This is obviously a ghoul/necro/meat wagon type strat, i figure shee's and stat's for healing and mana regen as well. My questions are as follows:
1) Which heroes are used? DK/DL/Lich?
2) Is this supposed to be done hella fast?
3) This strat seems weak vs air, aside from coil/nova/swarm and skeletal magi, how do you counter air? By getting gargs too?
4) How many necro's, shee's, wagons and stats are recommended?
5) How fast should upgrades be gotten aside from casters? (IE; attack/armor)
6) 2 healing scrolls and 1 scroll of prot on each hero are the recommended items as well as healing/mana pots?
7) When/how fast should the UD expo with this strat?
8) Do you continue with dual aura crack ghouls or switch to abombs, or do you get a decent mix?
9) Are fiends used in this strat at all(except as possible counters)?
10) Are rods of necromancy used only early game or do you continue to use them throughout with this strat?
11) Which race(s) does this strat work best against?
Next strat:
Fiend/Destro tech.
1) What race(s) is this strat used against?
2) What are the >recommended< heroes?
3) How fast should you be teching with this?
4) Depending on the above answer, how vital are attack/armor upgrades for this?
5) What's the recommended unit assortment with this strat?
I cant think of any other undead strats other than the fiend to wyrm tech that started way way back in that still viable?
Oh yeah...what neutral heroes compliment the above strats best if at all? And..what other undead strats are there that i'm not aware of (I just listed all i am aware of, aside from a ghoul rush)?
Ouchies|||AFAIK, fiends go well with DK/Lich for focus firing purposes. i always teched moderately fast, but not really fast, after a fiend or three. Attack upgrades are nice, but I never got a lot of them. For the rest, it's mostly fiends/stats/destros.
I'm definitely not the UD pro (or pro in any field of play, for that matter) but this is what I know of the subject! :D|||Warning: All what I post in this threat is based on my own experience. Thank you.
Fiend/Destro strat:
1) I use it vs Orc (not always)
2) DK and Lich (Lich orb)
3) Tech after 3 fiends. Faster is recommended, however, keep in mind u need 210 wood just for tech, 40 a fiend.
4) Since you use units of the same type, upgrading can be useful. Depends on the enemy's units. vs mass bats, dont upgrade, but vs raiders + grunts take armor.
5) Sorry, this question could be answered by someone else. Cause I don't understand 'unit assortment'. My fault.
I advice to take non-tavern hero's. DK + Lich are required in my opinion, and when I take 3rd hero, its or DL or CL.
I wouldn't use the wyrm-strat. A good enemy sees what you're up to. Countered easily.
Strats for t1, or any tier? t1, u can also go fiends. However, fiends are expensive for 1v1, as you probably know. Sometimes I go ghouls + banshee. Curse is an underestimated spell, and so is Anti-magic shell. I remember someone on this forum using banshees too. Maybe he's more succesful at uploading replays.
Then you attack, this tactic worked for me in two matches in a row. Dont take this tactic serious, im not a pro.
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