Now after all that, my question is: Does anybody have any tips on how to get proper placement, or what proper placement actually IS in your opinion? I find I'm losing so many battles these days because I have bad placement and an army smaller than mine defeats mine. :(
also 2 other questions! :D
1) Why is TC's wave better vs rifles but stomp better vs fiends? they have same hp... The only reason I can think of is that rifles are smaller and clump together more and are therefore more vulnerable to aoe...
2)When is the next patch coming out? What are you're hopes/expectations? :D
ty <3|||Nice thread!
I totally agree on the position-thing. I also find splitting my army in two groups works great, just for the occasional surround, and to surprise the enemy (its fun when he doesnt notice ur wyvs-shaman :-D).
1) Never thought of it, but u are right, I also go wave vs hu and stomp vs ud. Wave hits more rifles thatn it would fiends (i think), and the stomp on fiends is just plain fun to do (beacuse ud rely too much on them for damage the first 2 tiers)
2) Patch will come out when AFC Ajax will win the Champions League (not for a long time that is). I hope the Blademaster will be PUT OUT of the game. I seriously just lost 2 games beacuse of them. BM on Echoisle is so fcking imba. Havent played that many games to have an opinion about what to nerf/buff.|||Yeah, battle posituoning is very important. If you got alot of ranged units, you are in a great advantage if you're able to fight you're enemy at chokepoints.
1) Stomp stops fiends from burrowing. (?)
2) Won't be for a long time. I seriously don't know what Blizzard's up to. They just cancelled SC:Ghost and they're soon releasing the WoW-expasion. I don't think they care much for wc3 anymore. Anyway, I'd like to see dryads gold cost increased, some kind of talon nerf, UD casters buffed a little and tanks should give more xp when killed. It would also be nice if Orb of Fire was useful...|||thx for the replies guys ;o
about burrow: Stomp stops burrow, but ensnare is good enough to stop fiends from dancing and burrowing. Usually lvl 1 stomp aint that great. I also have dust most of the time... =O
yeah I hope to see a serious dyrad and talon nerf. And please nerf mana burn. Also buff orc in any damn way, they really need it imo. >< nerf hu towers and nerf staff of preservation and corruption. oh and how about nerfing ud heroes too? xD yep I guess its obvious I play orc...xp|||Blizzard should fix nelf tier 2 units because they are waaaay stronger than orc tier 2!
And blademaster isn't so imba,just buy some stuff like jem of true seen or smth!|||They gave a nerf to talons, it is called Dark Ranger... "OMFG I CANNOTE CYCELONE GG FAKIN LUCKI"|||Yeah unfortunately they made this unit called the wisp (never heard of it. must be new?) and gave it this spell called detonate
Vs orc you want to deal as much damage as fast as possible with chainwave, since priests heal it up very fast anyway.|||Since when NE's bring wisps on teh battlefield? (vs. orc)|||Quote:
Since when NE's bring wisps on teh battlefield? (vs. orc)
Since Farseer + Wolves & mr firelord shown up.|||Quote:
Blizzard should fix nelf tier 2 units because they are waaaay stronger than orc tier 2!
And blademaster isn't so imba,just buy some stuff like jem of true seen or smth!
Orc has the best tier2 in the game...
And snypar, level1 stomp is great. Being able to stun multiple units as soon as you get your TC at tier2 is priceless.|||DR's silence aoe is big and wisps get silenced too|||hmmm I find stomp lvl 2/3 great, it has a long stun and moderately good dmge. However not really with lvl 1. I usually try to place a stomp when I want to prevent a orange/red health unit(s) from dancing or running away and 4-5 sec stun is great for that. But lvl 1... its usually not enough, unless Im trying to stomp surround one unit. But its prolly just me b/c me = teh noob.
and scrooj, what do you mean by "orc depends on stomp + raiders to deal alot of damage to undead"? that was kind of my question, why is stomp so much better at dealing dmge vs ud, unlike vs human where wave is better. xD|||Stomp + Stasis traps = hax|||stomp + stasis + sentry = hax n' maphax
xD|||1) Stomp stops burrow. Rifles dont have burrow
2) Decrease cooldown of Sacrifice, Lich skill for more mana.
