Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Hu against destros

Im not really a human player but they do suck against destros.

Any idea other than r ape the ud before t3?

(and tanks)|||whats so hard about destros? melee and aa get em with no problem.|||First lemme thank you for helping me to realize the folly i made on that last post i made=). Lets see, countering UD before tier 3. Most of the time UD is racing to t3 and they hit b4 u even kno it. Creepjacking (especially on that damn turtle rock), in my opinion, is like so important because DK is gonna be double creeping , and that freakin lvl 4-5 dk alone can hold his ground till tier 3. Creepjack the hell outta his ghouls. But yea i think hitting hard and early with rifles, foots, and a tier 2 palidan can knock out the crypt and/or ghoul push before tier 3. By tier 3, destros alone wont be able to knock out rifles and a lvl 3-4 pali hero who is healing like a crazy mofo along with some priests. Still this can be a very hard match. Dk running in and out with ghouls and wand of necs and coiling can be frustrating to deal with early on. And by late game, UD can take an advantage easily if allowed.

BUT hey, who listens to me.|||unlikely, hu isnt the creepjacking race. against ud hus will certainly have a tower or 2 to counter dk/ghouls rush.

organic units will fall to coil/nova/swarm faster than expected.

Ill try am acos harass/mass tanks and ****...

BUT hey, who listens to me.

stop being an emo poser :)|||rofflecopters?|||rofl back dests spiders/tri orbs?|||triorb is overkill... chainmorph is roflcopters' main problem..|||so, any suggestion?|||anybody play micro arena? i once matched mass air (gargs in this instance) against mass gyros. about half the gargs were dead before they could make contact, and the other half were dead after one or two hits. chainmorph is def. problem tho... so maybe run away if possible until mana degens?

tower+tank+gyro+rifle+priest+pally? i don't know.|||Fast expo, get ~5 towers at main and expo, footy push to delay his shs, then get a mix of knights/gryphs/hawks/tanks/copters depending on preferance, with am mk pala.|||Towering (!!!) up an expo is your best shot. Copters die really easy, but in large amount they do take care of the destros. Keep them away if dests has mana. Panda rapes them...|||then micro is essential :(

Lets hope blizz do something lame like giving to the dhawks a kami-kaze abillity

EDit: and thx btw|||I've never really played undead so what is it about destros with mana that's so special. Do they get health regen from it or something, and i once beat mass destros with dhawks and a paladin, but usually copters work the best for me.|||What's special about dests with mana is that they kill everything in two seconds.|||orb of annihilation. + 20 dmge or something like that and splash damage. Dat am no tanx :(

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