Monday, April 16, 2012

Swampshark official Fan-club

Taking care of various orders

You wanna quote me!!!!!ARRGHHH..

Go find yourself a new thread...Name it"Swampshark official Fan-club"

Then QUOTE me as much as you want....


(Iam kidding exept the part of Swampshark official Fan-club =)


I'm gonna quote the main full-of-knowledge Swampshark's phrases, the hero that come in aid of the strategies' forum, with his ultimate pwnadgelable powers. This useless thread can be also be fulfilled with quotes of others sup-skilled players, in special, SeanosBueDrago (or anything like).

Homever, I can't start it right now, by the disgrace of my own school. But you can wait for many fantastic build orders, plans of infinite strategies without any chance to fail, and micro like you never saw before. (If the moderator don't close this in few hours)

Good bye and I see you all later.|||I'll help if I have some spare time on my hands!

Let's rival the castration guys and form the Swampshark Fanclub TM! We support a wide variety of products, including T-Shirts, CDs, Banners, Signed Photos, and much more! Don't hesitate, join today!

XD|||Or call now: 1-800-Were-amazing and get your free order of "swamp-shark's amazing strats" today!

/bored.|||Ok lets start

''Old godzilla was hopin' araund,Tokio city like a big play ground,

sudenly batman came from the shade,hit godzilla with a bat-granade,

godzilla got pised and he gambled attack,but didnt expect he will be blocked by shag,

shag opened his wery first shag-pu,and Eric Carter come out of the blue,

he started beating up Shacil Onil,and they bouth got packed by a bat-mobille,

then he swinged his bat-cave,and Abraham Linckon got out of hes grave,

he took a-847 under hes hat,and shot batman away with a rat-a tat-tat,

and he run out of the bullets and he rune away,cuz optimus prime came to save day.''|||Heh, I almost forget this thread...

Soooo, let's see:

Ipod and snypor you are in

mikrodizels: sry we are full |||Hurray! We am teh membors Snypor!

Let's have a founding BBQ! I'll bring beer, supplies the cookies! ~.~

And I'll send us on our rightous way to salvation with the returngreeting the great and wonderful shark of the swamps gave us:


ORc is very expensive/you need to do lot of work if you want heal your troops

Humans are cheap/Healing good

Night elves are quite cheap too/Healing verrry good mon(thx moonwells)

Undead probably cheaper/Healing is good (I am not UD player so info may be incorrect about UD)

Hope it helped.


Oh one more thing Undead necromancer is good advantage..

Yeah Swampshark is BACk with knowledge...(got problems, contact your doctor.Warning:these strategies are for everybody )|||Quote:

Massing grunt isn't stupid...Massing grunt is gg to you during tier to massing grunt at tier 3...unless he/she is stupid enough not to kill his enemy before tier 3...and if he bust out a is gg no matter what during tier 1-2


Purge the Blademaster. Note that it also work on him. If you target the wrong one, it will take a lot of damage. Illusion is still a summon unit.

|who is talking about bms mirrors images?

|In Orc vs Orc, your opponent will likely have a Blademaster...duh...Blademaster is hard to kill in Orc vs Orc. Unless you have range, but you will get own easily by his melee.

|sry, I forget you are ****ing gosu 1337.

|Mr. Hp: you are an idiot, blademaster gets ***** at tier 2 with hex and ensnare, and purgeing the images is a waste of mana as they dont do any damage, besides that anyone with blademaster 99.99999% of the time goes windwalk and critical strike, i dont think ive ever seen a single post from you sbd that wasnt completely made up theorycraft BS.


He[*blademaster] is a harasser. He might be a little better if you creep. But he will die fast at the begaining of the game. Enemy can easily concentrate on BM and kill it. Windwalf won't get you long. It waste too much mana. Beside TC will kick BM ass. Harass. Stun is always better than CS(BM's CS). He will stun with war stomp and shockway. BM is done for. By the way, BM is still alive, however he is stun. For 5 second! for a lvl 3 war stomp. In the other hand Good player won't leave their FC die that easily. If they have Spirit link, don't even mind trying to kill FC while you are taking heavy damage from wolf and his other units. BM just good for killing worker and archer that all. Can't even kill a tauren! Harass!

*mine notes

warning: theses stretegies are for everybody

I now understand the meaning of lolzogasm

Interesting note: You still can reply the old forums . homever, form what I understand, you can't create more threads.|||M o R e


Poloymorph---->Tier 3?

Are you stupid? Shaman can purge at tier 2; when you first get them. If your opponent is in tier 3 and you are still in 1 or 2, your lost is no big deal. You are just a noob.

The person who post this thread ask bout poloymorph not slow ok. I just want to mention slow if he is at tier 3. ----> Already not like in tier 2 or something. And I do know what I'm talking about.

You guys that hate me so much. LOL you guys are just off topic so much. Feeling Lost?

|ffl: This guy really sucks.

|seanus: He's just a hater and a stalker. The world has no place for you, if you have no prove. Duh! Who are you to judge my opinion. Are you the judge? If you are ban, it is not my fault. You are one who's trying to start flame war. And I'm ready for you if you don't stop.

Later in the same thread...

|swamphero: I guess, one way is RUNNN OWER THE sorcereasss with huge army.I once tried this way,Grunts first.Headhunters second and couple raiders on the wing+ bloodlust.You've got sorceress stew, oohh if it doesnt work Id come back bigger army,more ranged units,who cares then about slow|||That was "Stratorgee: Overrun" or something, wasn't it? |||Nono, It was the one that jamidaevectrlfsavvbv started "how beat mass sorcs"...meh orc aoe...

