^^|||xD imho there is no perfect strats... just some are hard to beat... like NE vs UD is almost impossible. I never saw pro players actually screaming and flaming other players because of something. When I see forums like battle.net (*cough*) or wcreplays flooded with threads like:
"I die as NE, how do I win?"
"omg dh and dryads gg nubelf"
same as I don't understand... how does DH stand a chance in NE vs UD? I thought nova/coil/imbale results in dead DH :S|||Dryads being the best and also the cheapest unit in the game is what I call slightly imbalanced...
EDIT: The new forum skin/colors suck :(|||you are human player ffs, just mass morts and rifles and gg dryads|||yeah that elf vs ud is a tough one. tri/bi nuke>dh. spiders>hunts/drayads. ghouls>archers. destros>bears. and OMFG gargs>entangled gold mine with no ancient protector next to it. I freakin hate when ud players do that mess.
i must say that ud vs ne is...well....IMBA.|||ye gargs are annoying and aboms are very tough to beat... actually faerie fire > gargs but still they love to stone form.|||Quote:
ye gargs are annoying and aboms are very tough to beat... actually faerie fire > gargs but still they love to stone form.
That's why I love dryads and orbs.|||Quote:
Stop teching to dessies, get fiendshee with frostarmor, problem solved, win percent vs OC 90%, favourite matchup, kthx.
im intrigued.
elaborate plz? this sounds kinda interesting.|||Look on wcreplays, he posted a strategy guide there... it was called "how to pwn orc with fundead" or something like this. oh his nick is RaKKauS on wcr.|||WOW...i read the article IP wrote and OWNED with that strat a a few minutes ago. I messed up with the frost armor a couple times and i didnt bother with statues for a lil while. Yay, ud just got a whole lot FUNNER... hehe i kno thats not a word, but such a fun, yet effective strat deserves a new word. thnx =)
memo to self...stop screaming imba on reaction to orc ud matchup|||heheh starky you've found the magical strat, have yeh? ^_^ Yep its just starting to be used more often on the pro level. TeD started it, and once he pwz0rBzizEd Zacard like 3 times, ppl like Luci started to get the clue
I never came close to beating rak when he did that sh|t on me, its absolute pwn vs orc. But I've always thought UD had the upper advantage against orc (even without fiendshee/frost armor) deep down even though I might've said otherwise, I guess I was just on the bandwagon :P|||I dont get it, why shees?
Edit: Can anyone attach a replay?|||Curse + Frost armor = HiImagruntandcan'tkillafiendin2millionyearskthxbai .|||kewl, gonna try it :)|||Can anyone link the article?|||Today i was playing an AT hu hu vs ne ne and we dual mt king rushed and absolutely slaughtered this pair of level twenties who immediately started screaming that human rushes were imba and ridiculous, then we both got bmage and our hammers started doing double damage.
I think overall the game is very balanced and any rush or grouping of units is counterable by any race some is just harder for other races, for example necromancers work well vs humans untill spellbreakers or mass priests are there.|||hmmmm.
hu hu rush COMPLETELY destroys 2 ne u say?... 2 level 20s and one of them wasnt smart enough to get a firelord from the night elves building of utter evil, *cough* sorry i meant tavern, and the other didnt randomly run in and out mana burning one of the mk? proves that level dont mean jack squat.
ok now everybody on the count of three....scream imba...1, 2, 3....IMBA!
god im so bored|||Nope i said we happened to destroy two ne but it wont happen all the time, for example thye never even tried to detonate wisps and level does mean jack ****.
And their DH got immo first lol|||I'll make a new thread linking the article, I intended to do so origionally but it seems I forgot.
The best bit is ED being nice to me coz he doesn't realize who I am. ~~
Anyways, UD vs OC comments can go in the new thread now, kthx.
Oh, and Stenar, change Garfield to white or sth :S (btw how are you?~~)|||Quote:
The best bit is ED being nice to me coz he doesn't realize who I am. ~~
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