hey all, just wondering if any of you out there have a good ne build, maybe starting with hunts and moving to bears/dryad/the like? thanks|||why the hell it should be a cookie cutter?|||Quote:
hey all, just wondering if any of you out there have a good ne build, maybe starting with hunts and moving to bears/dryad/the like? thanks
Close. DH and Archers to begin with, then bears/dryads. Harass enemy heroes by using mana burn on them, running away and repeat until they are out of mana. Keep a few bears in caster form for rejuvination. Then you go to hell.
That's pretty much it for the ne cookie cutter.|||thanks for the help var, it's nice to see that on a dying forum people still DO give tips, not just write absolutely useless information just for the sake of getting a post. Thanks.
I do however think I used cookie cutter incorrectly, so my bad there. I meant an efficient build order. I know the actual strategy, but since im fairly ignorant in regards to nelf i dont know the most efficient way to get bear/dryad. So i guess a BO should have been my original query. Sorry for the confusion, thanks|||archers:
four wisps to gold one to altar
que more wisps
first to moonwell second to wood third to aow
the rest to wood
second moonwell when enough wood
around 6-8 lumber wisps depending on matchup and preferance
altar wisps to gold moonwell wisp to scout
first archer when aow is done second when moonwell is done
another four archers two moonwells hunters hall and shop while teching
four wisps to gold one to altar
que more wisps
first to moonwell all the rest to wood
scout with one of the wood wisps depending on map
altar wisp to gold
at around 120 wood build hunters hall
aow when enough wood
moonwell when enough wood
hunt when aow is done
more hunts and moonwells and shop while teching
but normally, in solo, you're gonna want archers.|||Quote:
four wisps to gold one to altar
que more wisps
first to moonwell second to wood third to aow
the rest to wood
second moonwell when enough wood
around 6-8 lumber wisps depending on matchup and preferance
altar wisps to gold moonwell wisp to scout
first archer when aow is done second when moonwell is done
another four archers two moonwells hunters hall and shop while teching
four wisps to gold one to altar
que more wisps
first to moonwell all the rest to wood
scout with one of the wood wisps depending on map
altar wisp to gold
at around 120 wood build hunters hall
aow when enough wood
moonwell when enough wood
hunt when aow is done
more hunts and moonwells and shop while teching
but normally, in solo, you're gonna want archers.
my sugestion is that if u want quick win with mass huntress listen up...
3 w to gold mine 1 w to altar 1 to hunters hall
que w. 3 w on wood the w that mase buildings on goldmine then moonw. after u have 60 (or i do when i have 140 wood so i can buy 1 tower too) buy aow then just wait hero ofc Dh then mass huntress.. i make an extra aow too..... GL HF|||a) Hunts suck, apart from maybe dual AoW with KotG, normally you need archers
b) Your bo sucks, your hero comes out way too late, you don't need a hunters hall so early anyway|||Quote:
four wisps to gold one to altar
que more wisps
first to moonwell all the rest to wood
scout with one of the wood wisps depending on map
altar wisp to gold
at around 120 wood build hunters hall
aow when enough wood
moonwell when enough wood
hunt when aow is done
more hunts and moonwells and shop while teching
but normally, in solo, you're gonna want archers.
This is very similiar to my BO.
I build two AoWs before the second moonwell. I'm at 17/20 food when the first AoW finishes, I build a hunt to put me at 20/20. The second moonwell finishes before that first hunt or the second AoW finish, so you are never waiting for moonwells to finish.
I also build a third moonwell immediately after the second, typically I start this before the second hunt.
I also build at least 2 hunts before teching.
This has worked out quite well for me in team games.|||wow guys, thanks a ton for the BOs, they're awesome. Yeah, they're pretty different than what i was doing, but then again, while i know the strats, im not well versed in nelf build order, so these bos help a lot! thanks
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