anyways... this is a very subjective question, but i thought id break the ice by asking people their opinion on the best and worst heros, and a description of why...
ive heard a lot about the pit lord being the worst, because hes too slow and takes damage to quickly to be the kind of beef that he's supposed to live up to... ive also heard that his passive ability is very mediocre... as for the best hero... i would say my personal favorite is the warden... she is an incredable hero assassin... ST slows down heros and does damage even after theyre out of sight, and blink just plain rocks... i love getting it to level 3, with its 10 mana and one second cooldown... at level 5, with lv3 blink and 2 ST, she obliterates any semi-damaged escaping heros... plus blinking in front of heros stops them in their tracks and is just really obnoxious... plus her undead esque ultimate ability is pure awesome soaked in a syrum of evil...
hope to get some interesting responses
-miles|||Pitlord is far from the worst hero in the game, but far from the best too.
He's actually no slower than any other strength based hero that doesnt have an aura to boost speed. He just seems like it due to his size. Cleaving Attack is rather nice, especially at level 3 where it makes all his attacks do 80% splash damage (to all enemy units around the one targeted). hero in the game is always subject to opinion, my personal favorite is the Tauren Chieftain.
Worst hero as far as facing off against it...Demon to hate that punk =)|||Quote:
Pitlord is far from the worst hero in the game, but far from the best too.
He's actually no slower than any other strength based hero that doesnt have an aura to boost speed. He just seems like it due to his size. Cleaving Attack is rather nice, especially at level 3 where it makes all his attacks do 80% splash damage (to all enemy units around the one targeted). hero in the game is always subject to opinion, my personal favorite is the Tauren Chieftain.
Worst hero as far as facing off against it...Demon to hate that punk =)
haha! yeah i always thought that the pit lord was alright... somebody in a game just insisted that he was aweful... i guess i took that to heart... i flippin hate it in team games when people think they know which units suck and which ones dont... i think that blizzard, in general, does a pretty good job making all the units worthwhile in some instances and nigh worthless in others...
another thing that bugs me is people who think wciii sucks and that starcraft is god... im guessing theyre either sad that they cant mass dragoons or zealots... i strongly dislike most starcraft players... it seems that most just rely off the ability to mass units, and have almost no micromanagement skills... not that i was very good when i played it... i also am sad that there were definately some worthless units...
case in point- the vulture... i mean, ive seen people use these effectively, but for the most part, they are aweful... (they are also my favorite unit)... i definately appreciate that wciii leaves a lot of room for people to use the units they like, and i really dont think that any units are truely bad in every sense...
i love the tauren cheiftan... but i stopped using him for the most part because hes too damn slow... i mean maybe as a second or third hero... but as a first hero he seems to die left and right (maybe i just suck with him)... i am amused when people get him as their first hero, and i harass with my warden, and he keeps trying to war stomp me when im out of range... he is a great meat shield though, and i think his aura is the best in the game... as for his other ability, the ray of fire one (i forget what its called)... is that ability even useful? i mean hes really slow so it would be hard to get him in a position where he can really do some damage with it... plus war stomp is essencial because people surround him so much...
anyways... as for DH... god dh is good... ive heard that with no abilities assigned he can beat any other hero in one on one combat... but yeah, if i didnt use him so much id probably hate him too...
-miles|||DH isn't THAT good. Any thinking player will be able to take it down if it has no skills.
You're right about massing the massing zealots and dragoons thing, Starcraft is totally the game where you can win with that. Oh wait... mass hunts, nevermind.
FYI, shockwave (=the ray of fire one) is great in combination with the Far Seer's chain lightning against weak-HP units. And since the TC is a melee unit, won't he always be in a good position, seeing as how he's in front..?|||Quote:
DH isn't THAT good. Any thinking player will be able to take it down if it has no skills.
You're right about massing the massing zealots and dragoons thing, Starcraft is totally the game where you can win with that. Oh wait... mass hunts, nevermind.
FYI, shockwave (=the ray of fire one) is great in combination with the Far Seer's chain lightning against weak-HP units. And since the TC is a melee unit, won't he always be in a good position, seeing as how he's in front..?
mass hunts? mass hunts is great until tier two... they take assloads of damage from range... i think that they definately are a risky bet, unlike zealots, which seem to be immune to most anything until tier 3 terran... lol
dh is pretty good, espeically since a good player will use him to disable any given mage hero, plus hes difficult to take out with melee.. but yeah hes definately not anywhere near invincable... just one of the best tanks, because he's fast and can take damage well
DH isn't THAT good. Any thinking player will be able to take it down if it has no skills.
