hows orc first and last?
This way:
Orc > Undead > NifgtElf > Human > Orc > Undead > NifgtElf > Human > Orc > Undead > NifgtElf > Human > Orc > Undead > NifgtElf > Human > Orc > Undead > NifgtElf > Human > Orc > Undead > NifgtElf > Human > Orc > Undead > NifgtElf > Human > Orc and so on!|||Sort of, except that Night Elf ~= Human, if the Human tower rushes.|||Short answer: No.|||Humans > Nightelf|||Theorycrafting like...
Bear Dryad> Sorc Rifles Knights
Mortars > Bear Dryad
Archers ? > Mortar ????
So its micro.|||its Elf>orc>undead>hu...i think. though recently i think it might be elf=hu>orc>ud.|||Orc pwns Nelf Hard :9|||i wouldnt say pawns. tier 1 and the time it takes for orc to get to tier 2, they'll have a couple grunts compared to many archers. Nighttime should be factored in as well. i mean, the elf could always toss in hunts along the way till bears. now pwnd....that would be orc vs ne close spawn TR.|||Finally a newcomer who knows what he's talking about...
Welcome to the forums, starky8me.|||Your right,hunts > grunts!|||Quote:
i wouldnt say pawns. tier 1 and the time it takes for orc to get to tier 2, they'll have a couple grunts compared to many archers. Nighttime should be factored in as well. i mean, the elf could always toss in hunts along the way till bears. now pwnd....that would be orc vs ne close spawn TR.
seeing as i haven't played since mass cyclone > everything (i'm jsut starting again) i wouldn't agree. but that's just because i've only seen ish play vs ne and he pwns them hard. ver hard. 2 hard. xtreem hard. s e x hard. can you dig it?|||Quote:
Finally a newcomer who knows what he's talking about...
Welcome to the forums, starky8me.
i just try my best =). Ive been playing for a month now maybe a couple days over a month and i think i kinda improved.
seeing as i haven't played since mass cyclone > everything (i'm jsut starting again) i wouldn't agree. but that's just because i've only seen ish play vs ne and he pwns them hard. ver hard. 2 hard. xtreem hard. s e x hard. can you dig it?
i never said that it cant. But just do the numbers (ok ok so i dont kno the exact numbers). Ok, u build a barracks and an altar and a burrow. You make a few more basically u have enough for 2 grunts and your BM or FS. And as far as my experience goes, you gotta get up another burrow b4 any more grunts. Now look at the ne side. You can get a max of 3(maybe 4?) archers and hero. (note this is all tier 1). and yes yes i kno grunt > archer. But just think.. archers pump quick, quicker with dual AOW, ANDD its gonna be nighttime for quite a while. AND wells. AND base mazing (err not mazing...but getting grunts hit by AO anytree). AND those in between T1 and T2 hunts. this takes me back to my original point....orc doesnt PAWN elf, beats them sumtime...but not pwn.|||the orc needs to harrass with the hero and grunt. split them up if they have good enough micro. keep the grunts coming and you should kill plenty of archers and you might even finish the game extremely early. i can't do any of this by the way. this is all talk.|||Quote:
keep the grunts coming
uh huh.
case closed|||Quote:
uh huh.
case closed
I don't get it.
This means the grunts are too slow to be mass constructed?|||i think it means that if you keep the grunts coming you'll win. or you could be right.|||I was being sarcastic. Forgive me.
Ok, i think the subject of elf vs orc should be dropped now. simple math: 4archers+nightime+wells+DH>2grunts+hero. Shall i make a graph of this? ok no? lets drop it then.|||wait...just to not sound biased towards elf....tauren>bear AND hex>everything. exception: when bear runs back and hits rejuv.|||The thing is that Ne gets bears at T2, and their build time is much less than tauren; Also you don't need to build additional buildings for bears and you do for tauren. So by the time tauren totem finishes the Ne will have 5-7 bears and most likely will attack you. Don't forget the Staff of Imba and if Ne goes tri-hero than it will take a while to kill a single bear ^^.|||Quote:
The thing is that Ne gets bears at T2
bears at tier 2? if that were so, no one would play because that would be SO VERY IMBA. u mean dotc at tier 2 which die to evrything when un-beared.
but hey who listens to me|||I think you're relying on dark to come too fast. Good players will have more then 2 grunts and 4 archers by then (i think). Also if hide is giving you such a hard time buy dust from a goblin shop.|||Quote:
wait...just to not sound biased towards elf....tauren>bear AND hex>everything. exception: when bear runs back and hits rejuv.
And dryads.|||Quote:
AND hex>everything is the next post by users not " stop talkin like u know anything about wc, u dont, just leave noob, stupid troll, MK owns SH with hex, heal, serpants, BBV, hex sucks"? thats what happened to me when i said SH owned something. is the next post by users not " stop talkin like u know anything about wc, u dont, just leave noob, stupid troll, MK owns SH with hex, heal, serpants, BBV, hex sucks"? thats what happened to me when i said SH owned something.
i didnt even get your grammar. but im sure whatever u mumbled is correct. I really wasnt looking to make a comeback to what evryone said, but u guys did it first. all i did was give insight...which may be bad or good, depends on who u are. archers vs grunts is rather open ended; tauren are better than bears in certain aspects; hex...well cmon, its slow, mega weaken, anti-hero in one. So i quit this thread with this logic: NE>ORC>UD>HU. that was my original point after all.|||Quote: is the next post by users not " stop talkin like u know anything about wc, u dont, just leave noob, stupid troll, MK owns SH with hex, heal, serpants, BBV, hex sucks"? thats what happened to me when i said SH owned something.
Because I'd rather have lvl 4 hex than big bad voodoo.|||alright let me get this straight, u want to take one unit out of action, instead of having a army that cant die? ALRIGHT WELL IF U DO W/E, IDC ANY MORE.|||your hero would die in 5 secs, Can't you get it?
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