I tried archers on 1st round, no use, they just keep creep jacking me and i cant really creep because fiends are so much stronger than archers
Once i get DotC , no use at ALL , their fiends are so many they mass it like crazy and rush my base..they frost nova and death coil my dh until its hp drops SO MUCH down till its dead straight (with many fiends atking) My Dotc managed to kill some but no use at all i cant FOCUS FIRE because they have so many it's impossible to surround them at all.I got naga sea witch as my second hero but its not much of a use though.
So does anyone have any great strategies against massing FIENDS , and later destroyers ?
I played him on round 2 and still lost ,i went hunts but no use at all, once i tech to DotC their fiends keep increasing and my hunts cant match them,my DotC isnt enough or cant FF them, i lost 0-2 to that damned newb. HE JUST MASSES FIENDS and rush me.
pls reply me with help , i really need help in this damn it|||lololololol, why do you call him a noob? philbot(the creator of all fiend strats) uses them in everymatchup. You should have tried to harass his base and prevent him from creeping. Then obviously go for dryads and bears at tier 2 and 3 respectively.
PS:Hunts get ripped apart by fiends due to hunts being unarmored and being more susceptible to fiends' piercing attack type.|||You lost, but he's noob.
I'm not sure I can think of an appropriate response.|||post the replay please|||this is the replay...
the first part i was kinda winning but in later part was way too lame cuz he just masses too much fiends
really , its stupid , he's just making my melee units run around and using his range to FF me while i chase and surround...
i cant harass his base, as i said he masses so many fiends , his army is way bigger than me .. so i cant kill his units or buildings
dryads ? no way man its useless...the fiends range so far ... all he needs to do is just click on my dryad and half life of it is gone..no way to micro...i tried dryads but they just aimed dryad first...as i said..his fiends are too many its like his crypt is training fiends non-stop..
and his tech level is **** , i have DotC he doesnt even have destroyer form ... its like massing footmen or chimeras...|||Typically when someone masses, your options are to either:
1) Incorporate casters into your smaller army
2) Out-mass your opponent
There are a great deal of casters in the game who are very good at making your army capable of taking down less sophisticated armies.
I would suggest working up to Mountain Giants(Medium Armor, Normal Damage, Taunt)/Bears(Heavy Armor, Normal Damage, Cheaper than Giants), DotTs (Faerie Fire and Cyclone), and maybe Dryads(Slow Poison).|||yeah i guess MG was a way out ... i think i change my race to orc cuz i dun think i can harness the full potential of NE..|||About the replay,
1st: He had nor towers or hero, and you creeped(crept?). Harass him next time.
2: hunts vs fiends...archers are cheaper and dmg dealt to they only a percentage of the real.
3: Still with fiends you went dryads...
Next time hard tech with archers mass chims and say how noob he is...|||Quote:
Next time hard tech with archers mass chims and say how noob he is...
Mass chims? Chims die miserably to focus firing Fiends. That's kind of the reason nobody uses Chippo against UD. Mass Fiends owns it hard.|||I didn't mean to attack his army. Back attack his base, thats why air exists.|||Archers are supposed to keep him alive while he's teching to tier3 and pumping out the chims for a back attack? Seems kinda flaky. Especially since back attacking chims can be webbed anyway, in the event that he is or TPs to his base. The first wave might put some hurt on him if he was caught totally off guard and couldn't dominate a game against archers, but I don't see it working out as a reliable counter to mass fiends.
Got a replay of this kind of thing?|||an MG or two might prove useful to soak up some damage. Staff of Preservation is a good way to counter focus firing. Use a few dryads to prevent stuff from escaping and to take on his destroyers. Keep them away from his fiends though. If possible you should try to expand. Panda second might also be a good idea, since dies really fast to coilnova. GL|||Quote:
Archers are supposed to keep him alive while he's teching to tier3 and pumping out the chims for a back attack? Seems kinda flaky. Especially since back attacking chims can be webbed anyway, in the event that he is or TPs to his base. The first wave might put some hurt on him if he was caught totally off guard and couldn't dominate a game against archers, but I don't see it working out as a reliable counter to mass fiends.
Got a replay of this kind of thing?
6 to more chims destroy a black citadel in seconds...
I dont have areplay though.|||Quote:
Panda second might also be a good idea, since dies really fast to coilnova. GL
wut ??|||Quote:
Panda second might also be a good idea, since naga dies really fast to coilnova. GL
I think he meant this.|||i would have gone for archer + talons and try to cyclone half of his army.
and ff on the others (splitting my archer sin two control groups)
dont know if it would have worked, but against mass fiends i use talons always|||Quote:
I think he meant this.
Yep, thx IP. I meant that Naga gets nukes :)|||Thats where manashield comes in handy! /sarc|||ROFL!
taht was a gewd un :>|||Quote:
Thats where manashield comes in handy! /sarc
yeah seriously i lol'ed
but i must admit that i have faced many undead who didnt use banshee's. most of them go necro for the ****ty skeletons.|||just get DH and a few archers to start w/, teching asap to DotCs and bears. As a second hero, get KotG... entangle is your friend against mass fiends. They have a mean habit of liking to hit and run. Plus it just inactivates them if the UD is attacking head-on.
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