Back in topic guys !|||WC3.Netter: I'm smart/cool

FFL: Nope.


Anyone who has a Brain: OWNED!|||Quote:

WC3.Netter: I'm smart/cool

FFL: Nope.


Anyone who has a Brain: OWNED!

I'm smart/cool.|||sure[quote=warbladeken]

Dude u dont like NE cuz u cant beat i rite?

Well u prob suk n e ways cus UD r the stupidest race out there!

And yes i am sayin that cus thats the only race i cant usually beat

but o well and orcs r jus too easy to beat they r soo predictable!

|PB: You're not 'rite', you're an idiot. -_-


Hipporiders do not suck.............................................. ...........................

its u that sux u footmen rusher cheapey noob that sux w/ NE and knos nothin about em! Hiporiders kick all airs asses n e day!


warblaken is probably some pre-teen who just switched to Nelf and is very happy with them currently and will defend nelf until next week when he cant pull off any wins with nelf and switches to orc because headhunters rox! -_-


Umm u can use DH for Mana Burn against the BM and later get inflamation and stuff!

inflamation, lol, he sure knows the Night Elves magics -____-

1.UMM....DH or WD cus they r the ones that can acctually stay alive!

2.also cus they have the coolest abilities.

3.they r the strongest.

4.they r the swiftest

5.They r jus simply the best NE heros!...|||you think Warbladeken and Swampshark are related?|||This thread isnt only for Swampshark, they are for everybody who can actually help us with their infinite abillities

This useless thread can be also be fulfilled with quotes of others sup-skilled players[...].|||Quote:

.. nothing really is imba its just how well u can counter stuff. if u complain about getting nuked with spells for ud with humans u just acivate avatar and run like hell. lots of tower early can stop rushes i found out/ drains yur resoucrces tho.


ya i saw this strat once and i have tried it. you make loads of gyros cuz they only cost 1 food and big army fully upped can own. but yur open the whole time cuz u need the resources for the army so u will need yur allies to cover you till then. pick the mk and creep with allies the whole game until you get your army ready. the mk is nice for the stun cuz then they cant run from the swarm of gyros

bassdude's name may be cool, but the rest am teh nothx :/

btw, snypar, party at my house this evening?|||Quote:

btw, snypar, party at my house this evening?

sure I'll bring beer and girls! ^_^|||kay, I'll handle the cookies!|||girls who would come to an IP/SL party.....hahaha. Probably obese ones, no less than 463.5 lbs.|||lol seldoon, there was this noob here once called FootmenForLife, it's a pity you didn't getto know him anymore coz then you'd know what REALLY sucks. We might as well include him in our quote collection:


When going Solo TC, I tend to build one TC.


FFL: Orc vs Orc, so damn imbalanced. The Orc always wins and the Orc ALWAYS has the upperhand. -.-

FFL: Definitely. Nerf Orc. ;/

FFL: I expect to see a Chain Storm Bolt which makes storm bolt bounce 8 times. Also i expect to see clap stun and do as much damage as bolt. Bash should probably have 100% chance of working and Avatar should be permanent.

LSB: Wtf Is With This Spam Footmen I Saw It Also In Ne... Ur Gonna Get Banned And Now U Sunk Lower Than Kcg Or Surreal Orc.

FFL: You'd make a great typist! Not. **** noobelf.

LSB: Noobelf lol w/e.....

OD1: IMBA wtf, Maybe you just really really s*ck ar*e and loose every game and thats why its IMBA to you.Look I know its really hard to beat level 3 players but dude seriously, try building a barracks. Massing peons and burrows is not a strat, its just plain ******ed.


I blow.|||wow gj IP! those are some old quotes indeed!

seldoon: nah, you dont know european girls. first of all, hardly any european girls are obese, thats just an american thing noog. gogo BK ftw -.-. american girls (the only ones you know) suck since most of them are way too innocent and most have never even once been drunk ("omg but its against the law!!!" xD) come to our party seldoon! you'll have a blast! im sure XDDDDDD|||I think IP probably read my 5k whispers at northrend today :D

What's funny is people will think I was actually serious in all of those quotes ^.^

EDIT: lol@the "I blow" quote. Definitely someone edited that for me :D|||Haaah you made it(Tell Blizzard that I've would be creat action figure)

You could make Campaing about ME!|||Everyone would kill their hero on purpose.

Sorry! The administrator has specified that users can only post one message every 60 seconds etc etc etc|||The mission would be about the best way to kill yourself.|||Quote:

Many Many people will disagree, but for throne of darkness users, massing anchient protectors, with about 10 archers, can basically own any race if done right. considering protectors have fortified armour (reduced damage from anything but catapults or raiders) very high health, very very nice damage for a night elf unit, and you can build as many as you want at a time, call me a noob, but it works very well, err dont forget to get the upgrade for elf buildings from the tree of ages, also remember to root the protectors, also, dont say "but orc can do that too" because orc buildings are weak, and suck, and take too long to build, and cant move, and suck.

mass ap's ftw. I never thought of that one.|||I've seem a replay where 2 nelves did that. They won o_O|||I saw that replay. The enemy sucked, and one of the Ne's didn't get nature's blessing.|||yeah...If they just scouted...|||Damn why this thread reminds me Darwin's Awards. Only one question.Should I but my thoughts on other threads so guys like you would search it and Quote it.

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