Thursday, April 19, 2012

Night Elf Strategies

Hi guys,sorry for my poor english sentences, if it has made you frustrated reading it, i apologise and hope you won't bear grudges with me. Because I use IRC like mad when i was very young and IRC influenced me with many short-cut languages until my english compositions were all with loopholes.

I went through many Night Elf replays,and would like to ask for some general strategies here.

I'm listing some 'standard' strategies here...because if i go to to play and if i know what the enemy race is, i can plan my strategy well ahead

(unless i recon my enemy and understand what he's up to and i try to counter it with different strategies)

Night Elf VS Undead

Many go archers and dyrads (some hiyp. riders) because of gargolyes/destroyers...and then they'd train DotC for attacking land units and archers/dyrads attack air ? Or they just mass dyrads ?

Night Elf VS Orc

This one is archers + Dott (which is very popular isnt it)

Night Elf VS Human

Huntresses + Dyrads + DotC ?

Night Elf VS Night Elf

I saw many PotM + hunts + (late game dyrads)...if not they tech to tier 2 and mass DotC + Dyrads

please correct me if i am wrong because this is the first time i am listing out strategies and add if i've left out some thanks|||cant tell you so much about most of the matchups as I play orc, but in nelf vs orc, yes, mass talons is common. Large amounts of tier 1 (two ancient of wars) with warden or KotG. KotG pwns vs orc. Upgrade to tier 2 when lumber/gold allows (not too early) and then add ancient of lore and ancient of wind and get talons and dyrads. ;o Theres also mass chims vs orc. But I dont see that very often. Mostly mass talons or the other thing I mentioned. ;o|||Nelf vs Nelf...

I find the mounted hero (name evades me) with fire arrow's on auto cast is the best hero, then mass huntresses and get the upgrades. I haven't lost a mirror match with this strat yet|||As if you've played so many... You can play me, then you'll have lost an NE mirror.. ~.~

PotM huntalista was extremly popular a while ago, but normally gets owned by a good tech. That is, unless you are either on tiny maps where you can push him non-stop & tower him at the same time, or unless you can expo at least once while you have the advantage.

Most people go DH Naga hunts or archers, then tech to beardryad nowadays in my experience. Personally, I have very good results with PotM Naga mass archers, a few dryads and the odd MG or bear as tank, but that's not normal & requires a certain playstyle that I'm not in the mood to explain now. -.-|||yikes in a bad mood are we? :S|||Quote:

As if you've played so many... You can play me, then you'll have lost an NE mirror.. ~.~

OK... i was just saying in my experience... as small as that may be, this is what i had success with|||Well when one has stats that fell off the back of the lorry, one can win with anything. Hell, I can keep 50% using only heroes. So basically, what strats noobs have success with is completly unimportant as they only play vs people who suck anyway.

All the same, PotM huntalista is possible in NE mirror, so it's not like you were completly wrong. Sry if I sounded offensive, it wasn't meant to be.|||hey i just watched a couple of NE replays and found out that

Dott + hunt + dyrad

are also a nice strat. against OR, so basically how does it works ?

Dott = reduces armour (faerie fire)

hunts = tank(front line army)

dyrad = do damage ?

heroes that go with these are usually DH , Beastmaster ( on tavern maps)

on lost temple,no taverns, i once saw Shortround use Warden... hey by the way guys, i have BenQ.GeiL.Short as by , my friend thought i was lying|||Quote:

Hell, I can keep 50% using only heroes.

fux j00 >_<

;p|||ok�, this is what i do [i only play RoC but i think these can count in TFT aswell]

nelf vs orc => mass talons (master-cyclone & fairie fire)

nelf vs undead - mass fiends => huntz & master talons for cyclone

nelf vs undead - ghoul/garg => archer & drayds (maybe some hyppos)

nelf vs nelf => archer/huntz + master talons (cyclone the dh lvl 6)

nelf vs human => huntz & mass dryads

this works very well in RoC...|||Getting a bit proud here aren't we?|||funny how the word "mass" is used a lot in ithomas' description. I guess it tells you something about RoC. =/|||yea sniper, true thing

RoC is about mass :p I often try to make a mix of 3 or 4 units but u get pwned against those RoC mass strats (if u can call it a strat) like mass fiends (brrr hate it) or mass wyverns (hate it more) ...

but i like it :p i just counter-mass

lolz|||lol mass dryads

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