Anyway questions...
1) Does anyone have any good noob guides? I have looked at the "guide to end all guides" but half of it is terminology that i don't understand.
About the game in general...
2) How often do you use items? And do people ever use the shop? are there any i should be buying?
3) Creeping? I understand the concept but are you doing it with the intent to level up your hero or get items?
OK this is all i can think of for now lol, i will probably back with this. I thank you in advance for answers and patience.
Please don't pick on the noob
3) Yes, having a hero level advantage will most likely give you an upper hand against your opponent and you'll get useful items (learn how to use them).|||could you please give an example of a useful item. (sorry)
Also i thought that your hero automatically got to use an item, if they don't how do you go about equiping an item? I have tried clicking a few of them and not much seems to happen.|||Right for example: A common item is the Wand of Illusion, which can make illusions of your units. You can use it either to scout your enemies base or location or you could just keep the illusions around your army in order to fool your enemy you have a bigger army. Another is Potion of Restoration which is great when you need to regenerate your heroes hp/mana after a battle or after creeping.|||I have an ultra-noob question.
How does the militia move faster than the peasant when they are the same people but one has heavy armor on him?|||Why do peons wear bathing suits?|||Why does paladin always wear a scaft even if its not cold?|||Quote:
could you please give an example of a useful item. (sorry)
Also i thought that your hero automatically got to use an item, if they don't how do you go about equiping an item? I have tried clicking a few of them and not much seems to happen.
If you get a wand of illusion you can right click on the item in the hero's inventory and then left click on a unit or the hero itself and then an image will appear. There are also hotkeys to use for the inventory and it looks like this:
7, 8 (7 being upper left, 8 being upper right)
4, 5 (4 being center left, 5 being center right)
1, 2 (1 being bottom left, 2 being center right.
These hotkeys are on the numpad, the numbers on the right side of the keyboard, not the ones up top.
Also..what race you play? We might be able to help from there.|||I play undead, i tried orks but got a bit bored lol...
I am just finding it hard to adjust to the purely military aspect of the game, i am used to games like dawn of war where its all about map control and economy.
I just don't quite understand how my army always dies first lol.
I have another question... how do you get over water?|||Micromanagement. You have to Micro(manage) your units, dance low hitpoint units away for healing.
To get over water in games you have to buy Zeppelins from a goblin lab.|||lol i know what micro is... thats another question, apart from the healing shrine... that spell the necro does and the obsidon totem thing. Are there any other ways to heal?|||Quote:
If you get a wand of illusion you can right click on the item in the hero's inventory and then left click on a unit or the hero itself and then an image will appear.
left click in inventory, left click on target.
Items what you need to buy in your race shop:
Orcs - Speed Scroll, Healing Salves... later buy Lightning Orb for your melee heroes (Blademaster, Tauren Cheftain) so they can attack air units
Undeads - Rod of Necromancy, later buy Orb of Corruption for your hero, most likely you'll want to make Lich as second hero so give the orb to him.
Night Elves - Staff of Preservance, maybe Orb of Venom for melee heroes
Humans - Scrolls of Regeneration, Orb of Fire for melee heroes and Staff of Sanctuary|||Heroes are the core of your army. You have to find the race that best suits you. You do this by trying each races heroes/units out. And don't forget neutral heroes. Neutral heroes are bought at a neutral building (the shop is an example of a neutral building) called the tavern.
There are different types of 'game-play' so to say:
-->You can tech, which means upgrade your main hall. This gives you access to 'higher-lvl' units, units that are better, or have more abilities. For example, upgrading to tier2 gives you access to spellcasters. (Each race has their own unique type of spellcasters.)
-->You can rush, which means getting units fast in tier 1 and then trying to overwhelm your opponent by attacking him quickly.
-->Or you can just creep. You should be creeping in any case, but some players like to harass, which means 'harassing' your opponents base/army with a single hero, or sometimes your hero and army. There are particular heroes which are especially good for harassing. Eg: farseer, Blademaster, Keeper of the grove, warden, demon hunter, etc. Harassing his army whilst he is creeping is called creepjacking: You try to find him while he is creeping and then attack him while he is attacking some creeps. This will cause him to have two forces against him (creeps and you). This can be very effective and cripple him.
Also as ouchies said, you have to micromanage your units/heroes. When they get in red health from whatever, you must pull them back and try to keep them alive, because units cost and saving gold is obviously important. Especially watch your heroes. Some heroes (intelligence heroes) have low hitpoints and are easily killed, especially at lower levels.
Also try not to stand around doing nothing. This is common of beginners, and it wastes time, giving your opponent, who might be faster, an advantage.
hope it helps :)|||Quote:
left click in inventory, left click on target.
