thanks in advance|||orc .|||noobelf.
orc requires more micro especially against Hu, when you have to bring in the peons.|||orc...
elf gets waxed by orc or ud|||hrrmmm orc is really easy ... now for my next question what strat... grunts and pults look alright i guess thats pretty easy to pull off i used to use them but dont know if they still work|||Grunts n raiders, spam ensnare everywhere. Once you've got back into the game a bit more, you can start adding shams vs human and stuff like that.|||click on Raider, press E, click on enemy hero, select all your units, right-click enemy hero, select another Raider, press E, click enemy hero again, select blademaster, press W, right-click enemy hero, select Shadow Hunter, press X, click enemy hero, gg u win :>>
how to win with orc step-by-step|||hehe gotcha
thanks for the info =D|||I would have to say that Orc and Human is the easiest to play. I personally like to play Orc. They have better upgrades and the are stronger.|||bettar upgrades? lawl|||Quote:
They have better upgrades and the are stronger.
You truly nailed it boi!|||orcs own every race, NE is easy, undead...maybe the hardest race to get used to, but not sure, and humans are god to play with when new b/c they can counter a lot, and get units quick...meh thats my 2 sence.|||Orcs do not own NE. Mass Hunts + Keeper > Orc, Mass talons + summon heroes > orc, bear/dryad ~>Orc|||k your 2 sense. Now your 2 dawlers, plz? kthx o.-|||w/e, i guess a rush with 6 grunts, against about 9 arches wouldnt own NE?
and foul, while BM's ****'in your KoTG and tauren are droppin hunts flies wouldnt win huh? even upgraded grunts? the talons, yeah maybe....but if you got radiers wit ensnare, AND wyvs taken on mass talons...Hmmmmm, well, i dunno. and tauren>bears anyday.
and of course cant even help without stupid trools like u guys, esp. sniper, but hey there such pro's they now everything about warcraft, well GL intox sry but wont post anymore in here b/c people like them two cant let some1 else have a chance to say anything. without bein ******* about it.|||A rush with 6 grunts? lol, you must be t2 till you have that :p.
Oh yeah, bm owning keeper...thats kinda true, but, entagle > orc in very single way.
jesus, do you rly think someone would use hunts against taurens?|||Quote:
w/e, i guess a rush with 6 grunts, against about 9 arches wouldnt own NE?
lol, ~4 archers easily beat ~6 grunts if the elf player is decent.
and foul, while BM's ****'in your KoTG and tauren are droppin hunts flies wouldnt win huh? even upgraded grunts? the talons, yeah maybe....but if you got radiers wit ensnare, AND wyvs taken on mass talons...Hmmmmm, well, i dunno. and tauren>bears anyday.
This is such a load of **** that I shouldn't even bother replying. Hardly anyone uses hunts at all, and if they do, they certainly won't be anymore by the time you have tauren. Speaking of tauren, they suck. They just make cyclone all the better as they're more expensive than grunts. Talons can morph to crowform and own your mass wyvs in three seconds. Raiders are the most important unit, but they too will be cycloned. And btw, by the time you have the army of tauren, raiders and wyvs that you want, the elf will have expanded on every single goldmine on the map.
and of course cant even help without stupid trools like u guys, esp. sniper, but hey there such pro's they now everything about warcraft, well GL intox sry but wont post anymore in here b/c people like them two cant let some1 else have a chance to say anything. without bein ******* about it.
It's not Snypar's fault if you can't spell.|||WARNING: NOOB POST
i didnt say anyone uses hunts at all, foul said mass HUNTS vs orc owns. i just said they dont, so read the replys before sayin that.
and lol, 4 archers own 6 grunts, thats about the most pitifull thing i have ever heard... if orc has the tiniest bit of micro, his grunts will be all over those 4 archers and FFin them. wtf arch dont stand a chance against grunts.
and to IP...??????, cant spell? anyways you butchered snipers name, so learn to spell yourself before sayin i cant spell.|||Quote:
and to IP...??????, cant spell? anyways you butchered snipers name, so learn to spell yourself before sayin i cant spell.
lol .|||Quote:
i didnt say anyone uses hunts at all, foul said mass HUNTS vs orc owns. i just said they dont, so read the replys before sayin that.
and lol, 4 archers own 6 grunts, thats about the most pitifull thing i have ever heard... if orc has the tiniest bit of micro, his grunts will be all over those 4 archers and FFin them. wtf arch dont stand a chance against grunts.
and to IP...??????, cant spell? anyways you butchered snipers name, so learn to spell yourself before sayin i cant spell.
No comments. Hey IP, can you still delete the noob posts?
Hell, I can't stand it. Grunts > archers? Ranged > Melee anyday.
Fire a round, run back, fire a round, run back mana burn whatever he has, run back.|||or just wait till night ;p|||zomg play NE it is noobelf, just make DH and select your dryads and bears and win vs his abom/destro!! that strat wins everything just make sure you micro as little as possible, because you play noobelf...|||rofl wweorcster st.fu. Not including this post, I have one post in this whole feckin thread. I never said your spelling sux (although I might've implied it :P).
and I thought you said you weren't going to comment here anymore? plz do so? kthxbai|||IP said my spelling sucked, not u, and u implied it huh? Hmmmmmmm...let me check up the word "feckin" and see what that means.|||Quote:
Hmmmmmmm...let me check up the word "feckin" and see what that means.
IP said my spelling sucked, not u, and u implied it huh? Hmmmmmmm...let me check up the word "feckin" and see what that means.
any results so far?
Mb I should ask my AP Literature teacher to help everyone out and save you the time
i didnt say anyone uses hunts at all, foul said mass HUNTS vs orc owns. i just said they dont, so read the replys before sayin that.
Well, if the elf happens to mass hunts you'll be dead before you can get anywhere near tauren. Lol.
and lol, 4 archers own 6 grunts, thats about the most pitifull thing i have ever heard... if orc has the tiniest bit of micro, his grunts will be all over those 4 archers and FFin them. wtf arch dont stand a chance against grunts.
Go and play the game vs a decent elf, then come back. You have no clue what you're talking about.
and to IP...??????, cant spell? anyways you butchered snipers name, so learn to spell yourself before sayin i cant spell.
Actually, his account name is Snypar (or was before he changed to Topher). I wasn't misspelling his accname here, I was simply adressing him using another name. Shut the hell up.
IP said my spelling sucked, not u, and u implied it huh? Hmmmmmmm...let me check up the word "feckin" and see what that means.
Try typing "fucking" on this forum without misspelling it and see what becomes of it.|||you stole my scrip ([ b][/b ]|||Indeed, I did.
/shifty eyes
/jumps out and stabs twisted in the back
Now it is mine! MINE! Bwahaha...
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