Monday, April 16, 2012

Defensive Play

By my nature I play a more laid back game. Rushing early on just isn't my thing.

Anyways, my question is what is a, at least half-decent, way to play defensively in this game? I so far haven't found too good of a way to do it. Pretty much what I have figured out is that the Night Elves are one of the better defensive races. Not only can the majority of thier important buildings and towers move as needed but they have the moon wells and the attacking buildings which can aid your defenders when well placed.

So any suggestions that would run along the lines of being defense oriented.|||if your night elf work on microing with renew and build altar wells and (hunts hall if u r getting one) into a wall to block off wisps from atkers but make sure you have enough room for wisps to get in and out and for your hero to get out then place a protector or two in the back nearby gold mines and one near the front of the base near by the ancients pump out units or whatever you do but id rather just go in and harrass for awhile =\ more my style gl with your strats bro|||for NE building placement is more important for defense than anything else. I have a guide in one of the stickied posts on this page, its worth checking out.|||mass towers expos tanks is about as defensive as you can get ^_^

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