- 5 peons to to gold
- order two peons at town hall
- first one to get back with load of gold goes to build an alter
- second one back builds barracks
- first peon out of hall makes burrow
- second one goes to wood
- get two more peons
- if your timing is right, your alter should finish at the same time as your first burrow, so select your hero of choice
- peon from alter goes to gold, peon from burrow makes another, then goes to wood
- peon from barracks goes to gold, two from hall go to wood
You should have started making grunts as soon as your barracks is done.
Hope this helps!
Well, mine is different since I lone creep, and afterwards scout windwalking with the BM. I build altar and burrow, then 2 peons to go to gold, keep pumping peons and sending them to lumber. As soon asi the burrow is finished, the same peon builds another burrow, and as soon as I hit 50 lumber I send one of the lumber peons to build a barracks. I keep pumping lumber peons until I have 12 gathering wood.5 of them later on go to an expansion.