But im back again, I doubt theres anyone who used to be part of the channel still playing though.
I dont really have any friends so I was wondering if there was an ROC channel on east I could hang in, the public channels are always dead.
What happened to this forum? It used to be huge, tons of guides etc.|||Welcome back.
The guides are all in the stickied mass guides thread, as the title says~~
Hardly anyone plays RoC anymore (psst.. buy TFT it's way better anyways).
This site doesn't have it's own channel on b.net.|||Yeah I noticed hardly anyone plays, but I dont have money for TFT, I just installed RoC again becasue I was extremely bored at home haha
Damn that stinks, there used to be a channel :/
whats different about TFT other than
- new hero
- some new units (all I cna think of is that obsidian statue thing and a beetle or something like that (I play undead ^_^))
- new abilities (fiends can burrow? :O)
*shrug*|||meh TFT rly isnt expensive any more..
You get a new race hero, tavern heroes, lotsa new units and abilities, and it's pretty much balanced (especially when compared with RoC), and ofc ppl actually play it...
Edit: Honestly, it's worth it ^_^|||Yeah, there has almost always been some type of clan where you could find people from these forums.
There was w3n, glhf, nutz, xgmx ...
I dont think theres any now though, kinda sucks.|||Cho_Gal and me are in Clan pGs @ Northrend, Snypar also hangs out there and SteniS visits from time to time, but yeah, though that's most of the people from the Strat/Rep forum, there just aren't enough.. --|||ah.
Well im gonna play roc for a little while anyway.
One thing I noticed is the players and strats and nowhere near what they used to be 4 years ago.. Every undead player replay ive seen they just mass fiends or gargs >_>
where are the necros at? banshees?
I dont see much creativity now.. and I doubt patches ruined that.|||People copy the "pros". That's it really ;(|||well I think I found out why I never see banshees anymore..
Stuns a target unit and the Banshee for 4 seconds, during which the Banshee takes extra damage from attacks. She then displaces the soul of the enemy, giving you permanent control of it, but destroying the caster's body. Possession cannot be used on flying units, Heroes, or creeps above level 5. "
4 seconds?!?! it used to be instantaneous.
165% damage? the banshee only has like 200 hp!
and no anti magic shell doesnt completely stop magic attacks :wtf: only 300 damage worth?! :ugh:
althogh this is coming from the blizzard war3 website where all the info is on TFT.. so Im not sure if this is just TFT rules or RoC.. I love how blizzard totally ignores their classic games and only provides info for their expansions
I don't care if they have any other units. They're still massing fiends.|||Ive seen quite a few videos with top playesr goin mass fiends :/
I guess its just the 'easy' thing to do. I played a player who threw in necros with fiends.. I got hosed.. it was also my second game in 3 years though :o|||No, MASS fiends is fiends massed from 2 crypts, a popular strategy used in RoC. 6+ fiends is not massed, its the number of fiends you need to hold off before destros and stats arrive.|||Quote:
Are you ignorant?
Seriously...6+ is massing. How the hell can it not be? Do you think having 100 food of fiends is "massing" but not 97 (or any other lower number)?
I don't care about RoC. I'm talking TFT, and people still mass fiends.|||Having 6 fiends is 32 food including the workers, 2 ghouls and your DK. That is not MASS. That's the usual UD vs Orc strat used by pros. Having 50+ food of fiends is MASSING, and no pro does that. If someone does that, he/she is not a pro.|||Philbot, Susiria, Gostop, Fov, Lucifer.
The end. If you say anything after this don't expect a response.
EDIT: 6+ is not 6. Hi.|||Show me reps of 6+ fiends and i will show you reps those same players having 6 fiends.|||Calm down plz kthx.
Edit: I use shees vs Orcs, NE, and vs UD on some maps.|||you play TFT or normal?
Im still trying to get the hang of everything again, hot keys and what not.. I coudlnt beat the computer on easy yesterday and I can pwn it now.. but normal is owning me. Always killing my heros even if I over power their units >_< That game I went mass fiends and I dont like fiends at all, so slow but they do damage.
I think the fiends really need a meat shield type thing.. so I was thinking of ghouls and maybe late in the game aboms? :dunno:|||You want fiends & destroyers. Unfortunatly, you need TFT for destros. :p|||just level your heroes and nuke fs ^_^ gg u win or wyrms ^_^ pwnt
I can play at 2v2 in RoC with you :D I am still more of a RoC player than TFT|||You guys forgot to mention that a big difference in RoC and TFT is how the armor/weapon system works.|||if you want to, im on east :)|||Quote:
You guys forgot to mention that a big difference in RoC and TFT is how the armor/weapon system works.
care to explain?|||RoC is so old -_-
Just go to TFT.|||TFT is old too, it onyl came out a year after RoC.
heck might as well just quit wc3 all together, its old!|||Quote:
RoC is so old -_-
Just go to TFT.
Not that TFT is brand new either, but otherwise,
I don't remember exactly how it works in RoC, but in TFT, every unit has a type of damage (piercing, magic, normal, siege, chaos, hero), and a type of armor (unarmored, light, heavy, medium, fortified, hero). For an idea for how these work, go here. Also, the type of armor/damage is changed for some units. Raiders, for instance, now have medium armor and siege damage.|||Yeah, go quit wc3 if you're gonna stick to RoC then. TFT has much more than RoC ever will, especially the amount of players.
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