I was wondering if someone could give some tips on how to better micromanage an army during a big battle. That, right now, is my biggest weakness. Thanks for any help.|||Does anyone have any suggestions?|||1. Learn keyboard shortcuts � saves and amazing amount of time with building, fighting, etc.
2. Practice how to mass cast spells � cripple 10 taurens in 5 seconds!
3. Learn when and where to attack and when and where to run like hell � don�t ever stay and fight if you know you will lose.
4. Learn how to place your army in a battle � you don�t really want to lead the attack with archers do you?
5. Learn the advantages of every unit and hero in the game � docs are so much more than healing wards�they can make or break a battle any day.
6. Get used to one race at a time � it�s too hard to memorize all the shortcuts if you play random race all the time.
7. It�s always easier to learn playing against other humans than playing against the AI � Go ahead and lose a ton of games while you learn�who cares what your record is.
There�s a lot more�but those are the basics in my eyes.
Good luck.|||1. Learn hotkeys
2. If they have a bigger army, or an army with an advantage (air vs ground, caster support) do not fight. Run away.
3. Know when to TP. Dont waste it if you can run.
4. Know what units to use. Unit choices help a lot.
5. Pull out weakened units.
6. Aim for weakened units, but do not focus on that weak unit if you have pure melee.
7. Focus fire with ranged.
8. Learn to mouse-drag select and pull back ranged units which are getting beaten by melee (instead of one by one).|||Using hotkeys and control groups is probably be biggest thing.
All units in your army should be in your control groups. You should never have to "drag-select" units in a battle. Ever.
Some people like to organize their groups:
#1 = melee
#2 = ranged
#3 = siege
#4 = casters
or whatever. But I like to have as many units on each key as I can. You can always tab to the group you want and ctrl+right click the sub-group you want to command.
I've watched people play that don't put their buildings or armies in control groups and it is painful.
Another tip is to always spend your money. You should never have more than 300 gold unless you're fully teched and have a high upkeep army.|||Quote:
Another tip is to always spend your money. You should never have more than 300 gold unless you're fully teched and have a high upkeep army.
Dude... thats bull**** you also need to have over 300 gp if 1. you are teching
2. ummm... you are teching!
THATS all i can think of for now! but u see my pt. (hopefully)
2. Focus fire using range via queue, and attack-move for most melee.
3. Don't forget to keep building troops as you fight!!
4. Use ALT key to help pick out the weak unit (for FF, or a spell attack), and potential units in your army for healing.
5. Watch out for formation.
6. Watch for your heroes, and dance them if necessary.
7. In conjunction with #6, use your TP wisely -- there are time in which you can run away without using the TP, and there are time in which it is just better if you let your hero die (particularly in early fights when the revival cost is way cheaper than 350 gold, and you have a superior army).|||Thanks for all the tips everyone.
I've been working on the hotkeys, especially for the heros, like F1, F2... and I always number my groups. I now group units as to what class they are. For example, my melee units are 1, ranged and air units are 2, and spellcasters are 3. I also have a hero in each of the first 2 groups. This way, I can have the melee units up front, and behind them the ranged and air units, followed by in the back with the spellcasters. Does this sound like a good plan?
I've been focusing a lot with the Orcs lately, I love the Shadow Hunter hero, especially his Big bad vodoo ultimate spell. I start off the game focusing on Grunts and Axethrowers. Then, by the end, I use Taurens for melee (still a few Grunts left over usually), Wind Raiders with a few Axe Throwers, and Shamans for Bloodlust. I've been doing pretty good with this combination, is this what most people use for Orcs?
And one quick thing, how many heros is a good number? I usually stop at 2, but is it better to have 3?
Thanks for all the newbie tips so far.|||I don't do f1/f2. I put heroes in one group and tab through them.|||Quote:
1. Learn keyboard shortcuts � saves and amazing amount of time with building, fighting, etc.
2. Practice how to mass cast spells � cripple 10 taurens in 5 seconds!
3. Learn when and where to attack and when and where to run like hell � don�t ever stay and fight if you know you will lose.
4. Learn how to place your army in a battle � you don�t really want to lead the attack with archers do you?
5. Learn the advantages of every unit and hero in the game � docs are so much more than healing wards�they can make or break a battle any day.
6. Get used to one race at a time � it�s too hard to memorize all the shortcuts if you play random race all the time.
7. It�s always easier to learn playing against other humans than playing against the AI � Go ahead and lose a ton of games while you learn�who cares what your record is.
There�s a lot more�but those are the basics in my eyes.
Good luck.
I get all of the above except mass casting.
