What should i do if my opponent goes for 2 AoW hunts + some APs at my base im already teching to dual lores for dryads with archers and a demon hunter?
Should i just add another AoW at my base and pump out huntresses and then possible add an Ancient of Wind for some DotTs?|||I usually go with DH quickly to enemy base and try to destroy moonwell or Ancient of War... then I often make archers and AP rush also... his 1 AoW hunts can't stand focus fire from archers...|||Ok, thanks.|||so the guy dual hunt rushed and towered you eh?
NE has the best defense against a tower rush. Simply uproot your AoWs. 2 AoWs is always a good idea in a NE mirror match anyways.
So, once you uproot, start repairing them, and build more in their spots. Keep putting out the wisps.
Personally, I dont like the quick tech against another NE... simply because a lot of them will dual hunt rush and you can find yourself in a bad spot.|||Ne is so pwn at towerrush imo. When all buildings in range have been destroyed then just uproot and move in further. You don't even have to do the "tower-in" thingie where you start building far away then tower in. ><|||<3 NE Mirror. It's amazing what a few archers do to 453473 hunts. =)|||Actually hunts work well against archers cause of the archers low HP and the hunts bouncing damage. And yeah 2 AoWs is pretty common in elf mirror. PotM hunts is a cool strat and it's probably the only MU where you'll find Glaive Throwers useful (not only while defending against a towerrush).|||yeah well you're not meant to have the archers run straight into the hunts are you....|||Yeah thats why nelf got PotM!
hunts supported by ballistas is my common tier1 counter vs nelf.
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