B2|||No, and
Buffs (Bloodlust, unholy frenzy, etc.) and summoned units (including wards)|||so basically there isn't a way to get rid of it?(only by killing the huntress that produced it i think)|||You have to kill the tree it's on via siege or a spell that'll take out trees.|||would a ghoul work too then?
Yes, they can attack tree's, any unit that can gather lumber can destroy a tree. Ghouls, Peons, Peasants and goblin shredders, as well as any seige or spell that destroys tree's (flamestrike, earthquake, Death and Decay being all i can think of at the moment).
Infernal, Force of Nature|||http://www.battle.net/war3/human/uni...lbreaker.shtml|||oops, I was mixing up the two abilities....
Jacek, flamestrike also works.|||I skipped the ones ouchies already noted... I heard about flamestrike tower rush|||Keep in mind that you don't have to kill the tree. You only have to hit it.
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