I am new to tis site, and hav some qweshtins for u guys. I hav startid playing warcraft3 for a wile its aweomse game I luv the green race and the swordmastor but I hav sum qweshtins:
Oh and excuze my speling mistaiks I am not englis.
1)What is a barricks. Ive heard people say things like "barricks is your mom **** nob" can someone explayn to me wut tis means pls? I'm not good at translaiting werds so well. :(
2)What duz mean when computer sayz to me, "Build more burrows" It alwaiyz hapins wen I click to build green fyters. :(
3)I hav heard of theez heroes. I tryed swordmastor and demun hunta, they r reely kool, but I didint no there are mor heroes. Wut are the uther ones? I heard of the heroe called the deth nite. Is he good? Wut can he go?
thank u all, sory 4 my bad speling again
u must4 m3 t3h pwnz04 n0t a n00bz0r liek otherz peopl... u take bladecockz0r and own ther ases! omfg he is teh sex <3|||play campaign. it helps you somewhat. or u can watch replays at www.wcreplays.com or other sites on google if u search.
whats ur native language? maybe we can help|||somwhat means a little|||just watch replays and replays and replays all over until you know all the most cummon combo's/counter/strats/build orders
www.replayers.com is tha place to be
What duz mean when computer sayz to me, "Build more burrows" It alwaiyz hapins wen I click to build green fyters. :(
this guy must be kidding
@ darwinDaDawg: I know Im not a mod, but plz dont double post. Just edit ur previous post. Thank you for enthusiasm.
I really cant shake the feeling that someone like snipar has made the acc demun hunta 123, dont know why
someone like snipar has made the acc demun hunta 123, dont know why
You're close... so close.... *hint hint*|||it was so obvious that it was me?
[/jk?]|||I don't think this guy Demun Hunta 123 is serious,hes just playing dumb with us.
@Demun Hunta 123:click on peon and then click build button,then READ until you find building named borrow,(if you play orc of course).
And whatafak is snipar?|||Quote:
Hi people,
I am new to tis site, and hav some qweshtins for u guys. I hav startid playing warcraft3 for a wile its aweomse game I luv the green race and the swordmastor but I hav sum qweshtins:
Oh and excuze my speling mistaiks I am not englis.
1)What is a barricks. Ive heard people say things like "barricks is your mom **** nob" can someone explayn to me wut tis means pls? I'm not good at translaiting werds so well. :(
2)What duz mean when computer sayz to me, "Build more burrows" It alwaiyz hapins wen I click to build green fyters. :(
3)I hav heard of theez heroes. I tryed swordmastor and demun hunta, they r reely kool, but I didint no there are mor heroes. Wut are the uther ones? I heard of the heroe called the deth nite. Is he good? Wut can he go?
thank u all, sory 4 my bad speling again
I love that guy's english|||IPod needs a kick in the sack.|||Quote:
I don't think this guy Demun Hunta 123 is serious,hes just playing dumb with us.
@Demun Hunta 123:click on peon and then click build button,then READ until you find building named borrow,(if you play orc of course).
And whatafak is snipar?
Snipar = sniper lord 600|||rofl this is same sh|t that happened when pat magroin was trolling these forums: Every1 thought it was me. I really dont know why I always get blamed... Is it the avatar or something? o_O
EDIT: ROFL, look at that, were both logged on at the same time. I hope this clears things up -_-|||Quote:
IPod needs a kick in the sack.
You DO realize I'm none of those guys I keep saying I am...?|||hi people, thank u all 4 the reeplies.
I doent understand the ferst reeplie, why is there so much number in his ryting?
I am not englis as I said. ya, I forgot to tel u people. I am frum Finland. Very cold here. I cant tok so long now cos I hav to go fishing wit my dadd.
oh, 1 mor qweshtin:
wut is 'replays'? can some1 tell mee? Will they maik me beter at dis game? :y-sneaky:|||Well it's certainly a fake, someone from Finland would never be that stupid. It's not Snypar though, I saw him and whoever-this-is browsing the forum at the same time.
I vote for ignoring.
Edit: Oh, and I think it's warm in Finland at the moment...
Edit Edit: And if some finnish guy spoke such horrible English, he'd say Suomi and not Finland.
So yeah, fake a French guy next time. Else, finlandfreak alarm.|||nice one :p he is fake for sur.
finland - fishing with dad => watched too much cartoons :p
it could also be a very stupid 12 year old kid that just discovered warcraft|||ty IP < 3333|||its da snypar! whats the problem with logging on second account at same time?|||yeah you can do that when having two browsers.|||poor Internet Explorer fool, ever heard about "tabbed browsing"?|||Whatev .|||Quote:
poor Internet Explorer fool, ever heard about "tabbed browsing"?
Thanks for your all powerful wisdom.|||He even changed his location to Finland....
So, ignore then?|||rofl, you guys prolly scared him away by flaming him to the yonder reality -_-
and I only have one browser, tard: IE.
gg.|||ignore this post ><|||PotM > DH
ignore this post ><
this one and all teh others you ever posted.|||2613... you're gonna have a lot to ignore.
i <3 joo all.
How do I be good at this game?
You' don't.
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