in a bbattle wood u Attack move? or would u FF...
nost of the time when i FF i find my self getting owned when my melee units are running around the battlefeild like crazy...
plz help...
im not noob its jsut that ive always been doing this
Thank You.
but if i dont ff then most of the time i juust find myself makin his army weak but not killin them.........
But if he can micro, he'll just make your army chase after one unit while he manages to weaken/hurt you. Range is the best for FFing.|||Quote:
ok so lets say i have about about 12 foots....
in a bbattle wood u Attack move? or would u FF...
nost of the time when i FF i find my self getting owned when my melee units are running around the battlefeild like crazy...
plz help...
im not noob its jsut that ive always been doing this
Thank You.
the problem with that is that your units are melee and slow
that is the worst thing to FF, because that unit will keep running while you are being killed, best thing is attack move, but then again it depends what you are countering|||erm, foots aren't slow..unless you're talking about defended foots. and foots are more effectively used with an MK for bolt-surround.|||Quote:
erm, foots aren't slow..unless you're talking about defended foots. and foots are more effectively used with an MK for bolt-surround.
When ever i play humans, i use MK bolt to stun and then foot surround but foots just don't have the speed or damage to effectively FF riflemen can but not much better knights are the ones to use or Slow
B2|||After some weeks I noticed that they come withthe same questions. And again, and again, and again.
I'm oficially out of this out of the forum. Again.
Just tell in what part of the game you'll need 12 foots.|||Quote:
After some weeks I noticed that they come withthe same questions. And again, and again, and again.
I'm oficially out of this out of the forum. Again.
Just tell in what part of the game you'll need 12 foots.
Dude, there is no need to announce your eight departure.
But you are right, btw
a)surround ff (this works well agenst hero's
or b) fighting someone with horible micro skills(
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