Thursday, April 12, 2012

New to the game, need undead strategy

[:1]Hi everyone! I only just recently started this game after I decided to buy a copy since my friend showed me this game and got me into it. Anyways, I've played the campaign, practiced with the computer, and have even done 2-3 games online, but my strategies suck. I've mostly been practicing on the easy computer in single player custom. I will list my current play style and if anyone reads this and is experienced with the game, please give me suggestions as to how I can get better.

Build order: I've heard many different suggestions of this and to be honest, mine is inconsistent and changes with every game. anyone have a good solid build order?

Usually train a DK, bust out around 6 fiends(replace as needed), creep. Add abominations and necromancers at tier 2. Add 1-2 frost wryms at tier 3. Lich then Dread lord for heroes.

That's really all I can say right now since I am so bad at this game, every match I play is different. Which is why I'm looking for something solid.

Thanks to anyone who helps! I appreciate it. (especially after having everyone shout hate towards me online for sucking)|||Well, first of all, don't be shy if you are a newbie. Everyone was a newbie one day. Also, to get more familiarized with the game and tactics, after doing the Campaign and practicing with the Computer, download some replays from wc3 and watch them. Try to observe what strategies they make, how they go against each race and each strat, and then try to make like them.

So, lets go step by step.

First, the race. You should know a lot about all the races before focusing on one. Know about everything, about their heroes, units, which building produces which units, etc. After it, go to your race. As I see, you want to be an Undead.

Second, the build order. Usually people start with the basics, put acos on mines and ghoul on lumber, make Altar and Crypt, while producing an aco, build a ziggurat, finish the aco and build another one, do another ziggurat / a graveyard. I really forgot how to do fiends really fast (starting with graveyards and such), but you can see it on replays. You really should ALWAYS have a Tomb of Relics done around 30 seconds after the hero, and never, NEVER let acolytes standing still unless it is the sixth acolyte. This sixth acolyte is usually used for scouting and to build stuff instead of taking an acolyte out of the mine.

You should start with the Death Knight. Yes, it is a powerhouse, why not to use it. And also, the DK is a standard choice among the UD players, so it is easy to learn seeing a DK than seeing lots of replays waiting for a Crypt Lord. Creeping should be done right after your Tomb of Relics is done (thats why it should be built fast, then you've got 30 lumber avaliable after your ziggurats and stuff), so you can buy a Rod of Necromancy and go creep even if you don't have any fiends, cause every second counts. Usually there are easy green camps to go just with the hero and the Rod (kill a critter close to your base for the skeletons), but if you are on nasty maps such as Goldshire, wait for a fiend. Don't EVER wait 6 fiends to start creeping, don't even make 6 fiends before ordering the teching unless you are rushing your enemy.

Learn how to micro and scout properly, do not let your units die. If focus fired, run the unit under attack, don't let they surround you. Use Coil when necessary. Also, after tier 2 is ready, make a Lich to help you (your DK should be at level 3 or something), and start the obsidian statuses. No other undead strat is so popular than this one, try it out. At tier 3 make destroyers, some abominations, and more fiends. Don't EVER forget to research web, do it when you see your enemy is getting air. If you spot a Bestiary or an Ancient of Wind, do it.

And, at last, people call you noob because you probably do rookie mistakes, such as taking so long to build units or creep, not helping your ally when attacked, building up too much towers, getting ruined versus Blademasters assaults, or even not going to attack with your ally when it is the right moment (sitting on your base waiting for time to run out). Try to be faster and be always doing something with your army and your base (use Control Groups, practice having them). Also, read the tutorials on this section.

Last thing: If you need to change your strategy because your enemy can easily counter you, do it. Do not insist on a strategy that will lose, always change units when necessary.

Hope I have helped.|||Very Impressive heavy workout!

bookmarked and b back l8er, bro, :-)


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