Saturday, April 14, 2012

Cho_Gal's replays and ramblings


I recently discovered that this place isn�t as dead as i thought, and i also recently finished up my mapping for this time (do me a favour n try it out, linked in my sig)... And so, i thought I�d do my part in blowing some life into these parts again.

Two months ago i got to know someone who's quite a bit more "hardcore" about the innovative-yet-effective approach to warcraft 3 than i am, an approach that some of you may remember me for.... ill introduce some of his ideas, with exemplifying replays (the greater interest shown, the more replays / strats) ... if there's intrest ill proably add much of "my own" stuff aswell, eventually; I havnt palyed much lately so idk yet.

Firstly; I play ud solo ladder, and since i don�t like / am not good with destroyers,

my Ud v O game has been in bad shape for a while.. i have long used banshees vs orcs to great effect, but its a tricky & delicate thing to get ghoul+shee to work vs fairly skilled orcs... Then, i read 'bout this strategy involving DL + Panda with ghoul/shee vs orc .... i was sceptical about it at first, but after watching a few replays, tring it out for myself and comparing the results to the previous state of my Ud v O matchup, i stuck with it.

this is the most recent example of it, that also includes the most hillarity... apparently, this strategy is quite great at creating awesome comeback siuations...

Im still using the good 'ol DL+Alchie with ghoul/shee in ud mirror, but vs NE's & Hu's i feel forced to lean on mainstream DK+ghoul start for harassing & adapting, while i still generally use casters later on in those MU's too... I also have at least one good team strategy up my sleeve(Pal+mass rifle+Panda+stat/ud-caster+Naga...) as well as something as funky as seemingly viable play with Death Knight not using coil ... thats kind of out of my league in terms of funkyness actually (so mb it wont be "my reps"), but my above mentioned new friend claims he has reached level 40 solo ladder with as good as exclusive focus on play with ghouls+solo dk that is not using coil.. hard to believe, i know! :)

now, proove to me that this was worth the time? :)|||It is ;) hehe

Well I play UD myself in ladder (when I play it, because i map a lott as well) and I almost always use banshee's because of there great effect... It's good VS a lott of matchups (well it's good VS UD, orc and to some extend NE) it always depends on the other player's his strat (when going VS UD, who masses fiends and then goes forst wyrms, it's fun to posses his fiends and then pawn his wyrm's with your doubled army ... VS NE it's always very usefull when they go bears, else it's not that great VS NE) I think the shee's strat works out alright is because most ppl don't expect it for some reason, I hardly ever go destro's although sometimes I need to get them...

VS human I mostly outtech him and/or use an nice mixture of units to have him down on his knees... but I'm not that good (although I still have an win % of about 50%)

Anyway, g2g now,


TheOneNeo|||Zomg shee replays, this thread auto-wins.

And the best thing is that you're actually using pandar too now. Friggin' hawt.|||nice haze/brawler-ownage on that panda. Awsome game :d|||k guys, i would update this with some fresh DL + alchie (mirror) replays, but apperently there are some major scale & really annoying server-side changes being around here; took me like four days to even realize the forum was even up at all still... hopefully it'll be back to normal soon and then i will get on with it.|||how do you manage to still play? i still miss it at times, but not that much... isnt the entire community disbanded?|||nah, it's just this fourm that got killed by all the technical problems... t.t

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