Monday, April 16, 2012

Grunts, trolls and shaman

Here's my idea....

You gotta make grunts and trolls, ya just have to, in order to start creeping.

So, why not fast tech to the bloodlust while you're creeping with 2-3 grunts and 4-5 trolls and then suddenly you can throw out large armies of pillaging grunts and raid a town. Obviosly, since you skipped the other buildings, you could always build them if you get stuck and send in some lusted riders or tauren, and who wants to face those?|||The many grunts and trolls you are making will put u behind on teching.

Grunts are weak against ALOT, and trolls die to those neutral animals that walk around ont he map (squirrels, birds, etc o_O).

By the time you have crept around and teched to get shamans, the human opp can counter with breakers, the NE will most likely have dryads, and the ud will always have dests.

it seems to be a sort of common misconception for ppl to think that bloodlusted units=invincible units.

but im a sub-par orc player so you dont have to take my advice.|||Starky's right. That might work against night elf, b/c dyrads don't totally counter lust (as long as you have several shams) and he'd have to bring along wisps etc. which is sometimes ineffective as they usually get CL'ed or waved or w/e before they get a chance to dispel. :O|||true, the grunts and trolls will get pwnd by a LOT right off the bat, but with a quick tech, the player usually can't touch it. Plus, when I keep attacking the town, and throw in raiders, I get a powerfull town destroyer. SO, it kinda goes like this:

1. 2-3 grunts, 4-5 trolls with my tauren

2. With this and a couple of towers at my base, i'm defended against tier 1 and low tier 2

3. Incoming shamans! Attack their base with as many grunts as you have, take out a building or two and run

4. Build a beastery or a tauren totem and either keep raiding with bats or riders lusted till their town is ravaged, or go with tauren, trolls, lust and a couple of healing wards (I usually have my big bad voodoo or his heal spell by that time)

I'm not at you're level, i'm sure, but down here at the bottom of the pile it seems to work fairly well. I do get pwnd by a quick attack, or by another orc massing faster than i'm teching. Usually weak NE units or slow fiends are no problem though. Havn't fought a Human on this yet.|||Won't work well once you play versus better opponents. Normally, you do want shams vs HU, but it's for purge and LS. No offense, but anything can work versus noobs, I've won with mass spiritlinked, bloodlusted peons...|||lol, got the replay? I know, but as a noob myself, what would I want to do with orc? I think that it would trick up most players, won't see it coming. And i highly doubt that even a excellent player won't be too happy once a couple of raiders start pestering him while bloodlusted, and then the riders of course... and then a couple of tauren...|||Quote:

bloodlusted peons...

Gotta see that...please give a replay!PLEASE!|||how many more times do i have to say that im in france, my host family doesnt have inet, and i can neither play anyone nor post replays...|||I didn't ask you,ye f0rum bully!

I mean if anyone else has a replay like that!|||Double post!

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