anyway the only way i was going to win this was by waiting it out until his mine collapsed and he eventually emerged from his base.
I tried to get those siege engine things which which comes from the ancient of war and while they have more range than the rock throwers they need line of sight and i had no unit durible enough to take punishment from 5+ trees.
Apart from waiting it out and being bored silly is there anything i can actually do against this type of player?|||Upgraded chims would help. They die fast-ish to towers, but kill said towers even faster.|||A priestess of the moon can help. She can cast scout, who can provide you with line of sight. Also, if she is high level, she can cast her ultimate, which will destroy defensive buildings (you can use potion of invulnerability to keep her alive).|||Pot of Invulnerability cancels Starfall|||hack through his tree line with your siege and attack him from behind.
or you could simply wait until night, get a few units up there, shadowmeld them. Even if your enemy dust of appear's you, you should be able to get a few trees with enough siege.|||whoa ne solo 4-0... you own ;]|||er 4-1 now, basically self destructed at the start... i wanted a beast master at the start and didn't realise i needed an alter to get one from the tavern lol.
I started owning the UD with dryads... then he spammed about 8 Abomination's and what can i say... lost one hero, didn't realise i was losing the other and my drads weren't doing much. Looking back i should have fought on, i had 2 mines but i couldn't get it clear in my head on what would take abominations down... need to give that a little think
GG SloTh_SqueeZer|||Druids of the Talon, cylcone all but one up and FF the one left...or Druids of the Claw...Chim's do magic damage to the ground, which does extra damage to abombs....just random things that'd counter them off the top of my head...|||lol i didn't even know druids of the talon existed lol, am i right in thinking that if a unit has an armor rating of 4 and a druid of the talon walks up and gives him a slap he becomes armour less?
If this is the case would dots(yes i am learning the lingo
As an add-on to this question, do dots change the armour type of a creature as they decrease the rating by 4. Or is it just the protection the creature receives?|||faerie fire can make a unit have 0 armor or less, but they cant change an armor type. This means low armor units will end up taking more than normal damage.
A popular strat against orcs is to mass DoT's against orc. Faerie Fire + cyclone keeps things in check, most orc units have heavy armor which take extra damage from DoT's.
You can also add in archers if you'd like.|||Turtling shouldnt be a problem. 4 Ballistas kill a tree in 2 shots.
That reminds me, siege is just so awesome. Its real fun to kill main buidlings while armies are fighting.|||Mass wagons, walk in, kill main, tp out, rinse and repeat, switch to necrowagon when you're fed up. G_G|||Ultravision ftw?|||2 Suicide Hunts? Pick up the Sentinal upgrade and rush them in to cast that on a tree? Just another possible thought.|||u can cast sentinel on a tree kinda near and the range of view on the sentinel is probably (i'm guessing) big enough to let u see towers. if u saw one tower then u can do "attack ground" command and attack the area (there is a sillouette of the tower since u saw it before)
if ur human use reveal with arcane tower|||i know what u mean thats hard but just one word for that and that is RUSH . and i mean with every thing take even millita cos they run fast and hit fast but dont tke so much....|||Quote:
i know what u mean thats hard but just one word for that and that is RUSH . and i mean with every thing take even millita cos they run fast and hit fast but dont tke so much....
Im against flaming and all, but ur just plain stupid and annoying. What a pathetic suggestion...|||Quote:
Im against flaming and all, but ur just plain stupid and annoying. What a pathetic suggestion...
dont feel bad. it was pretty horrible. i remember someone said for improving build order and macro they said to play with computer on ur team and copy everything exactly the way the comp builded. -_- go die plz.
o yeh theres also the critter|||Quote:
Im against flaming and all, but ur just plain stupid and annoying.
No I'm not.|||Quote:
dont feel bad. it was pretty horrible. i remember someone said for improving build order and macro they said to play with computer on ur team and copy everything exactly the way the comp builded. -_- go die plz.
o yeh theres also the critter
For some people Computer is playing gosu|||Quote:
No I'm not.
! ! ! !|||= )|||wtf did just happen here...|||kekekekekekek
/hopes black leigon will post again soon|||Quote:
i know what u mean thats hard but just one word for that and that is RUSH . and i mean with every thing take even millita cos they run fast and hit fast but dont tke so much....
I think I know what you mean. I took your post out of the context for my subsequent comments. Correct me if I'm wrong.
To contradict popular opinion on this post, this works. You just have to make sure you've expo'ed every or most of the gold mines, build alot of unit producing buildings, get your upgrades, then rush like crazy bringing some balista's with you. Then, just keep pumping units as your attacking, you can't go wrong because you have the money advantage and eventually you'll wear down your apponent. This can be a little risky but if your motivation is preventing bordom, this is the way to go. The best counter for someone that camps is to just expo all the mines you can. Then your sure to win... not to mention all the fun things you can do with all those resources.
1) I don't think you meant to say "rush". Take your time and build up to monumental proportions then, "rush-in" is what your saying right?
2) Night elf don't have militia. Follow the format of the thread.
3) Taking militia may not be the best thing, then BOTH of you have no resource income and he'll probably win because he has towers and probably 100 food as you do.|||wow we have a nice guy here ^_^|||such thing doens't exist. The best you'll find is a nice ***.|||Quote:
I think I know what you mean. I took your post out of the context for my subsequent comments. Correct me if I'm wrong.
To contradict popular opinion on this post, this works. You just have to make sure you've expo'ed every or most of the gold mines, build alot of unit producing buildings, get your upgrades, then rush like crazy bringing some balista's with you. Then, just keep pumping units as your attacking, you can't go wrong because you have the money advantage and eventually you'll wear down your apponent. This can be a little risky but if your motivation is preventing bordom, this is the way to go. The best counter for someone that camps is to just expo all the mines you can. Then your sure to win... not to mention all the fun things you can do with all those resources.
1) I don't think you meant to say "rush". Take your time and build up to monumental proportions then, "rush-in" is what your saying right?
2) Night elf don't have militia. Follow the format of the thread.
3) Taking militia may not be the best thing, then BOTH of you have no resource income and he'll probably win because he has towers and probably 100 food as you do.
thanx! at least someone thinks it was a good plan......
Anwsers to your "qotes"
1) no i mean rush
2)i was talking about if he was human against a night elf camper
3)yeah your probaly right....|||Quote:
Im against flaming and all, but ur just plain stupid and annoying. What a pathetic suggestion...
yes well that shows just how much u no about WC3. and that by the way is nothing! but the milta thing was stupid...|||where are the mods that banned the old members now?
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