Wednesday, April 18, 2012

help me I'm desperate :(

I suck like ****... I can't win anything, I can push my opponent whole match, tower him up and still lose because his hero is better level... I don't know when to creep when to rush, I lose matches like 3 raiders, 4 grunts, fs lvl 3 vs 6 fiends, lich lvl 3 :S :S any tips? :(|||Umm... are you trolling or d'you really want help..? If the latter, you'll need to get more specific..|||I really need help... I just started to suck recently, can't win anything :( for example what to target... when I see my enemies, when they target my hero -> my hero dies gg, they target my army -> I have no units gg :S|||ffl was such a better troll.|||I am not trolling I swear :S

if I were trolling it would "zomg gawd hawt do joo make work4r5???"

i suck like ****|||recent example, from tournament, ended as draw I should win but still... my lvl 7 KotG, lvl 6 warden and lvl 2 alchy vs lvl 8 FS and 3 raiders... how the battle ends? warden is dead, kotg luckily escapes alchy is dead :S|||Replay...?

(and I don't really see the sense in that hero combo either, but that's a different matter)|||Then what hero combo is the best? raiders and grunts kill me no matter what I have... I have alot of archers, few hunts and dryads, he doesn't care, he goes straight for heroes, with his wolves and chain lightning :S|||Then get str heroes like DH or BstM, or whatever heroes you get, pump them full with heal and invuln pots.|||Quote:

Then get str heroes like DH

] lol ?|||yea, hes an aglity hero.

Alchemist is a good choice for a strength hero, but you gotta get the gloves of haste on him or something to make him attack faster since he attacks really slow, also use chemical rage as much as possible.

Beastmaster is a nice hero, some people are good with him, maybe its just me, but always seems to get to far in front and doesnt take hits very well. But again thats just me, dont know if anyone else is like that with him.

Only other choices you really have for strength are Panda, which is a decent choice, and pitlord, whom again, I dont like by personal choice.

You can use aglity heros, seeing as how they normally can take hits just as well, since aglity adds to armor, so a hero like DH and Warden is actually a nice choice. Just make sure you have blink with the warden, so youi can get her out of there.|||It pisses me off when they ensnare my DH, surround him and its gg :S|||I say the same with my loved dk/lich/dl T_T|||**** u play noobdead... no matter what u do u win, mass abom u win, mass destro zomg imba u win, mass ghoul gg, mass fiend u won|||yeah, thanks god.|||Quote:

Then get str[ong] heroes like DH or BstM, or whatever heroes you get, pump them full with heal and invuln pots.

What about it?|||:) beastmaster? is he better than alchemist/tinker? :S|||Vs Orc (and also vs UD nowadays for some reason) lots of ppl use him. DH BstM Tinker & mass talons, or sth similar. Invuln pots and invis pots > surround.|||*cough* talons *cough* vs wyverns or vs grunt/raider/DEMOLISHERS??? XD xDDDD|||Talons > everything the orc can throw at you. Even constant despelling of cyclone won't help. Talons do require good micro, but i don't think you have a problem with that, do you?|||oh rly? what would win? mass wyv vs mass talon|||Panda/ Imba teched Archers ;)|||I understand this is a joke... ;)|||No..

and btw, pure mass talon, upgraded, vs pure mass wyv, talons would win, faerie fire and crow form. then add an imbahunter with orb, frenzied quillbeasts, etc, and bingo, noobelf wins.|||Dude there are millions of orc counters to mass talons. However, theres one problem: Orc can't get any of these counters soon enough before the elf's omg imbar wtf upgraded his ToL to eternity in 5 micro seconds and has 20 Aow's before you've clicked build altar!!! Most orc's try to rush the elf or hold him off until he can get a good mix of raiders/demos/walkers and maybe wyvs!

Normally, if the elf has good timing joo am screwed :( Also you need lvl 2 serpent wards to have any chance >.<;;

LoL i feel for you too Jacek about UD. I hat them tew, although I shouldnt because Im orc, and instead should be like "hahah just mass wyvs/raider and gg ud" -.- Never try to fight a UD in t1. Dk and fiend micro >>>>> fs/grunts or maybe > bm/grunts.

What wonders me is how could you possibly lose to lvl 8 fs with 3 raiders with 3 heroes?! what did you target? Did you immideatly entangle + SS fs?|||yy lich and destros micro >> joo|||Quote:

What wonders me is how could you possibly lose to lvl 8 fs with 3 raiders with 3 heroes?! what did you target? Did you immideatly entangle + SS fs?

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He ran away. then ensnare pwned him.|||well... I entered the battle, I had few dryads and dotc I think, he summoned wolves (lvl3) ensnared my alchemist with wolves+chain lightning killed him in a moment (he was lvl 1). I killed like 1 raider, then the wolves+chain lightning started to focus my warden, she was dying, even when she was lvl 6, I blinked away and started to run because kotg was ensnared and wolves were pwning the **** out of him. I lost my warden, ran away with kotg (sacrificed the warden :>). I bought her quickly in tavern because I had expo my enemy didn't while his FS was earthquaking my whole base. He didn't expect warden so I entangle + ss + dryad him he had no tp. His hero died (no gold to revive) and in that moment match ended as draw :S|||why didn't you just focus fs? He would die in a second to SS + entangle, no?|||With 900 hp? no

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