the games go on like this.
At the start he uses DK to harass. Mostly take xp from me from killin my Neutral. Then sometimes tries Ghoul rush.. If that fails. He's still safe because both of us suffer casualties. Finally he attaks me with A DK n Lich,, Mass Gargoyles (and if it is very late) some Abominations. The problem is that i seem too suffer a lot of casualties but deal very less damage to him. He sometimes manages to kill one if my hero's (the Death COil and Nova combo is so imbalanced). And at any point in the game im cant seem to penetrate the Undead base of his.
And late game gets harder for me as he masses us with his units. Nova and DeathCoil one of my heroes and damgages me with his mass gargoyles.
I have been having problems so much. can anybody tell me how to win with someone who plays like this.
And finally one more thing... If i choose to play Panda as my sencod hero.. He picks a Dark Ranger as his third and silences me in battle. That way the panda cant do much against the Gargoyles..|||ya man, this is kinda hard mu. assuming u get dh(ofc y wuouldnt u) mana burn is good way to counter dk, since u think coil nova imba all u have to do is mana burn him and he cant heal his units or hurt u wit it. more arch to counter the early gargs, and i know ghouls eat archers easily. but u should be fast tech also anyways, get panda second most people cant micro gargs to avoid haze an bof. and dryads. lots and lots, maybe bears if u need to. micro always helps.. invul pots help. and silence is a bitch but it doesnt last to long and if u feel u are at a disadvantage ull def lose to an ud army so tp out.|||ya that i get.... but it seems very hard to penetrate his base at any point .. i mean.. the towers only makes things harder.....|||Try this,
in the beginning instead of an altar get the NE barracks and start producing archers
1.3 wisp on mine
2.1 wisp moon well
3.1 wisp barracks
than keep producing more wisps while doing this
6th wisp gold
7th wisp wood
8th wisp gold
9th wisp another moon well
- note: place moon wells near where they might start attacking that way when ur attacked the moon wells will auto heal you
- note: when a wisp finishes a building send him gathering wood
10th wisp: hero place
- get demon hunter asap
- note: he will use melee + fire thing while archers support, when low health run back to moon well
11th wisp: wood
than take two wisps off wood make one make another moon well and a hunters hall
- after wisps done back to wood and start creating huntresses instead of archers
- advance to the next tree age asap, preferably when u have 1+ huntress
- while advancing get moon armor, after than the strength of moon
keep building huntresses
make another barracks again, that way you can mass produce faster
once age complete, get priestess of moon asap and get the aura to make your units a lot stronger, also the second barracks will help you get the archer / huntress upgrades
i have done this, and never had to go farther to win
of course you would need to adjust, and you need to attack creeps for your hero to get xp and items and manuals
refer to this as well, it goes more in depth and of course you don't have to follow it exactly use it to create some ideas|||if you wanna try something a little more crazy you could use the chippo strat. its tought and you gotta put alot of micro work into it in the beginning. but if your friend goes feinds then you will be in a tough spot. the chippo strat is basicly teching as fast as you can to get chims and along the way get some hippos to protect them from air. if anything you may catch him off guard which may throw him off his game|||As misanko said, it might be a good idea to use chippos if you are sure that your opponent is going to go for gargoyles. I find that very risky thought because if your opponent uses fiends the game is over. I find it much more usefull to use dryads at the lategame.
When I am up against a undead opponent as night elf I usually hit my opponent fast before he can tech. This is because the best undead units become available at tier 3. Something that is really important if you want to do this is to use warden and naga. Undeads basically run away from a lot of battles before they have gargoyles so shadow strike and frost arrow are very usefull. Try teching fast to tier 2 and get some dryads and a couple of DoTC and then attack. The best thing is if both your warden and your naga is at least at level 3, but this will not always be possible. Even thought that you are teching fast and you hit tier 2 before your opponent you will not be able to get an army before he has gargoyles, therefore, you should harass him and prevent him form getting a fast tech.
Basically what you wanna do is to get an ancient of wonders and get some clairtys. When you see his death knight coming to harass you, target him with shadow strike. This is better than his death coil and he should run away. Maybe you can also get him to use his teleport. Then heal your warden and use a clairity and then head for his base. It shouldn't be to hard to take out some workers and prevent him from a fast tech.
Then when you have tree of ages go back and start creeping with naga and warden. Also use some archers. Also, remember that you have to use 2 lores to get your army fast enought. When you have a litle army of dryads and DoTC your opponent probably still havn't gotten so many gargoyles. Now head for your final attack. If you meet your opponent somewhere else than in his base, remember to attack the death knight with naga and shadow strike. In battle, there are some things to keep in mind.
1. Shadow Strike and Frost Arrow the Death Knight. Take it out before it can heal your opponents units.
2. Focus fire with all dryads on gargs.
3. Remember to use roar.|||My solution for ghoul rushes: Hunters. 0 archers and instead all the hunters you can do, plus the DH. Just wait him close to your base if can and engage his ghouls with all, moving the unit thats being hitted, and retreating it to your base if it recived heavy damage.
A common situation is 3 hunters + hero vs 5-6 ghouls + hero, but often when you kill the second ghould (hard to retreat them cause they die easy) and you first or second hunter flees without being killled he will retraet, when you can continue chasing to kill a thrid ghould and get the advantage.|||A level 3+ panda will obliterate any undead units with small or no collision size(ghouls and gargs), and hes more beefy than all NE heroes, cause NE has no strength hero|||It is hard, i think he's an pro player.. try to not choose hero first, wait till he pick an hero, then you pick a hero that have advantages against him .. :)|||Quote:
It is hard, i think he's an pro player.. try to not choose hero first, wait till he pick an hero, then you pick a hero that have advantages against him .. :)
... you must be ******ed. If he waits until the DK is already in his base ****ing his **** up to start producing his DH, the game is already over.
What you need to do is go DH first, with archers. AoW creep, hard and fast. If he goes ghouls, pump huntresses. If he goes fiends, stick with archers. Tech as soon as you can get away with. T2, buy a Dark Ranger. The immunity to Death Coil and the Silence are amazing against Coil/Nova. Upgrade DotC's while teching to T3. Pump bears as soon as possible. Maintain Archers for Gargs, if that's what he goes. Level 6 DH will win the game for you.
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