Thanks for the help.|||help out your ally and he will help u also lure enemeis and attack the weak points you can make easy tactical attacks if you work with the right person|||Wut races?|||imo, hum/orc is the best combo atm. Just gruntraiderwyv (bm sh / fs tc / tc pbm) and riflecastermortar (am mk most likely). Pwn them with a t2 push, no chance. Other combos include the old skool kotg / fs rush, warden / mk for massive hero killing, ...., ....., ...|||Or you can go Orc/Ne and do the [amazing] Hunt/HH combo with TC aura and Potm aura. xD so lame|||one goes NE one goes Orc. Both of you get panda for a hero, and only a panda. No units. the NE masses wells in both bases while the orc masses towers. Have both bases get at least 3 shops. Always have a healing pot, mana pot, and TP on your hero. Tower expansions. Gather wins.|||Quote:
one goes NE one goes Orc. Both of you get panda for a hero, and only a panda. No units. the NE masses wells in both bases while the orc masses towers. Have both bases get at least 3 shops. Always have a healing pot, mana pot, and TP on your hero. Tower expansions. Gather wins.
And you stop them from attacking the ne base with 2 panda's? Just whondering...|||Maybe he was sarcastic, but if u can micro you can fend off your base for long time with hero + towers.|||Check my replay thread. I've got a few nice 2v2 games ;) Enjoy|||The orc is meant to tower both bases.|||Rexxxar never uses sarcvasm without the tag"[/sarcasm]"
And yeh, 2 panda are the gg|||Me and my freind always go NE/Hu we get archers foots rush wit Potm and he changes his hero around but usually gets MK or PL. This works really well for us we r 22-10 lvl 18 we were undefeated at 9-0 thenof course we lost :( Any ways I go archers/dyrads/bears and he gets foots/and I forget cus I havent played wit him for a month but we usually win at the rush anyways LOL. Sry I forgot but u can prolly figure it out.|||i read something here last year about orc/ne going TC (stomp/aura + a million heal pots) headhunters + PotM (owl/aura) archers. this is then supplemented later with dryads + talons + demos + docs (for traps and healing). i guess the point is to ff normal-damage-dealing units to death before they can hurt you too much.
dunno if it worked. it would be an interesting situation though.. having TC and hh meatshield.. you'd need some bitchin micro to pull that off.|||Quote:
And you stop them from attacking the ne base with 2 panda's? Just whondering...
you'd be surprised how much damage hes actually capable of doing. i did this probably a dozen time, and won around 10. I have replays, but they would all be quite old.|||Nevermind that, get them up!|||i took a look and couldnt find any with the pandas. However, i have a whole bunch with other heros. Again, by far the easiest hero to do this with is panda, its like cheating.|||rofl rexx, those reps are kinda outdated...|||I'm sure magic already told you that they were.|||lol Dreadlord? gomu o.o
Upload more if you have. ;D
Socal, you just need to set your War3 back to whatever version these are in, have a video session, and then set it back. There's a prog for that somewhere, I dunno the name as mine is a German one I think. :/|||I found a game that i think is just pandas (i cant even watch my own replays :-)) but its 3v3. Should be interesting though. I have a couple other things i used to do that were pretty cool. One is a way to get 3 frosties in like 6 minutes, another is this trick i used to use to get 2 heros in the time it takes to get one. The hero trick i used every game in 4's and got ranked in the top 10 doing it (like 28-0 team or something).
however, it says it Exceeds forum quota. If you want them mailed to you, just let me know your email address.|||PM'd!
I thankeez thee.|||I generally play duel Ne or Ne and human.
Thx everyone the tips are apriciated. Keep them coming|||I play mostly NE & Hum too... At the moment, we're often doing teh following:
Hum: AM MK; foots, sorcs, priests, breakers, mortars (add gyros if they mass chims, destros etc)
NE: Any of the following heroes in combination: DH, KotG, Panda, Naga, DR; at the moment I'm often going KotG first; archers (hunts only vs mass ghouls or similar), bears, dryads
Ofc, you need to change your unit choice according to your enemies sometimes. Also, there are a few special matchups, for example vs double Orc, where the NE should just get a KotG and a few hunts, then pool the Human player for mass sorcs & gryphs. The Orx have no chance.|||uh, NE shouldn't go dotts in that situation?|||Polymorph > Cyclone because you can attack the hex'd units. Also, if you pool the human he can a) tech much faster (I pass 100 g/l before getting my hunters hall and AoW) and get faster sorcs/gryphs and b) he can start massing 0:3 upgrades for the gryphs early if you think they're gonna go bats. Also, if the NE has few units, he can concentrate REALLY hard on his KotG, which usually means PWNIJ. I usually get just 5 hunts or so, just enough to be able to entanglesurround safely. After that I pool some more, and with time (not before the human is t3 usually) I tech for a Firelord and adept DotTs, but the human units are overall much more useful.
The result is usually that the Orc already get quite crippled by a combined footy/WE and KotG/hunt push (wisps if they have dual fs, btw; one wisp = lvl2 lolkthx), and have just reached t2 and are recovering when 6 sorcs and 2 gryphs or so turn up, with more coming. G_G|||IPOD knows his sh|t with team games =D|||IpOd > YeW aLl NeWg|||through trial and error the strat i've found to work best so far is:
Human: tech to knights but be sure to keep producing footies until then.
Night Elf: mass chers and tech to a mix of hippos at teir two and chims once you hit teir 3.
Try it and tell me what you think
mass chers
nah I think mass fighters is better. =/
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