If that is the case, then here is your answer:
Nothing says "I'll eat you for lunch" then a combination of three units from two buildings with the same creature upgrades, with anti-air, anti-magic, anti-melee, and healing and mana regeneration powers. And oh yeah - destroyers aren't effected by spells.|||Quote:
Are you asking, "what is the point to getting destroyers for fiends/stats?"
If that is the case, then here is your answer:
Nothing says "I'll eat you for lunch" then a combination of three units from two buildings with the same creature upgrades, with anti-air, anti-magic, anti-melee, and healing and mana regeneration powers. And oh yeah - destroyers aren't effected by spells.
but wouldn't it be better to just keep the obsidian statues while getting gargs?|||Depends on what you're up against, but generally no, unless you're having a major problem vs. air.
Consider, for the sake of argument, that gargs and destroyers have generally the same enemies. The difference is that gargs are good against air, and destroyers are better against melee (due to their magic attack). AA is already covered by fiends, but the fiends are weak to melee, which is balanced out by the destroyers. On that strict analysis, you still have casters to account for, which destroyers generally do a better job against, given their devour ability.|||Quote:
What is the usefullness of the destroyer upgrade in the fiends strat?
It's never worth it. Most useless upgrade in the game.|||Quote:
It's never worth it. Most useless upgrade in the game.
..and nevertheless WE.IGE.Sweet used it in one of the championship games.
Play.Abver uses it all the time|||Fully upgraded destroyers do quite alot of damage to any unit with heavy armor. Heavy armor takes 200% (double damage) from magic attacks.
For the sake of easy math lets go with the following:
Destroyers do on average 30 damage. If they have mana, they add another 30 damage from their orb. That's 60 damage right there, doubled by any unit with heavy armor (footmen, grunts, knights, tauren, wyverns, chimera, gryphons for example). Each of them would instead take 120 damage per hit instead of 60.
Now Destroyers are also immune to magic, which means 99% of spells (not counting certain ultimates) dont effect them, casters and gryphons cant attack them. Devour also "eats" buffs and debuffs (buffs being bloodlust, unholy frenzy, inner fire, debuffs being slow, cripple, curse, etc) and get health back for it.
The only huge worries destroyers have in the air are gargs, hippogryphs, frost wyrms, batriders and wyverns. All of which get countered by fiends with their autocast web. A few statues added will also help keep your fiends alive and your heroes with mana via their autocast spells.
Destroyers are a strong unit, but not invincible. Fiend/Stat/Destro with dual or tri hero fleshes them out and makes it a hard strategy in general to counter since it has minimal weaknesses.
Now, Destroyers come from the Slaughterhouse, so UD have fast access to heavy melee (abombs) and siege without having to build any more buildings. The ability to switch tech quickly is also on the UD's side. 1 Crypt, 2 SH's and maybe a temple puts UD in the situation to where they can adapt to just about anything their opponent throws at them.|||Quote:
..and nevertheless WE.IGE.Sweet used it in one of the championship games.
Play.Abver uses it all the time
Depends on the situation you are in. if he masses bats to counter your fiends, there's no point in getting dessies except for harassing his burrows. if he's massing grunts, take dessies. dessies + orb of anni > heavy armor.|||Destroyers are arguably the best unit in the game (dryads might be slightly better imo). Learn how to use them.|||And gargs usually get countered bu AoE spells like Nova, or the Fan of Knives/Breath of Fire combo. Destros are immune, so they laugh at that.|||Quote:
It's never worth it. Most useless upgrade in the game.
Destroyers are arguably the best unit in the game (dryads might be slightly better imo). Learn how to use them.
Lolz? Dryads die in like 2 seconds... Destros don't. Especially when there are coils flying everywhere.. Ok so dryads' gold cost / xp could be buffed slightly, but I really don't think they get anywhere near the best unit ingame. Raiders should be somewhere high though, Ensnare is hax.|||Dyrards stawp my Blaid mongster from running away cuz sloew poyzin am teh haxxxor :(
ofc, just mass teh catars and gg dyrard.|||Quote:
ofc, just mass teh catars and gg noog elb
fixed, tt..|||noog arlb just mass teh Darts and G_G oRx!|||Did people truly take me for serious?|||Dryad ftw. I'd swap orb of annih for slow poison, and on top of that I'll put 50 gold with the swap. NOW GG ALL HEROES BELONGS TO YOU DEE WITH MY SLOW POISON DEST + COIL NOVA IMPALE GFGFGFG|||Quote:
Dryad ftw. I'd swap orb of annih for slow poison, and on top of that I'll put 50 gold with the swap. NOW GG ALL HEROES BELONGS TO YOU DEE WITH MY SLOW POISON DEST + COIL NOVA IMPALE GFGFGFG
LoL... An insanely fast air unit with the only 'fast' attack with Unholy Aura and has slow poison?|||Dryad without aura support is faster than most units/heroes in the game :(|||Quote:
Dryad without aura support is faster than most units/heroes in the game :(
yes, they have a movement speed of 350... All UD hero's except DK have a movement speed of 270... Flying Machine has 400 btw
Lolz? Dryads die in like 2 seconds... Destros don't. Especially when there are coils flying everywhere.. Ok so dryads' gold cost / xp could be buffed slightly, but I really don't think they get anywhere near the best unit ingame. Raiders should be somewhere high though, Ensnare is hax.
Gold cost: 145
Move speed: 350
Magic immune
Slow poison (= level 2 frost arrows!)
Abolish magic (single targeting dispell)
What more could you possibly ask for?
yes, they have a movement speed of 350... All UD hero's except DK have a movement speed of 270... Flying Machine has 400 btw
Alot of heroes have 320 move speed...|||I was not refering to hero's, but to UD hero's...
And, they're still faster. What was ur point of quoting me?|||oops, my bad :)|||Quote:
What more could you possibly ask for?
More hp and a decent amour type? :>|||Bee Emm wit Bewts am tew fast for joo!|||Quote:
More hp and a decent amour type? :>
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