Isn't there only one way to cast in groups? As in highlight a group of casters, pick a spell, cast, repeat?|||Quote:
I get all of the above except mass casting.
Isn't there only one way to cast in groups? As in highlight a group of casters, pick a spell, cast, repeat?
I think he is referring to the speed in which you cast the spells. Things like cripple need to be individually casted on units, but you should be able to ensnare 5 wyrms or cripple 10 taurens rapidly using hotkeys.|||-Always have control of each unit (specially heros ).
-Have good perspective of how is battle doing, so u can make quick good choices (like tp or push forward).
-Prioritize on whats more important to quick end the fight ( in order to archieve this u must get experience, prioritizing mean's,
1.- Each fight will be a different situation so u must priority what is better to end the fight faster.
Example.- Ur army is where is supposed to be, (i've seen many people getting ranged and caster's at front while meele cant get trough), then use heros skill's, then cast spells, then kill enemy weaker units (do not pursuit on large battles an enemy wounded unit), then micro ur injurend units.
-Always watch over ur heros ( I remember when i started i didnt know where my heros where lol).
-Each unit is vital, don't ever let a unit die if u can stop it even summon's, kill them urself at last choice.
-Dont ever give up fight to ur last unit.
Hope this help u dude :P|||My opnion:
1. First of all, learn to make your hero �dance�
2. Protect your hero � NEVER let him die. Why? � your army gets very weak (lose aura, spells, itens, etc); you can�t TP; your enemy gain lots of xp; reviving takes too long; etc
3. Learn the best way to kill the enemy Heros (depends on your race and the enemy�s race) � UD are very good Hero-Killers
4. Focus fire with ranged units
5. Retreat the damaged melee units
6. Use scroll of regeneration. That�s just fantastic in the early game! Lot�s of players use potions of healing instead of these scrolls and I think that�s a mistake. I try to use both.
7. Hotkey your main army building with control-0 or control-9 to keep building wile in battle
8. Know which units are better to attack the enemy units
9. Protect your key units (casters, siege, etc)
10. Know when to run
11. Know when to pretend you are running
12. Lear special tricks (eg, watching the good players) � use sorceress�s invisibility in a almost dead unit (specially Hero); putting lightning shild in the enemy�s group of ranged or caster; etc
13. Kill the enemy�s casters! � I just hate those Doctor�s Heal-Wards
There are much more. But these will fill the lack for this moment.|||Quote:
Doctor�s Heal-Wards
I rather like when my orc opponents use healing wards... by the time they have wards i have breakers with control magic = your wards are mine xD|||Quote:
I rather like when my orc opponents use healing wards... by the time they have wards i have breakers with control magic = your wards are mine xD
Oh, sorry... I was talking about Classic, not TFT.
Thanks for all the tips everyone.
I've been working on the hotkeys, especially for the heros, like F1, F2... and I always number my groups. I now group units as to what class they are. For example, my melee units are 1, ranged and air units are 2, and spellcasters are 3. I also have a hero in each of the first 2 groups. This way, I can have the melee units up front, and behind them the ranged and air units, followed by in the back with the spellcasters. Does this sound like a good plan?
I've been focusing a lot with the Orcs lately, I love the Shadow Hunter hero, especially his Big bad vodoo ultimate spell. I start off the game focusing on Grunts and Axethrowers. Then, by the end, I use Taurens for melee (still a few Grunts left over usually), Wind Raiders with a few Axe Throwers, and Shamans for Bloodlust. I've been doing pretty good with this combination, is this what most people use for Orcs?
And one quick thing, how many heros is a good number? I usually stop at 2, but is it better to have 3?
Thanks for all the newbie tips so far.
wow dude u sound like a total noob, play solo and figure it out, remember that not everyone actually has the right type of brain to figure this game out, maybe you're in that pile.....|||Quote:
wow dude u sound like a total noob, play solo and figure it out, remember that not everyone actually has the right type of brain to figure this game out, maybe you're in that pile.....
Usually the people who ask are the people who prosper. He just wants some tips, Lay off man.
Dude... thats bull**** you also need to have over 300 gp if 1. you are teching
2. ummm... you are teching!
THATS all i can think of for now! but u see my pt. (hopefully)
If your point is that you should have unspend gold; you're wrong. One of the basic things you learn when you start playing is to spend your gold as much as possible. Money stocked up are money not being used. You should never go above a certain point in most circumstances.
But when it comes to microing I suggest you won't try to do as much as possible, there's just no way you'll remember all the advice you've gotten. Imo you should start off with trying to keep your heroes alive, and pulling back your units whenever they're low on health. Try to advance from there rather than having to do a lot from the start, that will just get you confused.
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