Saturday, April 14, 2012

Stupid and Easy Question

[:1]OK when i join a game and i am waiting for it to start (in the lobby) is there a short-cut key so i can change teams fast.

Sometimes i am slow to click and end up being on a team i dont want.

I've seen people that seem to zoooooom through the open slots are they using a mod or key bind. Can someone tell me the mod or the key bind ?

Thx. i know this is a relativly newbie question but i've searched the internet and so far found nothing.|||I've never heard of any hotkeys for that.

The fastest way to join a different team is to just click on the team name that is shown above the player's names. The fastest way to move through slots within a team is to click on that team's name, which will move you one slot down in that team per click.

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