But yeah send in your melee first and have your wyverns hang back, maneuver your heroes and casters for best possible advantage and then bring the wyverns in.
Ouchies|||if it may be of any help: try a raider/wyverns combination
i often did this when i played Orc -> then u got ground and air units / they both come out of same building (dual beastary required ofcoz) / you got an army to quickly kill enemybuildings and you have ensnare (ensnare units and then ff them with wyvern)
just try it out!
gl|||I bought two Inferno Stones on Deathrose last night. http://www.battle.net/war3/images/ma...rose-3dmap.jpg
600 gold though so it kinda spendy. It's a funny story too because I went over there to hit Blue Players expansion and stopped by and found both the Inferno Stone and the Ring of Regeneration for 375 gold for sale. The Ring of Regeneration is the most tits item in the game for BM imho �cause he can harass and mess around out on the map by himself without having to carry the Healing Salve. He is always at full life bottle when I need him so I love it. I have all the spots that the ring can drop marked on all the FFA maps. AND IT STACKS!!! Anyway here�s how it went. Purple was a Tower Newbie playing NE at top right so I ignore him. Blue (Humans) is on my left and Green is diagonal (UD). Since Purple isn�t going to win I ignore him, he�s not a threat until he gets Chimeras so I focus on Blue Player. After I hit Blue�s expansion I go back to base for a few minutes and get another TP and then Green leaves the game. I know it�s between me and Blue so I decide to press the attack rather than level my second hero (TC) using the creeps. That way I can hurt Blue and then be ready to stop Purple from massing Chimeras. With just my BM and a level 2 TC and some Grunts, Head Hunters and Catapults I roll towards Blue�s Base. When I stop by the Marketplace, there is another Inferno Stone for sale!! I get it and become way over confident now. I roll up on Blue like I own the place and he�s got Mass Casters. So I throw the Inferno on them and proceed as normal. But� and this is the reason for my story. The Infernos are timed with a delay. LOL. So you have to wait to summon the second one!! AND� There is a Mana Fountain right near the base on Deathrose so brand new Sorceresses have the sheep skill in just a couple seconds!!! He waxed everything except my BM and I was never able to recover. I got beat by Blue ;-( I sat there and wondered what the hell just happened there? Anyway the Inferno Stone is expensive and you can�t spam them. And I suck.
Ouchies|||Since wyverns are pierce they basically pwn any air there is. However, there are some dangers such as gargs. All you to do is add a couple bats. Wyverns and bats is one of the best air combos by far, bats kill dangerous units while wyverns finish anything off, which goes extremely fast due to their high dmge. Even a frost wyrm will go down in 3 seconds to wyvern ff.
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