Frostmourne:Angel Ice + Sword
Gloves of Spell Mastery:Angel Lightning +Gloves of Haste
God Staff:Staff of Merlin+Heart of God
I think those are right but you know how to mix right in the circle between the transporter things at the bottom.|||Magma Gauntlet: Angel Fire + Celestial Power + Gauntlet of Atlas
Crown of Legend: Angel Power + Nature Stone + Angel Ice
Bloodstone: Angel Power + Nature Stone + Angel Fire
Sorry, too lazy to list more but enjoy!|||Heaven Wand + Hell Staff + Forum Troll Summoner = Noobs|||dagger+nature stone+beastmaster claw=illidan blade|||If you want to be really cheap, start off on heaven and get mountain king or atlas. Before you do anything, start saving your money and buy nature essence (about 40k) at the hero exchange. Don't worry about having to be strong enough to kill death, just stun him and run to the gate behind him, if you're fast enough, he wont kill you. Nature is the most unbalanced hero in the game. Once he gets supreme regeneration at level 10, he can pretty much kill anyone on opposing team without trying. At 15, you can kill satan in the middle pretty easily and with his entangling roots, you will never lose in the arena.|||how do you make a staff of merlin tho?
frostmourne = frostguard + angel ice + celest (at the frozen throne)|||oh nevermind lol
staff of merlin = mindstaff + necklace of spell immune + angel fire (I haven't tried it yet so it may be wrong)|||does anyone of you know how to get chosen one? cuz i forgot =/|||Quote:
The mix is angel lightning+celestial power+sword. Afterwards, start getting angel power (all angels mixed in the lightning in the center of the map). Try to avoid illidan, you aren't strong enough yet. Once you have angel power, mix it with angel fire and a nature stone in the middle altar of power. Then mix the blood stone with angel ice and crown of kings in the lightning to make runestone. Take the runestone to the altar of the chosen (next to the middle altar of power, you will need the dagger to reach it). Once you have chosen one, mix the runestone with celestial power, gauntlets of atlas, and a nature stone in the altar of the chosen, and you will have the gauntlets of creria. Once you have the gauntlets of creria, you will be able to take anything on.
Cmon, I dont have any idea about wtf you all are talking about and I still know how to pick Chosen One, just by searching in a thread called "hell and heaven"|||Hey infernal is that really a joke mix or can u acually get a hell wand and stuff anyways i no A LOT of mixes if u wish to contact me wisp me on craft POPTARTisGOOD or aim POPTARTisGOOD.|||Also i was playing the other day and i made a sauron ring but i didnt no how i made it all i no is u need a angel power and u go to the middle middle altar to get it|||Cheak out my thread called Heaven vs Hell it has almost everything you need|||MIXES
Magma Gauntlets: Angel Fire, Celestial Power, Gauntlets of Atatls
Storm Hammer: Celestial Power, Hammer, Angel Lightning
Staff of Gods: Staff of Merlin, Heart of God
Gauntlets of Archimonde: Gloves of Spell mastery, Heart of Archimonde
Hermes: Gloves of Haste, Celestial Power, Angel Ice
Frostmorne: Angle Ice, Sword then go 2 the Lich King with C. Power and Angel Ice
Runestone: Bloodstone, Sword and Angel Ice
Bloodstone: Angel Fire, Angel power, and Nature Stone
Dagger of Escape: Angel Lightning, Celestial Power, Sword
Angel Power: Angel Pain, Fire, Ice, Lightning
Angel Pain: Claws of Attack, Nature Stone
Crown of Legend: Angel Power, Crown of Kings
Shield of Legend: Angel Power, Shield
Excalibur: Angel Power, Sword
Gloves of Spell Mastery: Angel Lightning, Gloves of Haste
Illidan blade: Escape Dagger, Nature Stone, Beast masters Claw
Beast Masters Claw: Angle Pain, Claws of Attack
Staff of Merlin: Angel Fire, Mindstaff, Necklace of Spell Immune
Gauntlet of Creria all stat+2000: you can figure out the best item on your own
Ps. If you know these mixes plz post them:
Golden Halberd, Rainbow Shield, Nature Shield|||Rainbow Sheild = Sheild of Legend + all 4 angels (not sure if its all four angels or angel power)
Nature Sheild might be = nature stone+celestial power+shield of legend|||Thx and does anyone know how to make the Grand Death Knight Helm or the Nazgul Ring?|||Quote:
Rainbow Sheild = Sheild of Legend + all 4 angels (not sure if its all four angels or angel power)
Nature Sheild might be = nature stone+celestial power+shield of legend
whoops those might not be right - friend told me.. i gotta try il update once i have|||Does Anyone Know How To Make The Golden Halberd?|||Okay, lets see here. Grand Death Knight Helm is Angel Ice, Angel Pain, Crown of Kings, and Mask of death. You combine them between the waygates and you need to take it to the Icecrown Glacier (Behind hells base). Secondly, Nazgul ring is Ring of protection, Fallen Angel Essance, Death essance, and dagger of escape. Combine between the waygates. And you pick him at Deaths alter. Golden Halberd, I think..Is Angel power, Axe, and Celestial power. Im not completely sure on that though.
Rainbow Sheild = Sheild of Legend + all 4 angels (not sure if its all four angels or angel power) Nature Sheild might be = nature stone+celestial power+shield of legend
Okay, for rainbow shield i heard it was Nature Shield and all four angels. And yes, nature shield was correct.|||Everyone in my thread hates me so im coming over here. Who knows how to make the Crown of Ner^zul or whatever it is? It's the only item I don't know how to make.|||Quote:
Hey infernal is that really a joke mix or can u acually get a hell wand and stuff anyways i no A LOT of mixes if u wish to contact me wisp me on craft POPTARTisGOOD or aim POPTARTisGOOD.
Dumb ****.
Anyway, what were we on?
67.|||Actually, I've started playing Heaven vs Hell too now, and I must admit, it's freakin cool after all, I played the whole of the last few days and have found out loooads of mixes already.
I've found out how to make the Staff of Dark Light, which is supposed to be a new secret item and the secondmost powerful item in the game.
To make it, you need: Excalibur + Frostmourne + Rainbow Shield + God Staff
Getting these together is the tricky bit, you need to unlock a tiny secret area of the map, behind heavens base. This can only be found after you have killed Illidan, and you need the dagger of escape to reach it.
Good luck.|||Are you talking about the secret merchant? because i believe u randomly get in, im not sure, because i remember once i was killing satan and i randomly teleported there|||If you go in the lighning that's in the very center of the map when god is alive ( after someone says God Doesn't Exist) then you will be teleported to the secret shop. If you go into the porals beside the Monks of life, love and so on then yes, you are ramdomly telepoted there.
And i still want to know how to get the Crown of Ner^zul. Can someone plz post that?
And does anyone know how to be the Rainbow Goddess ( I've heard of it but never seen it) or Anchimonde?|||If Staff of Dark Light is the 2nd most powerful item them whats the first most powerful item? Gauntlets of Creria?|||As far as I know, the most powerful item is still more or less unknown at the moment. Anyway, I have no idea what it is, but I heard that if you find it, you've more or less won because it's so overpowered.
The area I'm talking about is next to the secret merchant, but you have to stand in exactly the right spot to be able to reach it.|||What are all these items for?
If you are too stupid to find it even after I told you how, suit yourself.|||Is this a custom game?
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