About ur placement etc, vs Orc (u play orc right?) I position my units in small, narrow places. (im UD) This is kinda the reason why Orc gets pwnt on Turtle Rock so easily. You know, orc = melee. So, if u are orc, u want to avoid fighting in narrow places...|||yeah I hate turtle rock as orc. When Im against human, he loves to go am/blm and take advantage of the chokepoints everywhere and aoe the sh|t out my whole army >_<
about burrow...ensare + dust stops it too...|||Yes, it does. Perhaps it's just personal?|||Can't edit my message...
Anyway, I think stomp is better vs fiends, cause they run faster (DK aura). Rifle's are slow. Maybe?|||I keep seeing people referring to the Gem of True Seeing. I remember this item from the Campaigns in RoC but I do not think this item either drops, nor is it for sale at any shop on TFT. It is possible that it just doesn�t drop on the FFA maps but drops on the 1vs1 maps, but it�s highly unlikely. I know every treasure class and it�s drop locations on every FFA map. The treasure classes are the treasure classes, they never change and it�s not in the Permanent treasure class, the Charged treasure class, nor is it in Power Up. This must be a RoC only item.|||It is an item from shop in RoC...|||Stomp stops DK from coiling the Lich you're busy focus'ing down.. =O
And about the patch - Seriously, you dont think Blizz even thinks of War3 when they have WoW to think of instead... omg yeah, let's abandon the good game to buff up a ****ty game instead. :(|||Quote:
Stomp stops DK from coiling the Lich you're busy focus'ing down.. =O
And about the patch - Seriously, you dont think Blizz even thinks of War3 when they have WoW to think of instead... omg yeah, let's abandon the good game to buff up a ****ty game instead. :(
yeah thats true thats why I still go stomp vs ud. but vs fiends...Im starting to like wave too, b/c for one, its more versatile vs ud, as it pwns ghouls and would be good vs fiends too. ofc, then again chainstomp is good enuf vs ghouls. =O|||Well, I'd go wave vs ghouls, but you should've scouted to see if he has ghouls or fiends.. But anyways, I go TC Panda vs UD, so I don't have much experience with TC 2nd anyways. FS = booo.|||hey Sniper, against UD you could try the TC/PL combo. UD cant recover from the Pit Lords Howl as easily as other races and the PL cant be coiled so he's less vulnerable to nuking.
Just a thought.|||yeah Ive been thinking about going uncoilable neutral heroes vs ud, like DR or something. PL's a thought too. ;o
and yes, FS against UD is ret4rded. vs nuke he can't do anything. just TP. ofc, when high lvl nuke is around, not even TP is an option unless you're so fast that you can see the coil flying towards your fs and can TP before it hits you -_-|||lolz.
I just had this thought.
Ultimates work on magicimmune units afaik, ie starfall hurts dryads, etc.
Soooo... could you charm destros???
If you can, solo dr --> gg noobdead.
Plus all her other skills are useful, arrows for faster creeping and focusing fiends, silence vs heroes obviously, etc.|||Quote:
Soooo... could you charm destros???
yes.. i dint have memory of trying it, however i do remember transmuting numerous destros in my time... and i have probably seen it done aswell... A high level DR is among the worst things to face as an UD, regardless of enemy race (most common v NE i guess) ... Dark arrow makes small units hard to use, and once she hits lv6 aboms/destros/wyrms arnt good to use either, unless you are able to mass them like crazy and go gung-ho (= �ber offensive) making the charm cooldwon count for something. but that can be hard to do and kind of requires an economic advantage.|||omg i got to try this. I'll bring down the fundeads with their own abuse|||A while back, I didn't know ultimates like BS, SF hurt magic immune units. I saw this rep that had a lvl 6 bm in it and mass dyrads... My eyes popped when I saw those dyrads go down... xD
About DR, I was thinking of using silence on DK and then FFing lich. Same as hex or stomp but cooler xP Plus, when playing orc, Raiders and Destros together have got to be teh biggest secks ebor.
I wish silence would work on dessies xD
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