ps i have been playing ROC since it came out and TFT for about 3-4 weeks, but mostly just RPG maps and Campaigns.|||read the strats on, that should give you some basic idea on what you want to do, the way you do it is "bad".|||Orcs...orcs...orcs...good attack but poor defence... Basically as orcs need a lot of gold to sustain an army u need to gain control of gold mines early in the game...
Ask the veterans they'll say the same thing. Early in the game when u have one hero (preferably tauren chieftain) 4-5 grunts, 2-3 trolls, take out the creep-held gold mines... Build great hall and towers only don't waste ur money building lumber mills or other buildings at ur outpost (not yet).. kepp accumulating gold and wood then...and only the... build a lumber mill and military buildings at ur oupost... carry on the attack...
Note: This is not a sure-fire thing here... I only give sure-fire things on humans cos' i play humans a lot....|||thanks. i'll give it a try.|||5-6 grunts, speed scroll, a hero = win, or mass damage to a few buildings + resources if you researched it
After that (if you didn't win) get raiders as well with their net, for AA. You may want a couple of batriders sneaking around to harass back at their town and grab yourself a mine at that time. GG|||when you saw researches 'it' do you mean burning oil, unstable concoction or what? please be more specific.|||Quote:
when you saw researches 'it' do you mean burning oil, unstable concoction or what? please be more specific.
sorry, researched pillage: thus the gaining resources part, my bad|||oh that make much more sense. thanks. i will try them all at once toniht when i get home.|||In response to the OP, just FS TC gruntraider vs NE/HU/UD, adding optional katas or kodos if they go bear/knight/abom. vs UD, add t2 expo and go on to mass wyvs once it's up (bats if he gets gargs). In mirror, FS fasttech to FL mass kodos, unless he's getting headis or kodos himself, in which case you go headis and SWs.|||thanks..i think. theres just one little problem, and i mean no disrespect here, but i can't really understand all this abbreviated stuf.
the NE/HU/UD thing but the rest is just , well, c**p to me.|||fs = farseer
tc = tauren chieftain
kadas = catapults
kodos = kodo beasts
abom = abomination
t2 = tier 2
wyvs = wind riders
bats = bat riders
gargs = gargoyles
fl = firelord
headis = headhunters
SW's = spirit walkers|||thanks that makes much more sense. love the avatar.|||Quote:
thanks..i think. theres just one little problem, and i mean no disrespect here, but i can't really understand all this abbreviated stuf.
the NE/HU/UD thing but the rest is just , well, c**p to me.
Guess why this is stickied...
No offense, and I'll try not to abreviate too much when answering your stuff, but you'll have to learn the abrevs anyways at some point.|||yeah i kinda couldn't download it and i don't have enough time to read it online so i thought i would ask. an this way is a lot faster.|||Quote:
read the strats on, that should give you some basic idea on what you want to do, the way you do it is "bad".
I accept with information:Early in the game when u have one hero (preferably tauren chieftain) 4-5 grunts, 2-3 trolls, take out the creep-held gold mines... Build great hall and towers only don't waste ur money building lumber mills or other buildings at ur outpost (not yet) kepp accumulating gold.
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