You're right about massing the massing zealots and dragoons thing, Starcraft is totally the game where you can win with that. Oh wait... mass hunts, nevermind.
FYI, shockwave (=the ray of fire one) is great in combination with the Far Seer's chain lightning against weak-HP units. And since the TC is a melee unit, won't he always be in a good position, seeing as how he's in front..?
DH is good.
PL is good.|||Hey random have you ever done Warden Fan Of Knives harass on humans? it works really good...esp once you get lvl 3 can blink in..kill like 4 pesants...blink out...keepiing him busy with hero...while u build up a army to own them!.|||Archmage: Fun, but gets boring after a while. Really useful though. Only use blizzard in large RT games for aoe.
Mountain King: Rarely use. He's such a punk.
Paladin: I think he's under-used...An excellent second hero, for support.
Bloodmage: He's the man. I aboslutely love him...well played, and at level 6, he can hero target and have aoe.
Blademaster: I hate him. With a passion.
Far Seer: Like the archmage. Extremely useful, but gets boring fast.
Tauren Chieftan: I don't understand Ouchies' obsession with him. He's alright, and I do like his aura a lot. But good enough for a first hero...? Besides, he can only really tank after level 6.
Shadow Hunter: Really fun hero. As a first hero, either ward or hex first works fine, if you ask me, and as a second hero, hex and heal wave are both good, depending on what you're going. He's fun and useful, very versatile. Favorite orc hero by far.
Death Knight: I feel like there's a theme going for overused characters. He's like the FS and AM in this respect - incredibly useful, but overplayed. The one thing, is that I don't see pact used very often...I like using it sometimes, and it can make the DK an incredible meatshield, with the proper meat for the pact.
Dread Lord: Fun hero...I'm not very good with him. That whole sleep/surround technique takes more finesse than I'm capable of.
Liche: A good support hero, but nothing more. A strong second choice, imo.
Crypt Lord: A very fun hero, I think, and I *think* he's considered the best meatshield in the game. With armor upgrades as an ability (giving him the highest armor in the game), the highest strength in the game, and an ultimate that regenerates health, he doesn't die too easily. Except that he's a big target.
Demon Hunter: The AM/FS/DK of the night elves...except that I have more fun playing him. I love it when the enemy surrounds my DH with ghouls or footmen, while I'm using immolation.
Gobling Tinker: So much fun, so hard to use properly.
FoK and BoF (warden and panda respectively) is a lot of fun vs. ud|||My obsession with him is that when he's backed by a Shadow Hunter he's nearly invincible...literally if the SH hits 6th lol.
Nah a first hero his only weakness is against harrassment, which can be compensated for by good burrow placement. As a first hero he's gonna be the highest level of your heroes, so a better chance to get to 6th and having Reincarnate.
It's also a good feeling to take a hero that most people think "only noobs" take first, and turn around and kick their ass later in the game when said "noob" hero is leveled and making the entire army more kickass. a shorter version, i love heroes with aura's, and he's the orcs only aura hero aside from the Kodo <.< >.>|||Blademaster pwns Demon Hunter in a 1on1 fight easily. Ive done it almost every time I got up against a DH. He mana burns 2-3 times but my WW and normal dmge is enough.
Blademaster: I hate him. With a passion.
Tauren chieftain is slow, but its not that different with other strength heroes, most of them are slow (exception: DK) with aura however, TC is great: he's fast and has fast attack speed. Shockwave lvl 2 or 3 is really amazing.
Pandaren brewmaster prolly has the best AOE spell though. Haze + breath of fire = gg. :D
If you like blademaster, use him in combo with SH. Go hex. Blademaster + hex = gg heroes. ;o
warden is great, but her early stats are really bad, you have to level her up fast, and only then she is good, and actually very deadly. SS kills so many heroes. You have to TP in yellow health or else SS will kill you even after you've TP'ed =/
Pitty is slow, just like most other strength heroes. Maybe get boots of speed? =o|||What a question.... i think that all heros are good but there are heros that are better than others. NE is probaly Demon Hunter. Orc is Tauren Cheifen and Undead is absolutly definatly Crypt Lord (always begin with Carrion Bettles Ability) With human Blood and Arch Mage...... //// Black Leigon Aka Silent Dragon.|||Quote:
Hey random have you ever done Warden Fan Of Knives harass on humans? it works really good...esp once you get lvl 3 can blink in..kill like 4 pesants...blink out...keepiing him busy with hero...while u build up a army to own them!.
