(We usually play ROC but I need both TFT and ROC strats)
Till now we do:
Blademaster + DK
(wind walk->CS->CS->MI->CS->whirlwind)
grunts+fiends (with web)
dread lord (for vampiric aura)+FS(chain lightning)
banshees (for curse)
shamans(for bloodlust)
We just started playing so still pretty nooby. I can defeat 1 insane & my partner 1-2 normal.
Thanks for the help.|||not that I have any right to pretend that I know what i'm talking about, but imo your ally might want to consider sticking with tauren+shaman, but maybe adding in master witch doctors for healing ward, maphax and stasis traps. And a TC would work to your advantage, his aura is wtfuber, esp in team games and esp when combined w/ DK's aura. unless you're harassing, it might be better to have TC instead of blademaster. later you can chainwave w/ FS.
if i were you, i would let my ally handle most of the melee meatshielding. consider easing up on the aboms and adding gargs, ofc keeping fiends around (esp in ROC, i've heard fiends are mad imba in ROC). A wyrm or two might be useful also, and 2-3 necs can be surprisingly helpful.
in TFT, be sure to have some stats and destros. i'd advise your ally to get some master spirit walkers, aka weedbasket holders, to support tauren. With obsidian statue support for mana, they will keep your meatshield going for much longer than your allies will probably expect.
i guess that's all i have to say about it. Also: keep in mind that spirit walkers can revive the corpses of enemy tauren: so if your opponent's tauren die, you can revive the corpses and have them for your army.
so there you go, good luck
EDIT: if you do get necs, i'd keep Raise Dead on manual cast to avoid accidentally raising tauren into pissy skeletons when you could have a tauren back. and as always, share units w/ your ally, so you can revive the tauren if need be and raise the dead w/o causing that sort of issue. and you probably already know this, but you should manually click whichever skill isn't on autocast for the statue so you get both mana and HP regen. stats+wards are good times.|||Dk/Tc, both aura as 1st.
win by mass hit and run :)
/bs theorycraFT|||Far Seer or Blademaster/SH or TC, DK/Lich
Grunts/Raiders/Kodo/maybe pults, Fiends/statues/Destroyers|||hmm... would CL + beetles + ghoul + skellie / BM + grunt rush work? -_-|||lol, why would that work?|||Thanks for the help guys. Could you please give me some RoC tips as well?|||Ud/ORC in RoC:
everyone goes this and it is almost only way to do:
shaman/witchdoctor fiend/necro
although I have successes going ghoul/necro + raider and suiciding enemy main hall at tier 2 o,o|||Okay, thanks. Just to clear things up, I'm the one who plays with Orc. Though I'm better with UD, have in TFT defeated 2 insanes a few times (a big thing for me with orc), my partner can't play with anything else.
I play fine with NE as well but don't know how NE/UD go together. Any suggestions on that?|||Beating comps means nothing.
NE/UD = easy
Hunts/Fiends/POTM/DK.|||I know beating comps means nothing but what other way should I have conveyed my approx. skill?
Thanks alot to all. BTW The Massive guide to end all guide rocks! Thanks to everyone who helped in making that and to DP to compile it al down.
PS refering to the guide, could anyone add stats about unit's attack speed.
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