Thursday, April 19, 2012

NE mirror

Should i go dual AOWs.. and pump out hunts??... or should i go with the archers and go for the fast tech to either get dotts or dryads.. then eventually bears?... thanks in advance|||Hunts in mirror are lol. Go archers and tech fast. I suggest Warden or dh as heroes.

I do scuk with Nelf, so, it may be wrong..|||Thnx.. reason i ask is because, i either see a game where both players get hunts... and go with that or they both go with the archers quick tech to dryads and then bears.. it would be interesting if i could see a replay between archers quick tech vs hunts.|||Personally, I mass archers with PotM, but it's rather unusual and not too noob-friendly. The two mostused tactics are PotM & hunts & listas, or DH Naga archer tech to beardryad.|||Quote:

Personally, I mass archers with PotM, but it's rather unusual and not too noob-friendly. The two mostused tactics are PotM & hunts & listas, or DH Naga archer tech to beardryad.

what usually wins if they are heads up?|||It depends on the situation. Earlygame mass hunts has the advantage, but lategame beardryad is stronger, unless the hunt user has severly crippled his opponent or has gotten an expo up. You should decide depending on your playstyle. Also, it changes with the map, i.e. on Lost Temple, mass hunts and expo is normally stronger.|||i always go DH/Potm + dual AoWar for a lot of archers

and add in 6 or 7 talons to cyclone the freakin' DH lvl 6 imba meta :p

or some more talons if he goes for bears

dont make too much talons if opponents goes for many dryads... that be completely useless.

if you see that the opponent goes for more bears than archer/dryads, then you can easily switch to hypporiders in your AoWind

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