This is just my opinion and there are better players on this forum who will probably disagree with me, but these are usually the strats that work for me.|||Quote:
Human is very much a counter-race imo. For example, versus NE if my opponent is getting hunts, then i would mass dwarves, is he only has archers, i get footmen with defend. Versus UD, since most players will mass destroyers, get dragonhawks or mass flying machines. Against orc, you have to outlast him in the beginning, then get gryphons or spellbreakers. In mirror matches, a caster/breaker combo is usually the best bet.
This is just my opinion and there are better players on this forum who will probably disagree with me, but these are usually the strats that work for me.
Wow, I must say I liked your post. The last sentence was pure gold (alot of ppl show up here and act as if they know it all)... Anyhow, you're quite right that human is indeed a counter race. I'd just like to add that they are really strong at creeping and/or expandin with militia-support. And sorceress are a must against orc on most maps! GL!|||motars + rifles and breakers are good against elf.. i play elf so i know.. try not to let the elf harss yuou early on while u buikld your army.. not too many casters if he has dragons unless u are confident of taking them out with your rifles/.|||i'd recommend dragonhawks for chims myself.|||hippos you to death.|||tip for every race:
if you learn how to defeat ud, you are pro gosu|||seconded .|||I think this guy is looking for a BO. I dont play human so I dont know, but maybe someone with some experience could tell him one.|||Quote:
tip for every race:
if you learn how to defeat ud, you are pro gosu
that is so not true. I Can do it without a problem normally.
Best practice to be able to beat the UD is to turn around and play the UD for awhile, and use the strats you tend to loose to. By doing this you get a feel for the timing of things, and almost always know when they have to be doing certain things, thus if you are human you know the perfect time to hit him.
Easiest thing to do vs UD with human i would say is to get MK and Pally. To avoid the nuke. Then Creep hard. When you get a sanctum up start pumping some breakers, and a few priest and sorc. Put up a workshop for some flying machines. You should still have a lot of your T1 army btw. Once your sacntum is up and you have a few units out of it, and your workshop is either going up or you already have a few units out of it you should hit the UD. It would also help if you had some mercs. Like for example, the Goblin priest and the lvl 4 goblin dude. (that does like 24-29 damage). By doing this your army should be bigger than his at this point and if you hit at the right time his slaughter houses should just be going up or have not been up for long. Attack well, Have gosu micro. If needed add some hawks to cloud towers and shackle gargs or take some destros if you want.|||o M g|||Quote:
Goblin priest
By doing this your army should be bigger than his at this point and if you hit at the right time his slaughter houses should just be going up or have not been up for long.
yeah ud tech really slow.|||lol what?
I dont remember what the hell he's called. Goblin Shadow Priest?
Troll Shadow Priest, christ idc and it doesnt matter. lmao. :
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