Oops, i meant left click not right click..sorry. I'm super tired hehehe|||What battlenet gateway are you playing on and on what account? I could play few 2v2 games with you and point out your biggest mistakes.|||I'm on northrend, thanks for all the help, i won my first proper game today
He massed ghouls + gargoyles while teching against a night elf. I tried the same and while i was playing a complete noob it was pretty effective.
The items really help and i am actually putting up a battle. Thanks for all the tips guys.
JacekROC i'll be up for a game if you are on northrend, username is Perad. msn is if you want to set up a time to play
I had another question that popped up during a game... but its gone, oh well lol
EDIT: I remember, is there a tell tail way to tell if someone is teching? And the best counter to someone who is teching is rushing right?|||The most telltale way to see if somebody is teching is to scout. Making an extra acolyte to scout your opponents starting location, see if he has teir 1 buildings or is upgrading fast. The extra acolyte can then be used to summon/repair buildings without taking from your gold income.
Against a teching opponent you can rush if you'd like, especially if you scout early and catch it right away, otherwise your best bet is to expo and start making hard counters to what your opponents going to make, or you can also tech yourself...which being UD is adviseable, getting fiends/destros is the usual strat.
You can also creep in your opponents area in an attempt to creepjack him, especially if you know the creeping pattern of the map, while teching or preparing for your rush.|||to tell if someone is teching - look if their main building is upgrading early in the game. Best counter - rushing - hmm.. if they have towers you're screwed anyways... I think best way is to tech yourself and counter units they make (if they go mass knights, you get possession, possess all his knights gg, it isn't that easy but you get the idea), and don't let him creep. Force him to stay inbase and creep yourself.|||thanks again, what is this possession?
Also people that use magic?(necro's) What is a good use for them?
BTW i got my second win in 2 games... same tactic as above, gargoyles and ghouls, in the first fight he just about pushes me back, time passes we both rebuild, i manage to take out his gold mine before my army is destroyed. I then micro my ass off till he ran out of gold. I think i have taken the replays i watched to heart... i have a written down BO to start off
If anyone has the time could someone have a look at my replay and perhaps give me a few pointers.|||Maybe you'll at least answer to whispers... I am on Northrend right now...|||sorry i had the game minimalized also i don't know how to whisper back|||so you like UD? thats interesting... :D
watch replays from FoV, gostop, madfrog, and yeah Vankor isnt bad either. ;o
anyway HF :)|||lol Madfrog tt
My all-time favorite player (next to AKM) has fallen to DotA...|||ouch.... ><|||Quote:
so you like UD? thats interesting... :D
watch replays from FoV, gostop, madfrog, and yeah Vankor isnt bad either. ;o
anyway HF :)
Whats interesting about likeing UD?|||UD isn't easy to play ;]
ok... what I must point:
1. When you take DEATH not dark Knight always take death coil first not aura
2. [sarcasm] Coil is a healing spell [/sarcasm] throw coil on damaged enemy heroes to kill them almost instantly
3. Always make at least 2 heroes preferably Death Knight and Lich
4. Don't sit in your base... creep or attack
5. Make ghouls from 2 crypts
6. 3 ghouls on wood is enough
7. Always upgrade one of your ziggurats to nerubian tower to slow enemies down.
8. Fix your computer :D|||Quote:
UD isn't easy to play ;]
ok... what I must point:
1. When you take DEATH not dark Knight always take death coil first not aura
2. [sarcasm] Coil is a healing spell [/sarcasm] throw coil on damaged enemy heroes to kill them almost instantly
Yeah i wasn't aware of this, i will start using it :D
3. Always make at least 2 heroes preferably Death Knight and Lich
4. Don't sit in your base... creep or attack
5. Make ghouls from 2 crypts
6. 3 ghouls on wood is enough
7. Always upgrade one of your ziggurats to nerubian tower to slow enemies down.
Yeah thanks for all the pointers and taking the time to play
8. Fix your computer :D
lol this the first time its messed up since i got my new hard drive, i don't what was going on, my screen kept powering off.. then when i pressed ctrl alt del it came back on... soo weird.
Also just out of interest, what is the easiest game to play?|||4v4 rt... you just need to make hero and go straight to frost wyrms.. gg u won.. I am still on B.Net if you want to play 2v2 :D|||Naw, in 4v4 rt you have to prepare for rushes, half the time, especially if you're on the outside. However, I do find rt as a good way to learn how to play, to get the basics, since you aren't in immediate jeapordy if you screw up.|||I'm 11:2 on my current 4on4 rt smurf.... in other words, yes, it is the easiest. But for heavens sake don't play it at the beginning! Start out with Solo and AT, else you won't get better.
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