The only problem is that if my warriors go to far to attack the ranged units and the meat wagons, Archimode comes and kills me.
I have about 15k of gold and 6k of lumber, and I have over the 90 food limit cap, so units isn't the problem, but Archimode is.
I'll be glad if you could give me some tips. (By the way, I'm new here so please no flaming if I did something wrong, and yes, I have tried cheating this level: kill the acolytes and all, but I want to do this in the fair way).|||I had trouble with this one. I eventually gave up and had to cheat.
Although the fountain does sound like a good idea, maybe build a glave launcher, forgot what it's called before the expansion pack, and use those against the meat wagons. Maybe try hippogriphs for the air?|||Hmmm. I managed to finish it. Archimode will get to you only when one of your units is in a certain range from Archimonde. In other words, sending all of your army against 2 or even 6 Meat Wagons will bring Archimonde. If you send some melee attackers with your heroes, approaching from the east, he won't come.
The only problem with this technique is that when Antheron arrives with his many infernals from the left, and you use starfall, his troop will attack you. So basically, use starfall at the east side of the fountain, away from Antheron. After some time, my 3 AoL's and AoW's made units insanely, so that stopped the undead from finishing me for awhile.
I used Force of Nature whenever possible and Starfall too. But Antheron will always use Sleep on your Potm, so using it when he's attacking isn't such a great idea. Edventually, both Tyrande and Furion were surrounded by infernals, so I couldn't use Force of Nature, and they died. I had some structers left in the last seconds though (about 8), so there was no chance that Archimonde could defeat me.
Hope I didn't bore you. ;p
Oh yeah and about the hippogriphs- didn't use them at all (4 food for the same attack, fast attack speed and being able to fly didn't sound like much). And besides their gargoyles would take 'em down in seconds.
Thanks for the suggestion though.
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