ive been staying away from solo cuz i feel like my micro is not good enough to seriously compete with non-newb players, but after playing with even worse people in rt (though i think rt is still great fun) i would like to try solo again and think rushing would be best for me.
i use human for solo and ive heard mass foot with towers is a great rush tactic (think its used against ne mostly)
i was wondering if this was a viable strategy against all races. thanks for any input.|||Quote:
even worse people in rt
QFT ^_^|||i once had a nelf ally who lifted up his tree of life at start of the game :p
or one who made 3 heroes and forget to make his tier3 units :-)|||to get back to your question. I had some good succes with the following rush:
Paladin + mass footies. i went to the opponents base with pala and 3 footies and kept on making footies.
For paladin i used shield - healing - shield - aura
it worked quite well.
after 6 or 7 footies i made a second barrack to get more at once, but mostly that wasnt needed.
It didnt work all the time, a little luck is always welcome. Once a footie is low health -> heal it and if they focus your hero -> shield
the opponent almost always started creeping and had to use his TP to get to his base + some of his units or hero was a little wounded.
i first focus on his units, once i got more footies i surrounded his hero and killed it. you can also send a worker with you to make a tower in his base.
comments welcome from everyone|||Quote:
Paladin + mass footies. i went to the opponents base with pala and 3 footies and kept on making footies.
For paladin i used shield - healing - shield - aura
it worked quite well.
You're joking aren't you?|||lol no
i still use it sometimes in teamgames :p i play RoC, so maybe this is a stupid strat in FT but for what i did, it worked very well|||Quote:
or one who made 3 heroes and forget to make his tier3 units :-)
That must have been IP!|||Quote:
That must have been IP!
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