Except that by the time you have a level 5 hero, he'll already have an army.|||best - Alchemist - reasons, 1 spell is great heal, second one is equivalent of bm's critical strike, acid bomb - aoe faerie fire & poison wow so little mana, transmute ;] game finisher. oh and he hits air :D
worst - cryptlord or pitlord or dreadlord (lords sux)|||Infernal > j00.|||Can Infernal be transmutz0r3d?|||Nope.
Message Length.|||Honorable mention: Bloodmage, for reasons I've stated a million times. But, for the new ones, I'll say it again. Use him as your second hero - Siphon Mana from your enemy's hero, and then use it again of your first hero. Bloodmage works fantastic with almost every hero in the game, since everyone needs mana. Summoners will always be able to use their pets when the cooldown has passed, damage dealers can kill heroes many times over with banish + damage spell, followed by the siphon trick and repeat. Basicly, he's a walking mana battery.
Worst hero: Pitlord. Yes, he has his uses, and he isn't necessarily a bad hero, but every other hero has better uses then him, as far as I have noticed anyway. His ultimate is great, but getting him there is hard.
Best hero: Firelord, IMO. Awesome summons with which he can solo creep with, a damage spell which also silence units (great for taking down heroes and runners alike) and a spell which blows dead guys up. True, his ultimate could be better (since it stuns friendly units aswell, so you have to be careful about using it), but overall I've found him to be one of the most useful heroes.
Other heroes that are incredible: Far seer (overall awesome and a master of hit-and-run), Blademaster (now you see me, now you don't, now you die), Tinker (ultimate turns him into a steam tank), Dreadlord (aura, sleep, infernal. Enough said)|||Demon Hunter or Death Knight. Shadow Hunter is pretty good too, all his spells are useful.
Keeper of the Grove kinda sucks as does the Goblin Alchemist.|||Learn to play noob and we can talk. Alchy pwnz ur DH just like Warden pwnz ur AM...
Infernal Peon > j00.
In my opinion, MK gets first and Warden gets second. o.o
Blademaster pwns Demon Hunter in a 1on1 fight easily. Ive done it almost every time I got up against a DH. He mana burns 2-3 times but my WW and normal dmge is enough.
At level 1, yes. At higher levels, no. I don't know exactly when DH becomes more powerful, but level 4-5 or ofc level 6 at the very latest.|||Yeah I guess if you're gonna solo a human hero, you should do MK. And thanks for signing my clan guestbook Inf�rnal Penar! :>|||best hero: KotG
Worst hero: Anyone else.|||Quote:
best hero: KotG
Worst hero: Anyone else.
I must agree... KotG is very powerful. and entagle >>> tier 3 melee|||dispell > entangle and treants. His aura sucks and his ukti is channeling, which means it can be cancelled by botl sleep hex etc|||Best hero:Blademaster WW + CS just pwnz heroes and BS just pwnz melee!G_G!
Note:If you pick up Blademaster pick up shadow hunter as seacond hero,he helps well vs humans if they go priest,sorses!Actuly BM & SH pwnz all!
Worst Hero:It could be priest of the moon but since shes ultima is sooo like killing spreee il just say worst hero is goblin tinker and pit lord!|||Quote:
Hey random have you ever done Warden Fan Of Knives harass on humans? it works really good...esp once you get lvl 3 can blink in..kill like 4 pesants...blink out...keepiing him busy with hero...while u build up a army to own them!.
yeah! the blink and fan of knives strategy is great, espeically vs human... i just hesitate to go this way because i get so much glee from taking out those pesky heros on the run...
rock on
-miles|||Paladin...let me twell you why. O.K. first of all lets say your opponent is undead...O.K. so you can use holy light on his heroes which is EXTREMELLY EFFECTIVE if its lvl 2-3. You can also heal units. (Duh) His defensive aura is so incredibly awesome that its very hard to defeat units that are under the effects of it. And lastly his lvl 6 ultimate. He can ressurect the dead. O.K. thanks peace.
dispell > entangle and treants. His aura sucks and his ukti is channeling, which means it can be cancelled by botl sleep hex etc
OMG! You can dispel entangle AND treants?! I had no idea! Thorns aura sucks?! Amazing discovery! His ukti (whatever that is) is channeling?! Underpowered!
I've gone KotG probably 2,000 times and I count the amount of times where I've been owned because of dispel on one hand.
Also, at tier 3, NE has this nice antimagic pot in their shop. You buy that, you use a channeling ultimate, and spells like "botl sleep hex etc" cant hit you.
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