a) Creep to level 2 fs and get a few grunts.
b) The moment you hit level 2, run over to his base, run straight through to the back and kill his acolytes with fs, grunts, wolves and chain lightning. If he comes back, tp out after having killed some acos.
c) When you hit t2, get 2 beastaries up and start your second hero - either tc with stomp or sh with hex. Normally, tc is better imo, but if you have problems with frosties go sh.
d) Get a few raiders and research ensnare while creeping a goldmine. Get level 2 wolves.
e) Expo while pushing. Own his fiends with ensnare, stomp/hex focus, etc. Take care not to enter his base too far or you'll have to tp.
f) You should be able to get your expo up while crippling him at the same time. Now all you need to do is mass pure wyverns, which own fiends and also frosties if you focusfire on them.
If you're against a ghoul start, just skip the raiders and go for straight wyvs.
Normally, if done correctly, many uds won't even reach frosties. If they do, hex them and focusfire them with wyvs.
Any more help I need to know more specifically what your opponents do.|||Wyverns/Wind Riders.
Also, come to Clan PURE@Azeroth for more help. I hang out there usually.|||uhhh, wyvs are wind riders arent they?|||Yes, but you are new so I didn't know which name to use.|||Dont mass bats against frosties plz. Economically and "gold-wise", they will come out on top since cost of 3 bats >>> cost of 1 wyrm T.t|||Hello,I am new to this forum and I have a question:
If a orc player would have the resources,would it be possible to build a virtual wall of towers?And if he would,how effective would it be against lets say a race with powerfull melee units such as other orcs or undead?|||orc makes demolishers gg your towers|||ud makes meat wagons gg your towers.|||Um...maybe i been drinking, but ORC vs UD is imba in ORC favor more times than not. How is it possible that you let them tech to frost wyrms withouht giving them hell about it? lets see...i suppose they either pushing fiends or ghouls with tri or bi hero till tier 3? Pick up a FS (dont waste time with bm harass against Ud) at tier one with a few grunts. Fiends will go down rather easily and from there u pump grunts and finish the job. Ghouls can be irritating, especially if your opponent is double creeping and bringing DK into battle for coil and then running away again, but they will be facing more losses than u if u keep pushing grunts and wyvs/raiders with fs on lightning and shadow hunter on heal. BUT CMON DUDE!!! honestly....u let ur opp get that many frosties? u should be happy in orc vs ud matchup...its always in ORC favor.
BUT hey who listens to me anyway?|||this thread went ooff topic long time ago, so no, none hears you.
But you're right o_O|||time to remind everyone that i am noob:
what's double creeping, exactly?|||Well, as the name says, you creep double.. ie two groups of ghouls creep different camps, or an am and militia creep one camp while footies and a we creep a different one. It's hard to macro without losing stuff, but if you can do it, obviously you level faster. It's also used to describe the (mainly ud) creeping with units aka ghouls while harassing with hero aka dk, though that isn't really double creeping, but multitask creeping.
...I think.|||just multicast|||Quote:
Well, as the name says, you creep double.. ie two groups of ghouls creep different camps, or an am and militia creep one camp while footies and a we creep a different one. It's hard to macro without losing stuff, but if you can do it, obviously you level faster. It's also used to describe the (mainly ud) creeping with units aka ghouls while harassing with hero aka dk, though that isn't really double creeping, but multitask creeping.
...I think.
that's what i thought, but i didn't know that you could still gain exp while being so far away from your creeping army. like... i've harassed w/ BM and creeped w/ grunts before and gotten no XP. is there like a max distance after which you get no more XP or something?|||Erm. You :should: have gotten xp, unless your second hero or sth was near the creeping, in which case he gets all the xp.
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